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thanks! I'm thinking the timing fuse. It got to what I thought was a reasonable height and then began to drop. dunno about the tape frying, too dark to see.


Prolly not the tape frying then... But I would recommend a wrap of paper. I "paste" mine in fiberglass tape, then add a wrap or two of paper stuck with spray contact adhesive to the shell.. protects the tape.

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Bad news on the perc cleanup front:


Starting mass: 294.50 grams "dirty" perc, consistency of milled KNO3 for lackof a better example

Ending Mass: 250.76 grams of beautiful, snow-white crystals that look EXACTLY like table sugar.


Loss: 15%, far more than I anticipated. Even worse, a test with NPAA and sulphuric shows it to be still too dirty to use as perc. The physical recrystallization seemed to go fine. I'm not sure why I lost so much. I'll boil it down a bit farther next time. The big thing is the cleanup. I'll try the acid technique next time. A straight recrystalization was not adequate. Blog to follow.


No fears, I've come too far to allow this to stop me. The evil, contaminating chlorate will be removed, at all costs!

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No fears, I've come too far to allow this to stop me. The evil, contaminating chlorate will be removed, at all costs!


Yer my hero :{) I cannot imagine the work and time you have put into this, but if some like minded pyro is saved some of it... BRAVO!

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"a test with NPAA and sulphuric shows it to be still too dirty to use"


Where is the limit then? Any percentage like 0.05% ClO3 or less is OK, or is it a qualitative test where "no result" means OK?


EDIT: Just read the blog, your detection limit 5ppm (or 10 at least).

Concerning whether the bulk of the chlorate falls out between 5C and 0C, you could easily start taking samples at 10C, then 8C, 6C ... 0C to find the best compromise temperature between perc losses and separation from chlorate. BTW isn't there a method to reduce the chlorate with a strong reducer that leaves the perc alone?


And don't complain about 15% loss, with cheap electricity and the possibility to either use the 15% for things that need not be pure (chlorate comps), or by throwing into the cell again.

Back when we extracted chlorate from weedkiller that had 25% table salt, we discarded 35% just to be sure the NaCl was gone. At 2$ per kilo an obvious choice.


Hell in some reactions I would be glad to have under 80% loss (5-18% yield), and for a certain 4-step synthesis where the starting material is limited to 10 grams, and NO way to ever get more, all I want is 101-121mg out. The 1mg is for the melting point by the way.... ;)

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Agreed with all you said, I was just a bit miffed at the yield being so far from theoretical, which should have been 95%+. You always lose some to filter paper, spillage, leftovers in the beaker and such.


I think my problem was in using too little sulfite. One thing I've noticed with the NPAA test is that the coloration is very powerful once the contamination is past a certain threshhold, but then when you get to a certain cleanliness point, the coloring drops off. It is definitely NOT proportional.


Tentacles suggested a plan... taking what I have left (which is still contaminated) and trying several smaller cleanups using more/different chemical reduction methods, and seeing what it takes, then scaling up as appropriate. I'll try some potassium metabisulfite from a brew shop; cheap, and no chance of Na contamination.

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I was wandering around a local uni the other day and came across a couple of old Sun workstations.


I've got one up and running (unfortunately I don't have a Sun keyboard so I'm having to use an old WYSE terminal until I can get it on the network). I'm going to use it to learn Solaris.


The other one is being scrapped for parts...such as its power supply...



Edited by mike_au
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Totally random and not at all pyro related...any boarders here?


I just got some new gear yesterday and will be mounting the bindings today. It's a Burton Deuce 158wide, Mission bindings and Jeremy Jones boots. Got 'em all for 50% under list...sweet. I'll get a little time on it tomorrow (if the weather cooperates here in the NE)


...and now the good part: I'm working in Denver all this upcoming week and am going to stay over next weekend and go board in Loveland or WinterPark. Woot! Real powder! I swear I won't know what to do :D





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Yarrrrrr! Preparing to repel boarders


Aye, Capt'n... cutlass and flintlocks a-ready!


THAT was fuggin' funny!

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Totally random and not at all pyro related...any boarders here?


I just got some new gear yesterday and will be mounting the bindings today. It's a Burton Deuce 158wide, Mission bindings and Jeremy Jones boots. Got 'em all for 50% under list...sweet. I'll get a little time on it tomorrow (if the weather cooperates here in the NE)


...and now the good part: I'm working in Denver all this upcoming week and am going to stay over next weekend and go board in Loveland or WinterPark. Woot! Real powder! I swear I won't know what to do :D


Bastard! I worked in Winter Park for a few years.. there's some damned good snow up there.. I always wonder what it's like every winter.. Now I live in the flattest goddamn place on earth. The only "hills" are ditches.. small ones! And it gets COLD here, not like those nice colorado mountain winters...

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I'm a skier, not a boarder, as the following joke suggests:


Q: "What's the difference between a snowboarder and a vaccum cleaner?"


A: "The manner in which the dirt-bag is attached to the device."


No offense qwezxc12, just passing along some humor. Next time you're out this way we'll hit the mountains. I've only been out a couple of times this year on the RC4's, and the old knees can't cut like they used to, but it's still a blast. Might go this Wednesday if work and wife cooperate. (Alert the paramedics.)



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Yarrrrrr! Preparing to repel boarders

Arrrgggh...shot right through me Mizzen!


Bastard! I worked in Winter Park for a few years.. there's some damned good snow up there.. I always wonder what it's like every winter.. Now I live in the flattest goddamn place on earth. The only "hills" are ditches.. small ones! And it gets COLD here, not like those nice colorado mountain winters...


Well the NE isn't too nice at times as well...but we do have little hills covered with glare ice to ski/board on in sub-zero temps. Ha... Everyone I've talked to had nearly the same response... "Bastard!" :D


Can't wait to run on that hero powder!

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I was actually Snowboarding just yesterday. Now that I'm getting into pyro, I ghad an incredible urge to strap two flares to the front of my board to see if melting snow while boarding made much of a difference.
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I like snowboarding but I'm not very good because I live far from the mountains so I rarely go.


Also I just bottled 15 bottles of homemade plum wine, made acetic acid and my dog gets out of the hospital tomorrow morning.

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Had some of the most awesome boarding this weekend... Here's yours truly starting a run down Primer Bowl, a Black Diamond run at Loveland's lift 9...at 13,000ft. It's something like a 2.7 mile run to the base from here. Simply awesome for us East Coasters.


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Looks like a nice place to be! not sure about American classification but that doesn't look particularly scary to me - aren't black diamonds supposed to be the most technical?


Just got back from the Dolomites. 6 days and >280cm of fresh powder. I freakin' love rolling around in that much powder. Also got to witness some avalanche triggering at close range which was cool!

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Black diamond is for the clinically insane.

I wish I could go skiing again, I have been twice, once in the mountains in Victoria, and the other time in France. I spent 4 days straight getting up early, skiing non stop, going to bed. It was so awesome, until my knees died....

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Used to ski. Had one friend killed, another blew out his knee. Months later, he was still jonesing Vicoden and had a real problem. Be careful out there! :lol:


Now SCUBA, there's a safe, sedate sport for us oldsters. Wife in the water at Cozumel, about 50'...



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a week ago, after being unemployed for 8 months, i got a great job that starts in mid march.


yesterday the company that laid me off in favor of retaining my lower paid counterpart called me up, kissed my ass, and begged me to come back and save them from bankruptcy.


i feel as though my luck has turned...


i'm going in tomorrow to my old job to gloat (can't resist with the "i told you so's" about letting me go and sticking with the lesser talent) and do some "freelancing". should be interesting when i tell them about the new job i'm starting in a month.

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You might consider not burning any bridges - the mid-march company could fold up, you never know. You can burn the bridge once you're safely on the other side!
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You might consider not burning any bridges - the mid-march company could fold up, you never know. You can burn the bridge once you're safely on the other side!

Maybe use that peanut butter spolette eh? ;{)

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You might consider not burning any bridges - the mid-march company could fold up, you never know. You can burn the bridge once you're safely on the other side!


i don't plan on being a total prick about it, but being laid off because you are too good at your job kinda sucks. the owner actually told me "dude, you make a lot more than her, and we can't afford you, so i'm letting a bunch of people go and you have to be one of them"


so because i made too much, because i'd been there so long, i got let go.


i'll give him credit for manning up and telling me the truth, but i warned him that the chick they stuck with was crazy and sucked at her job. the overall rationale was that by cutting the workforce by %95 they didn't need to pay me the big bucks to wear all the hats when they could just pay her a lot less to wear one.


i see where they were coming from but like i told the guy, he made a big mistake that he would regret.


one or two "i told you so's" are more than called for after working there 5 years and helping them build the company.


besides, the business is going under unless i somehow pull a 100k miracle in the next few weeks.


i'm good, but i'm not that good, especially in this economy.


they are screwed, and quite frankly...i told them so.


by the time i cross the bridge the side i came from will be lump charcoal, saying anything at that point would be a dick move so i'm cashing in my chips now as politely as possible.

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