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My papa is a diabetic, He uses humalog, and other stuff. those medicens just happen to come in a small 10cc( i think, not sure) glass ampule. I've asked him to save the bottles for me ( i can pry off the metal band, wash it out, and store small quantitys of rare/expensive metals and chemicals in them) he said i'll get about 4 per month., so im happy about that.



Also, it seems i need a permit to buy black powder ( goex ect) he has a black powder rifle, and said he'l pick up some black powderd for me, so i dont have to go out and get my permits right away.

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All they've ever asked me for was a drivers licence. 21+ and all that. Commercial BP is so expensive unless you buy in bulk anyway. Much more worth it to make it.
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Woohoooo! New lortone should be here in a day or two! Rest in piece's old one! You where a good soldier...But out with the old..And in with the new! :D
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or figure out how to make a tripline-activated fuse for a rather large ground-salute.......



I have done something kinda like this and wont be doing it agian cause it isnt fun. Just modify a party popper.....

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In good ol Mass, It seems you need a "powder" permit. I'll just be using it for lift, cuz at the shop i was at it was $24.99 a cotainer ( not sure how much was in it, She was giving be a dirty look, as if to say get out of my shop)
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My papa is a diabetic, He uses humalog, and other stuff. those medicens just happen to come in a small 10cc( i think, not sure) glass ampule. I've asked him to save the bottles for me ( i can pry off the metal band, wash it out, and store small quantitys of rare/expensive metals and chemicals in them) he said i'll get about 4 per month., so im happy about that.



Also, it seems i need a permit to buy black powder ( goex ect) he has a black powder rifle, and said he'l pick up some black powderd for me, so i dont have to go out and get my permits right away.


I'm not sure why, but I've always found glass ampoules to be cool. As if it MUST contain something sensitive, precious, expensive, etc. They are actually pretty easy to make with a test tube or some other glass tubing, and a torch. The trick is to make it look nice, and not look like a glass turd. Then, you score it around the neck with a diamond file, and it's ready to break open.

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I have to admit it's always fun to use ampules in the laboratory. Then again, they always contain something like triflic anhydride or worse. Luckily the only ones I've had to work with are deuterated DMSO. That stuff absorbs water so fast it's not even funny.
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I have to admit it's always fun to use ampules in the laboratory. Then again, they always contain something like triflic anhydride or worse. Luckily the only ones I've had to work with are deuterated DMSO. That stuff absorbs water so fast it's not even funny.



I have a bottle of DMSO on my work bench, Its not the denatured stuff (i think) I bought it becouse its relitivly Non-Toxic(although easly absorbed through skin) of storing plant specimens at or under 10F, with little damage to the plant by ice cryistals. I dont know why i realy wanted it, but its 99% pure, and smells. It evaporates slower than water, and it interesting, although it decomposes to form Formaldihyde(SP?) vapors(i think) and other stuff i cant remember.

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I had to dissolve chemicals in deuterated DMSO in the H-NMR room. That stuff is incredibly expensive. On a side note, anyone was laughing about the label, as it apparently was produced by a company called Gaylord :P .
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Twotails, you do not have deuterated DMSO. Deuterated is not denatured. Denatured means made unfit for human consumption, such as denatured alcohol. Deuterated means all the hydrogen nuclei are replaced with deuterium to NMR studies.


Oh yes, I hear you on the expense of d6-DMSO. I think we paid like $90 for 6 small vials. Why they give you more than enough for 1 NMR experiment per vial I will never know. I guess it's a good business plan. I will check the manufacturer tomorrow though.

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my bad, read that wrong >.< I saw denatured, now i feel stupid.
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Had a great time at MPAG last weekend. Just finished uploading the video of some of the better footage I was able to snag off the B line:


The real show was at the C line that night. Some incredible displays went up as part of a 4'x8' competition. There was also an unlimited competition, for which there was only one competitor. Regardless, it was an absolutely incredible show. Flat out unbelievable that it was done with all 1.4. I'll do my best on editing a video together of it, but I fear I'll have to replace the audio due to annoying volume swings on my camera.

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wow! great video!!! I loved the shell of shells! But I am almost done with my 3.5" can shell. It weighs 656.3g right now(with the spiking on the outside, so no first outer wrap). It's 3 rows of 3/4" D1 crossettes(first time using them and i hope they work) which is 26 of them total. It also includes a 40g(50/50 KClO4/MgAl flash) bottom shot with 5g titanium sponge(this will be my favorite part =D ) Can't wait!!!
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I have 2 questions


1. What would prompt you to make such an esoteric shell size.

2. How does 26 divide by 3?


Also, why such a small bottom shot?

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I have 2 questions


1. What would prompt you to make such an esoteric shell size.

2. How does 26 divide by 3?


Also, why such a small bottom shot?

I would assume he plans to fire it out of a 4" mortar, and 3.5" is the size before spiking and pasting...Maybe. You got me on the math, that's a tough one ;)

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8 and 2/3 of a crossette..... sheesh, how hard was THAT??? dur da durrrrr..... Edited by RUUUUUN
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No one worth their salt refers to the actual ID of the shell, rather the nominal diameter of the mortar the shell is fired from. Besides 11 .75" comets fit per ring in a 4" shell (3.5" ID).
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Maybe he only has a 3.5 inch tube accessible? I can't imagine he could make the arguement that he ran the exterior ballistics on the shell and 3.48756290" was the precise size for the perfect shell with everything he wanted in it so he rounded up to 3.5" (that might make him worth his salt....) Edited by RUUUUUN
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actually its 2 rows of 9 and one row of 8(i was one short so i used a 3/4" rocket tube piece to take its spot) It's 3.5" because i have a tube of that size ant it has a 3/8" wall. The bottom shot i think should be fine, its 3" by 3" and it went straight into the shell. I took some pictures of the building process so ill be able to show you. Thanks
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I was mostly kidding about the bottom shot. I feel like if you're already using that much, you might as well pack as much in there as you can. Maybe Mg/KClO4 is less dense than 70:30, but I can pack upwards of a pound of it into a 3" bottom shot (2.5" ID). Thats not normal though.
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If this shell works, then im sure i will go big on my next bottom shot. But since this is my first time trying it, i figured i wouldn't put too much in, but i still packed it in pretty hard. Also there are only 23 crossettes, i dont know why i thought 26. So 2 rows of 8 and 1 row of 7(with the tube taking the other spot). Ill get the photos up after school. later Edited by KruseMissile
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I would like to know also, Maby theres a simmiler sorce near me.
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