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Phill is very cheap and very high quality

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Make your own for about $1/lb maybe less. In my experience it is every bit as usable as the commercial stuff.

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Make your own for about $1/lb maybe less. In my experience it is every bit as usable as the commercial stuff.


This is true, however, consistency may be lacking. I'm just now reaching the last of the first large batch of home made dextrin. I've had great success with it but wondering if future home made will perform the same. Commercially made dex should eliminate that variable.

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I've never had problems with my homemade dextrin. I've had stars blow blind, hit the concrete and not take a scratch.
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As I have posted before when this subject comes up, the only problems I have had with homemade dextrin, were the objections of my wife from the smell while it was cooking. A 5lb tub of dextrin from Phil was worth every penny to avoid the complaints from her.

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Nater, that argument is absolutely bulletproof.
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