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My calcium carbide finally arrived from Europe, only took a few months which is not that bad to be honest (had things take 5+ months). Can finally try making some acetylide compounds :)
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My calcium carbide finally arrived from Europe, only took a few months which is not that bad to be honest (had things take 5+ months). Can finally try making some acetylide compounds :)


You should have posted about it in a request thread and I would have sent you some in a week, cost would be about 10 USD + shipping.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Ah, I made my 4" shell mold today, very happy :D I will let the plaster dry and sand the top afterwards.



Hmm hope ya din't have the plans stored on that hard drive to the left ;{)

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The hard drive gave me the idea, because its discs were 3,75" diameter. I took if from school. It was old and the PCB was brutally broken by the stupid classmates, so no worries. :D
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Posted in another thread, but:

Battlestar Galactica has come to an end, probably one of if not the best show I have ever watched.


I can't think of happier news! One of the dumbest 'sci-fi' shows ever, is finally going to end.. I can't stand soap operas, and BG was General Hospital set in space + a dumb religion. It just goes to prove you can't have BG without the Face-man.

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HAHAHAAHA...I couldn't agree more, Tentacles. One of my co-workers loved that show. I couldn't stand the shit. The "frack'n" bullshit was just too much.
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Here it is ! My mould ready and my first hemisphere done :rolleyes:




Sooo is that your manifesto there you used? Intresting distribution method! Bravo!


Nice work :{)

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Looks like he used a circle shaped bit of material and had a piece of rod going through the middle.
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The idea is not mine, it's KarlosH's from the pyrosociety.org forum. You attach an axe to a disc passing through its center. Find a bucket and make sure it is at least 1-2 cm larger in each side than your disc. Attach the disc-axe kit to the top of the bucket as center as possible. When you're sure that your disc is rotating in the bucket securely, add gypsum and water in the bucket. Then, start to rotate the disc and it will take off the unnecessary gypsum, making the mold.


I'm not sure if I explain well enough, so I drew a schematic :


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I'm not sure if I explain well enough, so I drew a schematic :


Gotta say...I'm glad for the schematic. Over here we use an axe for chopping wood...or B horror movies :lol:

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Im pretty sure he meant axis Richtee.


50AE thanks for the idea, my sculpy clay finaly used for something.


2" shell hemi mold



And my first [hand]rolled stars!!




Im a bit upset because i was going to pick up some KCl at my local water store and they had just closed :angry:


But i stopped by the grocery store and found some Sodium free salt which included:

Potassium Chloride ,Potassium bitartarate and two acids i cannot name ?


Should this be fine to use in KClO3 production?

Because i really dont want to by a 40lb sack of the stuff.

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Potassium Bitartrate isn't very soluble in water. You could probably filter the cell liquor to remove most of it when you make it. As for the acids, I can't help if you don't tell us what they are. Swede would best be able to help with the acids.


If you want a lesser amount, look for "muriate of potash" at the garden store. It's KCl. Obviously not nearly as clean as a food grade, but it should do the job. Recrystalization is an option as well.

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Here the rest. Thank God for Google


Adipic Acid, Silcon Dioxide, Mineral Oil and Fumaric Acid.


I could recrystalize it..


Anyway the salt im bying comes in 300g containers for ~$3 which isnt too expensive on my scale of production.

How much is the fertiliser stuff sold for ?

And how much#?

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It's pretty cheap. I want to say I ended up paying about $5 for 10lbs accidentally. About $2.50 to $3 per 5lb box the last time I checked. A very quick google search turned some up at $7 for 10lbs.
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Ventsi, good use of hardenable clay like Sculpey to form a mold. Nice idea!


As for the KCl, you will be shocked at how much you go through. 300 grams will barely do a liter.


I suspect if you dissolved, then filtered your salt substitute to get rid of the insolubles, it would work OK. For bulk, I use cotton cloth in several layers, as I am filtering 20 to 40 liters at a time, but you could use coffee filters. In the cell, since you are using potassium rather than sodium, the chlorate crystals will form as soon as the solution is saturated with chlorate. You then filter the product, wash and save the potassium chlorate crystals, and also save the used liquor; recharge it with additional KCl for the next run.


The garden store option is MUCH better, IMO. So is the 40 pound sack, which should cost $12 to $15. I've gone through close to 80 pounds of KCl since I started last fall.


If you simply want to do a small experiment, and your power supply is not one which would heat the liquor (low amperage), then simply dissolve as much KCl as the water will hold using room temperature water. If your power supply is capable of heating the cell (anything above 20 amps will do so) then you can pre-warm the water to about 50C and that will hold more KCl, but beware of this starting liquor cooling off; the KCl will fall out and pollute the product significantly. Get the current going quickly to retain the temperature.


Even room temp water will hold about 14% chloride by weight. Take this down to 8% or 9%, and the container will end up 1/4 to 1/3 full of fat chlorate crystals.

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I agree with Swede here, go buy 5-10lb. And consider sending someone a few bucks to make you a MMO anode if you're serious about making some chlorate.. Even if you give up making it, you can always use the KCl as fertilizer, just spread it about the garden. Flowers love a shot of potassium.


I wouldn't bother with that salt substitute stuff. You should be able to find a low-salt type that's like 50/50 NaCl/KCl if you really want to do it that way, but put in some effort and get some fairly pure KCl. Recrystallize it maybe once, and you should be good to go.

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Swede;Thanks the Sculpy mold was extremely easy to make and is water proof w/out a sealant.




Thanks for the tips but i might resort to buyiing the salt KCl i did some research and its ~98% KCl .

Im not looking for bulk production of anything in my current position. anything around 150g KClO3 a month will do .


I want to make chlorate for the chlorate not just as an expiriment but since im not le**lised and live in CA i try to stay as small as possible .


Ill look into a CPU power supply or ,maybe stop by my local RadioShack store and check them out.


Im working on a good looking sturdy cell that is able to hold 450ml of Electrolyte


I want chlorate for some H3 and blue stars.



Edit; Ok RadioShack doesnt have anything above 1A but i found an old CPU power supply that im working on right now.Wish me luck.


Ohh yeah Swede a,a liter batch will yeald ~1lb which aint half bad compared to the price you buy it for.


Anyone selling MMO Anodes?Imight be intrested ;)

Edited by Ventsi
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I bought a flightcase for my guitarstuff today for way less than it is worth. It's 5 HE high, has back rails, extra deep covers and cost me only 50 euro's. New it would have been at least four times as expensive, so I'm a happy guy now.
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