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the Al is on the right while the Mg is on the right


OK it's just too freakin' early for this!


Might have to wash those out... cutting fluids/oils in there. Hmm a recirc parts cleaner, or maybe flushing with acetone?

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superman: Now just take those turnings, and make MgAl with them. Use your laser beam eyes or something. ;P
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So, can I assume it wasn't a spelling test? :D



No it wasn't, it was my pilot's license. Everybody can make a mistake in their spelling from time to time, no?

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super: Sure can, it all melts the same, more or less. Those turnings look pretty clean so melting them shouldn't be a big issue as far as slag goes. Just be sure to melt the Al first, and stir as you add the Mg. Check out the MgAl tutorial thread, and the "MgAl turnings" thread. The most critical part is a decent crucible. I'm going to make more of my drink shaker crucibles to sell, if there's any interest.


Speaking of Mg, I've been scrounging the pile here at work, I've got permission to buy Mg for $.45/lb. Haven't spent much time so far, so I've just got one mower deck, but I know a place that brings in truckloads of cast housings, and he always has a few transfer cases that are Mg.


On a happy note, the WASP arrived today, in perfect condition, with a couple extra rolls of gum tape. If you haven't seen a WASP in person, the stepper motors on these things are just ridiculously large.

Edited by tentacles
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Of courze! I guess the irony was lost to you, sorry. " :D ", to me at least, meant that it was all in fun.



Nah, don't worry I got the irony part.

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How are we all going?


Its 4:18AM here, still drunk ^_^


Looks like the financial crisis has cased me a problmed, wanted to buy a nice ka-bar knife but due to the crappy exchange rate it will have to wait.

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My first crossette ever is finally dry. I just can't wait to shoot it into the air, and watch it burn :ph34r: . It's a 16mm (3/4") D1 crossette, weighting 6,12 grams. I'm planning to shoot it saterday evening.


Edit@Mumbles: Yep, you are right. I was confused with the ID of 3/4" PVC pipe, which is 16mm, but the 3/4" stands for the OD of these pipes (which is 19mm approx).

Edited by Miech
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I'm so excited today! I finally got the microfluidic laser trapping to work properly. It was mostly a matter of getting the right concentration of microbeads and playing with the lighting until I got enough contrast to see them. The diode bar laser just grabs the particles, which slide along its length until the motion of the microfluidic stream overcomes the trapping force.


Bad news is that I have a whole crapload of work to do and not nearly enough time. First, I have to redesign some of the fixturing per my boss' request. Then I have to prove that the trapping (with 6 um beads) will work with the chip in its new orientation (which *should* work). Then I have to sort different sizes of beads. Once that is done, I have to redesign the illumination setup to try to get MORE contrast. After that, I have to try to see, trap, and sort erythrocytes from platelets in real blood. Oh, did I mention I have to capture this all on video as well, and I haven't figured out how to use the capturing software yet?


Want to know when I have to accomplish all of this by? Tomorrow by 5 PM!!! I am so screwed (hey, this kind of feels like school again!)

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Its my birthday!!!!!!

I got myself 17 board feet of Purple Heart.

My mom got me an Ipod touch 16 gb. I'm still working on it though LOL.

Thats it so far.

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Well, while I was at work (Hardware Store) yesterday, I saw a shelf in the basement stocked with Rooto H2SO4 Drain Cleaner, so I now have an official local supplier of H2SO4. Sweet. I also so a box a while ago with ORM-D labels so I checked it out and it was H202. IIRC it was somewhere in the 30ish% concentrated.
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I always thought that mixing sulfuric and hydrogen peroxide makes caro's acid aka pirhanna fluid h2so5 which is a very strong acid. Why would using peroxide clean up sulfuric when mixing them makes a stronger acid.
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O ok i didnt know you meant purifying it. I thought they were using the term cleaning as in if you were to spill some and instead of neutralizing it and then wiping it up they were talking about using peroxide for some reason as a clean up measure.
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Hurray! This post is very special - half my life is spent on the road (I hate it) and years ago I used to carry a standard notebook PC. Total PITA. Too heavy.


Now, they have new ultra-portables that are actually useable. I bought an Asus Eee PC, the job with a 16 gig solid-state hard drive. It is sooooo small and light. I'm using it now from my hotel room in Denver. Now you are all forced to read my babblings with even greater frequency!


Best of all, to the TSA it looks like a personal DVD player, so I don't have to drag it out every time I go through security. Woo Hoo!

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I've always wondered how those Eee PC's are. My mom has a normal big 19" laptop, and a small ultralight (250Gb HDD) HP one too, which I take when I travel.


Do you have any good/bad comments on the Eee PC?

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In my opinion they are very nice if you have to travel al lot, but they lack real power and disk size if you use them for more sophisticated tasks than internetting, word processing and chatting. As most folks aren't gaming or processing large amounts of data, it is a nice gadget to have. At least they are way cheaper than a low end laptop.
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Asus makes several Eee PC's, mine is the PC 900.


Pros: Inexpensive at $380-$450. Just freakishly small and light. The keybord is better than I expected, but I am a hunt and peck typist. No moving parts, the solid state HDD is silent and rugged. No whirring, clicking, annoying noises. Bootup fast. internal wirless performs well, Win XP standard. The screen is 1024 X 600, which means it's like a full-sized screen except trimmed on one axis. Looks good and easy to read.


Cons: SS hard drive is small, 16 gig. Memory, 1 gig. Celeron processor not the quickest. Dell is making the inspiron 910 now, pretty much the same PC except with an Atom processor. But their lead time is about three weeks; I needed this thing NOW.


My goals were simple. Do email, eBay, this (and other) forums, do simple PC tasks, stay in touch and kill time productively. If you are a power user, need serious graphics, etc, I don't know how well it'd work. But for commonplace mobile tasks, it's awesome so far.


To augment the 16 gig SSHD, I have a couple of USB flash memory dongles, and a wireless mouse... I hate all notebok touch pads, they drive me nuts.

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Heh, same think here for the notebook touch pads.


The thing that get's a bit on my nerves is the fact that a lot of the small laptops don't have a CD thingy (forgot what it's called).


On the graphics side, since I put together my new PC, I've been playing some pretty demanding games (Crysis, CoD4...)

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Swede: I picked up an Acer Aspire One the other day to run the WASP - it's markedly better than the EEE's (besides, I hate asus, they make garbage). Same screen (they all use the same screen), but with the Atom N270, 1GB ram (my model) 120GB HDD, 3 USB, 2 SD readers. It's fast enough to play 1280x720 H.264 video, so I'm happy. It was $380 for this model, or the 512m/8g SSD for $299. Mine came with XP installed, even.


oskar: I would look at other brands before the Asus units, there's a lot on offer. Just make sure whatever you get has the N270 CPU or better.


The only thing it really needs is a touchscreen, with these little netbooks you're actually close enough to use it well.


In my opinion they are very nice if you have to travel al lot, but they lack real power and disk size if you use them for more sophisticated tasks than internetting, word processing and chatting. As most folks aren't gaming or processing large amounts of data, it is a nice gadget to have. At least they are way cheaper than a low end laptop.


It was only $20 cheaper than a low end, full size laptop with all the fruit. $400 here will buy you a sempron/celeron/athlon laptop, 2gb ram, 160-250g hdd, DL DVDRW, wifi..


I've been pleased and even impressed by the power of the tiny CPU - the N270 1.6ghz CPU is actually able to hog though 720P mkv-containered video - even my stargate episodes.

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On the graphics side, since I put together my new PC, I've been playing some pretty demanding games (Crysis, CoD4...)


Hows Crysis looking for you? You running Dx10? New FarCry out shortly - should be interesting to see how that engine performs...

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Crysis is just great. I'm running it in high, with the filters set on maximum. Yep running it on Dx10. Well, maybe it will laag form time to time whilst playing on the net.


I'm looking forward to the new Diablo to come out.

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