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Where on earth did you get that swede?!!


Can you get a hold of any more?!

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Seymour, that is evil, paying as little as you did! The annoying thing is that slightly crude nitric is consumed in vast quantities in industry, whereas the stuff we tend to buy is lab grade, and the price difference between the two is huge.


I am more excited about the lead nitrate than the other reagents. I probably should have bought more. Lead nitrate is used in large quantities in the lead dioxide plating process, and for a long time, chemsavers had a really good deal, but their prices really went up about 8 months ago. Nitric acid is also used in this process, but not in such vast quantities.


The order has not arrived yet. I expected this because their web site had a 17 day backorder on the nitric acid; plus, I'm certain there is going to be delays due to the HAZMAT process. The other stuff arrived. Five pounds of balsa charcoal is a cube about 2 feet per side, and that is when it's compacted! It's super-fluffy stuff. And the immersion heater looks good.

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  • 2 weeks later...

So for once I decided to go to school *under the influence of drugs*. :whistle: I know ,I know but I'm no pothead, and no offence to those who are!

So after lunch my first class is chemistry , I'm taking it late in my school carrer b/c i decided to play it safe and take easier science classes first ensurring I get to graduate with good credits. So I walk into class and just sit down , not take any notes for once and so on.


We start doing a pre-lab, the Lab is called Metal colors, and the teacher starts to write a chemical formula on the board, K..N...O...3. I suddenly get a little jolt. Then I look at the pre-lab- these are the reagents I'm working with tomorrow:










So I get kind of spooked, Ba and Pb nitrates are supposed to be pretty evil stuff so I hope he gives us some safety equipment. Then we get a sheet where we are supposed to write down formulas and names of the chemicals, and for future work the color each one produces over a burner. I start writing everything down with out knowing my teacher is behind me. I'm writing like on a type writer without even glancing at the book, all the reagents arranged by color, color listed etc. I was done with the whole sheet before other students had even written two things down, then once done I turn around and see my teacher just looking at and my paper as if I had just proven Einstein wrong. Then he walks over and tells me in an amused/slightly afraid/trembling voice and says we were not suppose to write down the colors and notices I had written the chemicals in a ROYGBIV order and says "Looks like you've done this stuff before." . Then I just sat there giggling with my partner[also high]. Probably the only time I actually regretted smoking at all. Still a fun day though.


I'm still considering getting a bit of the Ba,Pb,Cu and Sr nitrates, idunno though. Don't really want to get caught..... <_<


Should be a pretty cool lab, I bet my teacher would flip if I shot a SrNO3/Mg star across the class made with the reagents..... :lol:

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Lithium nitrate makes you pretty happy, but nobody knows why :P . Just wear gloves and a dust mask if your salts are in fine powdered form. Lancaster has some nice colored Mg based stars with nitrate salts, they are on Passfire but my account expired.
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Lawl, Ventsi :lol: . I saw somwhere on here that SrNO3 is an apataric?spelling? Anyways, it'll make you sleepy if you eat some of it.
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A quick follow up.


As usual the lab was disappointing, we only had a gram or two of each chemical and they were all in solution so unless we had had AgNO3 I didn't bother, and we didn't.


Pretty interesting, though safety was a joke. Safety glasses and tie your hair back for the ladies. No ventilation from the Pb and Ba salts and I was feeling pretty

light headed, oh well.


One of the questins was ,

If you had to guess, which of the chemicals would be used in fireworks to produce the following colors: Green, Blue, Red,Yellow?


Oh yeah!

Even though Cu had a green flame and the Ba had a yellow one , I put what I know was correct and I am ready to defend my ground if he says i got it wrong. ;)

Edited by Ventsi
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I thought it was lithium carbonate that was used pharmaceutically. It's thought that it might increase the permeability of some neurons to seretonin the last time I heard.
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Got my package!

1lb Sodium salicylate

1lb sodium oxalate

1 lb copper oxychloride

1lb potassium benzoate

1lb copper oxide black

1lb lampblack

1lb ammonium perchlorate

1lb SRGS

1lb boric acid

1 lb cryolite

1lb barium nitrate

1lb sodium nitrate

5lbs potassium perchlorate

1lb strontium nitrate

1lb barium carbonate

5lbs rubber makers sulfur

Pretty much have everything i need to make anything :) Good feeling.

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The order has not arrived yet. I expected this because their web site had a 17 day backorder on the nitric acid; plus, I'm certain there is going to be delays due to the HAZMAT process. The other stuff arrived. Five pounds of balsa charcoal is a cube about 2 feet per side, and that is when it's compacted! It's super-fluffy stuff. And the immersion heater looks good.



Don't get your hopes up Swede, I placed an order just after I read your post, 15 days later they said the whole order was canceled because they had discontinued ALL the items I had ordered.


The website says they still have nitric acid last I checked so on Tuesday maybe I'll call them and order via phone...

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Finally. Located a place in my area that carries KNO3 in bulk. Picking up a 50 lb sack on Wednesday. That's going to be one really big smoke bomb.
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I've been PM'ing a lot of guys recently, and in the last week, my ability to respond has really slowed. I apologize for using the forum as a kind of "mass PM", but in this case, I have an excuse. My oldest daughter tied the knot Saturday, and the lead-up to the ceremony was one of intense activity. I've already put up a pic of her when she was commissioned 2Lt in the U.S. Army. She had been dating a young man for about three years, and made it official in an outdoor wedding at the local Botanical Gardens.


Yes, I am the old guy next to the exquisite beauty. Less than 30 minutes prior to this picture, I was in shorts, a T-shirt, pouring sweat while single-handedly moving a large number of steel folding chairs for the ceremony.


Single men on the prowl, eat your heart out. One less on the market. :lol:



The lucky dude is going to be a chinook pilot. Most fathers of daughters cannot imagine anyone "good enough," but in this case, he is... a true gentleman and overall nice guy.




I have some electrode stuff to get out, and many PM's to answer, so I appreciate the understanding on my slowness in this case. I slept half the day Sunday, a bit hung over for the first time in years, and am starting to function a bit! ;)

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Yes, I am the old guy next to the exquisite beauty. Less than 30 minutes prior to this picture, I was in shorts, a T-shirt, pouring sweat while single-handedly moving a large number of steel folding chairs for the ceremony.


Single men on the prowl, eat your heart out. One less on the market. :lol:


We have more in common I see...me trying not to cry walking the dau up the asile last month...And CONGRATS!


Edited by Richtee
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Wow, you two are OLD.


*ducks and runs* :whistle:



Kidding aside, congratulations to both you AND your daughters. Sounds like they both caught "keepers".


Light a few in their honor. :)



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Lawl...which one of you is the airline pilot? Both of you look like 'em...Middle aged, fairly spry, and with a big moustache :P

Anyways, congratz--Now you can start using up yer retirement money without the kids interfering what with college payments, gas money, etc.

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Congratulations to both of you. You guys of course just simultaneously crushed my dreams of converting to polygamy, getting 2 pretty wives, one FIL to make me chlorate and the other to make me meat items.
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I have been wondering where you have been Swede! From one Swede to another, congrats! I married my oldest off three years ago and only have five left to go!


Yes.... I am an old coot too :P



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Richtee... well done, bro'. I never realized how much work there was in pulling off a wedding.


Thanks guys. And Dave, FIVE daughters??!! Yow... I thought I had mass estrogen issues in my house. :P


All I really needed to pull it off completely were a few salutes, but the botanical gardens would have had my rear in a sling. If salutes are out of the question, I'm thinking a few mines or fountains, suitably placed well behind the couple as they turn to face the audience, would be cool.


"Standby.... standby... 'You may kiss the bride' NOW!" BOOM-WHOOSH, etc.


I'll bet there have been a few PGI weddings with some awesome effects.


Back to reality now. Thanks for the warm wishes, and Richtee, congrats to your beauty as well.

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Congrats again and Congrats. Wow, so that's what Rich looks like teary-eyed :). This thread is making me feel super young.


My happiness of the day...I PASSED O-CHEM! Barely... 1.3 on the 4. scale.

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