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Pyrotechnics Guide Released!

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Great site, I really like chemical search options . Definitely helpful for us novices.


I'm certain the iPhone not being able to see some thing's is compatibility issue. My church had the same issue with their new website a few years ago. They had to make some changes on how the data input boxes are displayed.


I wouldn't know the difference between German or Norwegian to be completely honest. I did get screenshots, but I can't upload files to APC from my phone, and I'm too lazy to transfer the images to my laptop and upload them that way. I did however do the next best thing and copy all of the text:




Serverfeil i programmet /.


Indeksen var utenfor området. Den må være ikke-negativ og mindre enn størrelsen på samlingen.

Parameternavn: index


Beskrivelse: Det oppstod et ubehandlet unntak under kjøring av gjeldende webforespørsel. Gå gjennom stakksporingen hvis du vil ha mer informasjon om feilen og hvor den oppstod i koden.


Unntaksdetaljer: System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException: Indeksen var utenfor området. Den må være ikke-negativ og mindre enn størrelsen på samlingen.

Parameternavn: index





Linje 37: {

Linje 38: //If the user upploaded a file

Linje 39: if(Request.Files[0].ContentLength > Settings.AvatarMaxFileSize)

Linje 40: {

Linje 41: Feedback += string.Format("The maximum file size for avatars is {0}kB", Settings.AvatarMaxFileSize/1024);


Kildefil: d:\Pyrotechnics Guide\Web page\User.cshtml Linje: 39





[ArgumentOutOfRangeException: Indeksen var utenfor området. Den må være ikke-negativ og mindre enn størrelsen på samlingen.

Parameternavn: index]

System.Collections.ArrayList.get_Item(Int32 index) +14677029

System.Collections.Specialized.NameObjectCollectionBase.BaseGet(Int32 index) +19

System.Web.HttpFileCollectionWrapper.get_Item(Int32 index) +21

ASP._Page_User_cshtml.Execute() in d:\Pyrotechnics Guide\Web page\User.cshtml:39

System.Web.WebPages.WebPageBase.ExecutePageHierarchy() +280

System.Web.WebPages.WebPage.ExecutePageHierarchy() +379

System.Web.WebPages.WebPageBase.ExecutePageHierarchy(WebPageContext pageContext, TextWriter writer, WebPageRenderingBase startPage) +181

System.Web.WebPages.WebPageHttpHandler.ProcessRequestInternal(HttpContextBase httpContext) +239


Great site, I really like chemical search options . Definitely helpful for us novices.


I'm certain the iPhone not being able to see some thing's is compatibility issue. My church had the same issue with their new website a few years ago. They had to make some changes on how the data input boxes are displayed.


Yeah, there's a problem with phones. I have the same problem on my SGS4. I'll put it on our todo list. Thanks :)


Thanks! I'll fix the problem in a few hours

No problem. Thanks.
Posted (edited)

The website should now work better with all kinds of phones



Edited by Sinken
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