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Totally off topic I know. Been thinking of my holidays again. Turkey again, bit of real sun for a change Found out that property in turkey is really cheap. Especially as disneyland is being built there. Never been to Disneyland - has to be excellent for the kids. Anyone have experience?
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I bought a flightcase for my guitarstuff today for way less than it is worth. It's 5 HE high, has back rails, extra deep covers and cost me only 50 euro's. New it would have been at least four times as expensive, so I'm a happy guy now.



Would love to learn how to play guitar any tips you can offer? Mates can all play wind and percussion. Tried strings is there a quicker way to learn?

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Find yourself a decent teacher and practise a lot :) . Diciplin in practising is also crucial, but I rather practise 10 times 10 minutes than 100 minutes at once. Also, keep up your motivation. Play for a reason, i.e. to develop yourself, to enjoy the playing itself.


To prevent this post from being fully off topic, I'm finally done drilling 400+ holes in a PCB. It's probably the most expensive piece of electronics I've ever made so far, but it's gonna be worth it.

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Bidding on a Sten magazine, not cheap but I doubt I'll ever get another chance :)
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Just something to be happy again....after about 3 years of not touching any energetic materials I just witnessed the power of what 25g of mannitol hexanitrate will do to a broken laptop.....which is disintegrate it. This simple det has lifted my mood a little bit and made me remember how fun the hobby of pyro and HE is. It also renewed my respect for high order explosives or any combustible thing for that matter. It amazes me the power of what an ounce of nitrated sugar substitute can do. Especially when it has a VOD of 8000+m/s. So its good to know that through the hardships of life there are moments of occasional happines like watching a laptop disintegrate or watching a shell burst in the air raining out color.....ok thats enough of the rant for now
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  • 2 weeks later...
My mom bought some product for her hair "Ms. Kay dioxygen liquid developer" it is pure 35% hydrogen peroxide....for $10 a PINT. Woohoo!
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Got a few treats today such as 100# of food grade corn starch, 50 pounds of flax seed meal (could not say no---cremora maybe?), and the crown jewel which is a make shift case former for 8" whatcha call its!
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'tis my Birthday. Now I have a camera and a Paulownia tree. Time to plant it so I can cut it down.
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Don't cut it down. Just make cuttings and start a paulownia forest. Of course there will be mandatory yearly trimming.
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Tree of heaven always seemed to be the ultimate charcoal tree to me, since a new tree will grow up from the existing root system.. It's not as fast as paulownia (or balsa) but it will grow back ridiculously fast!
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Brilliant Seymour, Happy birthday. Speaking of paulownia, I have an endless supply, my dad planted about 20 on our property 10 years ago, but nearly all are still alive, and those that weren't are now charcoal. But I found a property with about 200 dead Paulownia trees, talked to to owner and now I can take as many as I want whenever I want :D

What type of camera is it?

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I just got my 3lbs of dark flake Aluminuim yesterday, and am very happy :P I have been making Nitrate flash for the very first time.


After being a full on pyro for atleast a year now, I have never touched flash untill now, and its great and I'm glad I have waited till now to do so, cause I have learnt so much.


Anyway I made a few Polumnas with atleast 1g in each and I lit one and it was the loudest thing I have ever heard, even louder then any 3" shells I have brocken, and after I lit it and went back inside, I heard another cracker go off somewhere else (not mine, lol) and I dont live in a street, I live on the farm, lol the sound was huge :D .


I love Australia :P

Edited by TrueBluePyro
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I I heard another cracker go off somewhere else (not mine, lol) and I dont live in a street, I live on the farm, lol the sound was huge :D .


I love Australia :P


Just beware and becareful. I miss it, but am not able to continue due to L.E. Sigh.

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Some of you might have read in the occasional depression thread that I got fired a few weeks back, well I wasn't as bummed out about it as I should have been since I despised that place. Well, update. Got a new job, it's not a full-time job but I seem to get more work then there are hours in a day and the best part is, I have double the salary compared to my old job. :D
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Just beware and becareful. I miss it, but am not able to continue due to L.E. Sigh.


Dont worrie, I was at my grandma's and she deosnt live on as much land as I do, if I did this at my house...NO ONE would here it but me and my family and anyone else on the farm at the time.


And I feel sorry for you mate, I would hate to not be able to do pyro, and thanks for telling me to be careful mate, and I try to be aware, most of the time ;) .

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Don't cut it down. Just make cuttings and start a paulownia forest. Of course there will be mandatory yearly trimming.


due to domestic pressures I'm only allowed the one tree, however the act of cutting it down will be one of coppicing it. I get to turn most of the tree in to charcoal, and it will promptly start growing not one, but several new trunks!


Brilliant Seymour, Happy birthday. Speaking of paulownia, I have an endless supply, my dad planted about 20 on our property 10 years ago, but nearly all are still alive, and those that weren't are now charcoal. But I found a property with about 200 dead Paulownia trees, talked to to owner and now I can take as many as I want whenever I want biggrin2.gif

What type of camera is it?


When I get myself land for me factory, I'll plant out a large grove!!


Camera is a Lumix DMC-TZ15, for those who know what that means!


I just got my 3lbs of dark flake Aluminuim yesterday, and am very happy tongue2.gif


Indeed! Good times!


Some of you might have read in the occasional depression thread that I got fired a few weeks back, well I wasn't as bummed out about it as I should have been since I despised that place. Well, update. Got a new job, it's not a full-time job but I seem to get more work then there are hours in a day and the best part is, I have double the salary compared to my old job. biggrin2.gif


:D More time AND more money for pyro!!

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Some folks were maintaining some black willows around here in February, and I scored a nice piece of wood for free. About a month later, being today, I cut it up and charred a part of it. Then I let the meat grinder go wild on it and got a nice bag of black dust and chips, ready to be made into kick-ass black powder. I just can't wait to start my ball mill :D .


Also, I got a box loaded with high quality Alpha potentiometers yesterday for some guitar ampifier projects I'm doing. Those things will last decades where other brands will give cracking noises or no sound at all after several years. They're not even that expensive, just over an euro a piece. Now I just have to wait for some 12AX7 vacuum tubes and PCB mounted noval sockets, and I'm ready to fire it up (and make the walls shake).


In case there is a guitarist reading this, I'm building a Mesa 2:50 clone and a heavily modded Soldano SLO 100 preamp, both housed in a separate 19" casing. Building it yourself saves you about 60% of the costs.

Edited by Miech
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Camera is a Lumix DMC-TZ15, for those who know what that means!


I'd looked at that model camera when I was in the market a few months ago, but I can't remember if I couldn't find sample HD videos from it, or if they were the ones that looked like scaled up 848x480 video. I'd love to check out a test video if you want to send one.


I ended up buying the Samsung NV24HD, which also does 1280x720 30fps video, in h.264 format! I can put almost 3 hours of video on an 8 gig card... If I have enough batteries. Pretty good video too, it really picks up the spark trails from rockets.

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Finally loaded Dark Forces on my new computer using Dosbox! Yes, the doom-era star wars FPS game featuring epic levels, exotic star wars weapons and unquestionably awesome MIDI soundtracks. Kyle Katarn will soon be blasting his way through an army of stormtroopers, imperial officers, dianogas, probe droids, scary slasher-bots, and god knows how many ugly sentient creatures throwing heavily pixelated exposives & axes in synchrony with the glitchy star wars MIDI music tracks.


Oh yeah, that's the only problem with dosbox. The sound goes crazy on me every once in a while (meaning every few seconds).


I'm still shocked how easily the thing ran in dosbox, and I didn't need a soundcard emulator...at least to get the sound mostly functional.


Of course, now I'm tempted to load Win 95 on one of my old computers... and use it for classic games...

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In case there is a guitarist reading this, I'm building a Mesa 2:50 clone and a heavily modded Soldano SLO 100 preamp, both housed in a separate 19" casing. Building it yourself saves you about 60% of the costs.


Mmmmm, nice... at this rate it'll be years before I get my hands on any Mesa goodies, clones or not


Please post pics when you're finished.

Edited by optimus
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Ah DOS games, old times :D


I'm currently playing Dune, Golden Axe and Quest for Glory 4. Playing also Transport Tycoon, but it has a windows version.


DOSBox doesn't work nicely on everything. There are spikes on many games.

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Heh. Every time I hear something like this I get the urge to see if my Atari ST still works : )


Much better than pissing around with emulators, although I haven't heard of this DOSbox - is it actually any good?

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DOSBox can work well. I found I had to adjust the CPU cycles (F11/F12?) settings to get some games to run smoothly. Ahhh, the days of extended vs. expanded memory, screwing with your Soundblaster interrupt request, and editing Autoexec.bat and config.sys files.


You should check out www.abandonia.com They have many older, copyright expired DOS games for free (legal) download. I got a little misty when I played Master of Magic (MOM) for the first time in years - my old 1.44 install floppies of the game died from irrecoverable sector errors before I bothered to back them up, I thought they deserved a funeral. The also have the original Master of Orion - also an excellent game, and arguably one of the first mainstream 4x games. Microprose used to make some good stuff.

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This is the first time I've tried Dosbox. It seems a bit slow and screws up the sound a little (at least, for dark forces). But it works well enough that most of the goodness of the game is preserved. Some purists will probably want something better though. On my old XP computer, I just installed the game (and it ran without a third party Dos emulator) and used the VDMSOUND soundcard emulator to enable sound, which worked better than Dosbox. I can still play it on my old computer, but I at least wanted to get the game working on my new computer since that's the one I typically lug around with me.


Edit: I will have to try the CPU cycles thing see if I can't get it running better...

Edited by flying fish
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