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Generally a lathe is either wood or metal. I've never heard of one that does both (or that is intended to do both anyway).


They are easy to tell apart. A wood lathe will have a rest that you put various shaped tools on and move around by hand. A metal lathe will have a tool post that you clamp tools into and then you move them by spinning handles.


Wood lathes aren't built for accuracy the way metal lathes are, you can turn up formers or mortar bases where +/-3mm isn't too big a deal, but they aren't ideal for tooling.


Personally, I think that metal lathes are nicer to work with, and the skills aren't really transferable (other than "don't take too much in one pass") so if your plan is to start on wood and work your way up to metal, I would skip the wood.





You *can* turn wood on a metal lathe, but it makes a godawful mess and you have to to clean the sawdust off all oil-protected surfaces or they will rust (the sawdust wicks off the protective oil). Wood lathes are mostly open space, which makes cleaning-up the wood chips pretty easy.

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SON OF a F&%#$*NG B*(CH !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


I don'y know if I should post here or in the depression thread!!


I have been looking for my $500 camera's charger for over 3 months, and today while looking for some sticky notes, I found it in my dads electronic crap drawer....


SW do you have any smiley's that are exploding or burning??? I need one.

Needles to say my 4th July videos are on their way!!

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Good Day of building at NightHawkInLight's place. I always learn a lot from him. I finished my first 3" canister shell today with his help. That sucker is so snug in the mortar that it should make it into the stratosphere! Still didn't feel as productive as I could've been, but that's what only getting an hour of sleep will do to ya...


On an unrelated note:

So the key to life is...drinking?!?!


I've never been much into booze, but apparently there are a lot of people that would love to drink with me (perhaps they think I'm funny or somethin). I even had a girl offer to buy me drinks yesterday. I just think it's funny how some people are so responsive to that one particular activity of downing CH3CH2OH and seemingly nothing else. Granted, a lot of my friends are just turning 21, so maybe that's all that's going on here. Since I'm 23 and still haven't done any serious drinkin, they think they have to break ME in, lol.


I just don't understand why drinking seems to be synonymous with having a social life, at least in some circles. Can't we just sit around a bonfire and tell lame jokes or something?


</confused about life>


In my mind the answer to life, the universe and everything is and ALWAYS will be 42.

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Yes, and 42 is the number of beers that should be consumed in a weekend. It all really makes sense if you think about it.


I don't know what it is. Perhaps family upbringing, the social climate around which I live, or the proud history of my ancestors, drinking has always been a part of my life. I love most any type of alcohol (gin excluded). Despite what I may come across on the forum, I am a pretty shy guy in person. Maybe it is the relaxation I generally associate with beer, but I am much more social and friendly when I have a few in me.

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Hmmm... Maybe that's why my friends want me to drink. They love the random one-liners I always add to the conversation, but probably can't stand how socially awkward and nervous I am...SO, they think I'll be more epic whilst drunk :). They are probably right too...
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Good Day of building at NightHawkInLight's place.


Man, I really need to join a club and find some pyro buddies in the area.

I'm all alone :mellow:

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In my mind the answer to life, the universe and everything is and ALWAYS will be 42.


I thought it would all become clear at 42. And it din't...so I had another drink. Cheers! \_/

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The only thing i like to drink is triple sec, becouse i love to cook with it also.
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To this day, I find myself being anti-social without a few drinks in me. I envy people who can make clever small talk any time of the day. I grew up painfully shy and you can't leave that behind. With 3 drinks, I am genuinely witty and clever - it isn't the booze talking. With 6 drinks, I THINK I'm clever, but the reality is I'm simply being stupid.


It's a fine line to walk. You work up to the "social buzz" zone, and try to maintain it, but avoid going into the "idiot" region of alcohol consumption.


I've been pretty successful... it has been decades since I've had a genuine hangover from too much booze. But it takes training in your early 20's to find that zone and not cross it! ;)

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Yes, and 42 is the number of beers that should be consumed in a weekend. It all really makes sense if you think about it.

Haha, ah that's funny. Had me rollin for a second there.


Yep, good time all around building with FF. It always gets me up and going on things I would otherwise never have the will power to build.


Happiness for today was in finishing up all but the pasting on my 5" multibreak. If all goes as planned, it will be three breaks:


1 Silver/Purple/TT burst to Purple/TT 1.5" insert ring

2 Purple/TT burst

3 TT to 1/2" Mg salute ring, 17 of em if I remember correctly.


Wish I would have included a bottom shot in there, but wow was it ever enough work already. Maybe in the next one. It's also likely I won't include so many inserts, what a PITA those are to make.


On a less happy note, the groundhog I've been at war with broke into my workshop again last night, this time running off with my entire tangled mess of black match! As well as a baggie of baking soda...Any guess is as good as another to what he wants with that...So now I have to make more black match before fusing my shells. Maybe I'll just bring my shells to the MPAG shoot Saturday unfused and bum some QM off the C guys setting up displays. Whatever.


The happy part of that mess is that my mind is now set on the groundhogs utter destruction. It's only a matter of time :whistle:

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have you tried setting a trap for it? Do you plan on catching and releasing it or getting rid of it?
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have you tried setting a trap for it? Do you plan on catching and releasing it or getting rid of it?

I have not. I have a perfect trap for the job, but it is being borrowed at the moment. I have several other DIY traps in my arsenal, but they would be a pain to set in the locations desired. I will not be releasing it. It has been caught and released once before by another individual who thought there was enough property that it would not damage anything. As a result all the aforementioned has occurred, as well as the inevitable destruction of a concrete floor due to the groundhog burrowing straight under it. The floor will be lucky to survive a month in the current weather.

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You can throw smokebombs in it that release toxic gases, so it will suffocate in the burrow/hole. Just make sure you have a rock to cover the entrance. Or drown it with water and if it comes up shoot it with a pellet gun. This is stuff i do to gophers at my house lol.
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The only problem with killing them in their holes is the stench of the rotting corpse coming up from all those cleverly burrowed tunnels. A gopher is not too bad..a groundhog is a bit larger.
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On a less happy note, the groundhog I've been at war with broke into my workshop again last night, this time running off with my entire tangled mess of black match! As well as a baggie of baking soda...Any guess is as good as another to what he wants with that...So now I have to make more black match before fusing my shells. Maybe I'll just bring my shells to the MPAG shoot Saturday unfused and bum some QM off the C guys setting up displays. Whatever.


OMG, LOL!!!!


That is just too funny!!! Hang on a sec, I have to go change my underwear..... OK, I can see the headlines, "Man found in shed with groundhog in his hands, poisoned by smoke bombs. Neighbors called the authorities after a very beautiful multi-break shell was seen bursting in the back yard. Apparently, there was no bottom shot."



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I've had a few pests, 2 gophers i hit with shovels, another one one a i crammed a large Steel fountin onto his hole, and the last one, Hehehe, Well, Lets say im out of crackling microstars ( 1/2lb of micro stars placed deep down into the hole, in a plastic bag, set off with a model rocket ignighter) I think he is dead.


I hate varments.

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I wonder if the gopher will go for some Methanol.... Or some poisoned food (paris green?...Barium Nitrate?). Obviously making sure that the door isn't open so no pets can find their way in...
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I wonder if the gopher will go for some Methanol.... Or some poisoned food (paris green?...Barium Nitrate?). Obviously making sure that the door isn't open so no pets can find their way in...

Perhaps a large potassium dichromate crystal surrounded by peanut butter. I'll try a few things of that sort and if there's no luck I'll wait on the return of my trap. I've tried just shooting the thing, but I only ever see him running into a hole in my barn before I can raise a gun. That hole just comes out the other side of the wall, I'm yet to find his place of residence.

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Yeh, I'm feeling what FF said. Some BaNO3 in some peanut butter; or figure out how to make a tripline-activated fuse for a rather large ground-salute.......

You might be able to drive it out by having a good 10 ft fuse on a long whistle fountain. Drop it all the way in, light the fuse, and wait for him to come running out. Then pop 'im off with the 22.

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Yeh, I'm feeling what FF said. Some BaNO3 in some peanut butter; or figure out how to make a tripline-activated fuse for a rather large ground-salute.......

You might be able to drive it out by having a good 10 ft fuse on a long whistle fountain. Drop it all the way in, light the fuse, and wait for him to come running out. Then pop 'im off with the 22.


Here is a story from passfire:


My son showed up last night with a pocket full of the little confetti cans where you pull the string and the can blows confetti out the end.


He showed them to me and asked if we could use these to launch rockets, of course I immediately said that, "No, it wouldn't be hot enough to light a motor." Taking after me way too much, he asked again if it would light anything at all.... Off the the shed we go!


I took the can apart and pulled the friction part out of the plastic and studied it. 1/8" x 1" of paper with a string coming out one end. Seems harmless enough. I took a spent insert from a cake (3/4" x 2") with one end plugged with clay with a 1/16" hole. I fed the string through the hole and out the back and filled the tube with whistle. I glued a disk to the other end and tied the string into a loop.


We took a spool of kite string with and headed down to the river. Finding a nice sized tree branch crotch, I wedged the little can into it and tied the kite string to the loop and played it out to the full 300'.


After telling my son that what we were doing was not a good idea but that I was taking all safety precautions and that it would be -BOOM!!!- Both of us almost crapped our pants as the string was ripped from my hands. Looking up, a 4 pointer crossed between us and the can pulling the string. The boom sent the deer straight toward us!


Luckily, he took a hard right about 100' feet from us and was gone just like that. My son and I just starred at each other with our jaws open not believing what we just witnessed.


"Cool" Was the only word we said as we slinked back to the house. That's my story, and I'm sticking to it.



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-BOOM!!!- Both of us almost crapped our pants as the string was ripped from my hands. Looking up, a 4 pointer crossed between us and the can pulling the string.


Just never know, do ya? Expect all the unexpected you can and live long and prosper ;{)

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The cow got pneumonia, and I get the syringes. Hooray for star pumps ^_^ Edited by TheEskimo
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