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I made some Charcoal. its made from a mix of: Cherry, Maple, red maple, White oak, red oak, Hickory, possably other wood, but all hard woods/fruit trees.

I filled a coffiee can, put three tight layers of Aluminium foil on it, wrapped it tight with wire untill it was sealed. At one point you should have saw the jet of flame the shot out of it! easly a 3ft jet.


I had fun, I smell like Hickory, Mmm...

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Hooray, teh effects of teh storm have passed, and teh Internetz is alive. 1337!!!11!!!! Time to start noobing on Halo PC!!11!
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Hooray, teh effects of teh storm have passed, and teh Internetz is alive. 1337!!!11!!!! Time to start noobing on Halo PC!!11!



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What did you find? I am always on the lookout for part time work or jobs for my machine shop. One time, I got to work on some helicopter parts that were giving the maintainers fits, and about 2 hours of work netted $400! :D


Would you believe Tech Support, for the company that makes this Forum software? ;)

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I made some Charcoal. its made from a mix of: Cherry, Maple, red maple, White oak, red oak, Hickory, possably other wood, but all hard woods/fruit trees.

I filled a coffiee can, put three tight layers of Aluminium foil on it, wrapped it tight with wire untill it was sealed. At one point you should have saw the jet of flame the shot out of it! easly a 3ft jet.


I had fun, I smell like Hickory, Mmm...


Dang you should be smoking meat with that wood...LOL!

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I got plenty of it, over 14 cords of wood, cut, split, and seasoned. my papa has a wood stove.


I got plenty of woodchips for makeing charcoal, and feeding my smoker. Im thinking of making some liquid smoke with the next batch( it involves running a steel pipe from the sealed can, into a pot filled with steaming water, it merges with the steam on the lid, trickles down into the pot, and collects.



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By far the most crucial step is sending out culinary samples to various members here to judge your smoking ability. I personally volunteer to judge a competition between you and Richtee. I am going to need several samples from each for a thorough comparison. No flukes allowed, heh.
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By far the most crucial step is sending out culinary samples to various members here to judge your smoking ability. I personally volunteer to judge a competition between you and Richtee. I am going to need several samples from each for a thorough comparison. No flukes allowed, heh.

Now wait a min here... I'm not gonna validate liquid smoke by competing with it. Smoke onto food...no intermediary steps! ;)

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Let the final product speak for itself.

Heh... allright- but it's hardly fair. And the method he proposes might net as much creosote as the the "desirable" hydrocarbons. And it will be lacking a "smoke ring". Altho the KCBS has technically removed the ring criteria from judging, if you present ribs without one they WILL dock ya points.


I'll cure a half slab next time and send it. That way it's safe to ship. :{) "Hammy ribs" are pretty good..ask Mark!

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Screw Mumbles, send them to ME!


Err.... I mean..... umm.... be sure to send them to me first, so I can make sure they didn't spoil or anything. Yeah, that's the ticket!


I'll forward what's left of them to him. :whistle:



Kidding aside..... god those were good! I gave a sample to my next-door neighbor. She said she wants to have your children. ;)

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I'll have to wait on smoaking meats and such, I need time of formulate a good one. and get meat. Im thinking of a nice Chili brined Rack of ribs smoaked with Hickory. Or Some nice Carni Picada, rubbed with a mixture of Black Cardimon, and other various spices.


Or, I could Smoak some salmon,Oysters, clams, or soft shell crab(one of few ways i'll eat crab, exelent in sushi)


This is makeing me want to cook >.<

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This is makeing me want to cook >.<


Get to it. Yer gonna need the practice ;{)

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Naw, Been cooking sence 10-11 maby. I normaly Top desserts, Pastrys, and stuff that take time, practice, and love to make.


I've made some Seriously wicked Rosotto, and some wild breads, cookies, and pastas.



I like just going into a kitchen, and seeing whats there, then making due with what i have. I've been Cooking professonaly for four years now, and I got the position of Head Pastry Chef as the super's dinner (tickets start at $100+ each person, Or $1000+ per table(roughly $70 cheaper this way) Its hard work, four years planning(each class puts it on), and one night to exicute it. I've worked all three years i've been there at the dinner, in the bakery. We are doing Classic French/French Bistro this year. Hopefully pictures will follow, the dinner is in march, march 4th to be exact. as you see i love cooking, the same, if not more than Pyrtechnics.

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Sheeet. A little dive bar/restaurant hidden in a strip office block at the southern end of my small town makes food served on a paper plate that would rival anything served at a fancy-pants restaurant for $100/plate. If you want art, go to the museum. All that frilly sauce painting and colorful garnish is crap. BBQ at an upscale restaurant...plueeze. ;)
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Sheeet. A little dive bar/restaurant hidden in a strip office block at the southern end of my small town makes food served on a paper plate that would rival anything served at a fancy-pants restaurant for $100/plate. If you want art, go to the museum. All that frilly sauce painting and colorful garnish is crap. BBQ at an upscale restaurant...plueeze. ;)



You said it! Fufu food with no soul..No good..Period! Put up two table's, One with real food..I.E (Rib's and Pork butt) And one with girly fufu stuff...Invite everyone in for a free meal..Guess what table will have all the people standing in line? B) Not nocking fufu food..But give me pork fat running down my shirt any day..Over trying to figure out how to eat a baby carrot with whale sperm and flower's. :o Just fun'in ya..But for my happy post, It got me in the mood..So I think ima go start the burn now...Hmmm? Apple with a hint of hickory?

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You said it! Fufu food with no soul..No good..Period! Put up two table's, One with real food..I.E (Rib's and Pork butt) And one with girly fufu stuff...Invite everyone in for a free meal..Guess what table will have all the people standing in line? B) Not nocking fufu food..But give me pork fat running down my shirt any day..Over trying to figure out how to eat a baby carrot with whale sperm and flower's. :o Just fun'in ya..But for my happy post, It got me in the mood..So I think ima go start the burn now...Hmmm? Apple with a hint of hickory?

I got nothing against--nay I admire and respect the more technical end of the culinary arts, and aspire to some of those lofty heights myself, applying many ideas, techniques and such as often as I can/have opportunity for. I am not a professional however. I would not mind being one, but it would be in a "down to earth" type venue. I despise carrots and whale sperm myself ;{)


Apple and a hint of hickory... NICE :{) I am really hung up on pecan as of late. Damn good flavor, and mild enough for the more delicate smokes- even fish if used lightly.

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I got nothing against--nay I admire and respect the more technical end of the culinary arts, and aspire to some of those lofty heights myself, applying many ideas, techniques and such as often as I can/have opportunity for. I am not a professional however. I would not mind being one, but it would be in a "down to earth" type venue. I despise carrots and whale sperm myself ;{)


Apple and a hint of hickory... NICE :{) I am really hung up on pecan as of late. Damn good flavor, and mild enough for the more delicate smokes- even fish if used lightly.



Hey I hear ya..Infact..I started out with the fufu stuff..Dont tell anyone..(but I still enjoy it time to time) But..over time..I have settled on the brute basic's of smoked meat..It's basic..But far from simple..Oh how I wish I was a "pro" That would be a dream come true..But alas..Just some country boy, born and raised in the oilpatch..Was really thinking about doing the whole oilfield catering thing..But was to tied up with work..Then I got hurt..Had my back opened up..Now that Im ready to work again..There is no work! lol Now here I am thinking about going to the CIA or alike..Kinda like Twotail's..But been reading alot lately..That there is a serious glut of people trying to be cook's right now..And they only want people with year's under there belt..Not counting school..You know?? Montana does not have very good BBQ joint's..So that's just another thing to chase..But sadly where it's really easy to get my wood..(oklahoma) Where I have a house and small farm aswell..There's a BBQ place on every corner! Ironic..Just cant win! lol..Wait! I have an idea! Maybe I could just sale hickory..pecan..and Devil's tree (aka mesquite) To people up here? Yike's my ADHD kicking in! :P

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I made them awile back, Mussles in a Thick Hearty Tomato sauce (although it was way more than just tomatos, i used over 2 bottles of good red wine, Gallo Farms Merlot i think.) I used two pounds fresh mussles, and made 1 gal+ sauce served with pasta.


I dont like seafood, but they were to die for.

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OHHH MAN! I love em..If you ever make em...And dont want them..Send em my way! Ever had them smoked? Not out of the can smoked..But home smoked?
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Maybe I could just sale hickory..pecan..and Devil's tree (aka mesquite) To people up here? Yike's my ADHD kicking in! :P

There's good money in that if you have the equipment. Up here in Michigan you can make $500 for 4 face chords of split hickory at some of the better restaurants. Makes one good oven fired pizza. Other types of wood are going for ~$65 a face, which is still decent money.

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There's good money in that if you have the equipment. Up here in Michigan you can make $500 for 4 face chords of split hickory at some of the better restaurants. Makes one good oven fired pizza. Other types of wood are going for ~$65 a face, which is still decent money.

Hickory, pecan, mesquite (which I do not care for) command good money here. We can trade apple, maple and other fruitwoods not so common in the South.


On a site I mod at (www.smoked-meat.com) we often "trade" wood. Now, the stickburner guys (The BIG rigs) this is impractical, but for the smaller smokers, chunks work well. And a med. flat rate box can hold upwards of 20 lbs. for 10 shipping.


Perhaps these posts should be moved to the "Recipe/Cookin'" thread, as they seem to be eliciting quite a few responses?

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