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From who is your 8800GT? Mine is from ASUS. Or maybe you baught it from the nVidia site?



I have the Alpha Dog version:



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Damnit! I actually studied for that BVP test pretty hard, and I still epicly kinda failed it. Not totally, but kinda. There was this on problem that asks to extend a given piecewise function to [0,-L] using an extension other than periodic, even, or odd. WTF? I guess I must not have been paying attention in class when we talked about a 4th type of extension. She gave us a practice test (the test she gave her last BVP class) that said "sketch the even, odd, periodic extension", and then a separate problem that said, "find the fourier series" (using whichever extension makes sense). So it made me mad that she would ask us a question as a sub-problem that we may not know, which then the overall problem of finding fourier series using that extension depends on...


So yeah, that's 10 points out of 40 I just lost. Damnit! Luckily she has a nice curve/adjustment such that you only need to get 50% raw score to get a passing grade. And if I got a 60 or 70 on the test that would correspond to about a 75 or 80. Not good, but passing. I guess I still have the final to make up for it.


Well, one thing that is nice thing is that it is finally the labor day weekend! Finally some time to do some epic pyro stuff!

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My Benchmade B-42 Balisong should be arriving monday or tuesday (another hobby of mine is collecting knives) , so that's something to be happy about even if it did set me back a couple bucks.
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Got a trash bag full of Ash Wood shavings! Charcoal and mill. Its like newspaper.
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Ash is supposed to make ridiculously fast (but not the best lift) BP. Good score! It does make more-than-decent BP.


I had some guys come in to the scrap yard the other night, had some aluminum... short story is, I bought like 20' of 1/2" 6061-T6 rod (in 2'+ lengths) and 4' of 3/4", and 8' of 1" for $23. I should make some tooling, or something.

Edited by tentacles
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Very nice, Tentacles! Rocket tooling, comet pumps, star plates even! That should last you a while :) Edited by FrankRizzo
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Well, one thing that is nice thing is that it is finally the labor day weekend! Finally some time to do some epic pyro stuff!


Keep yer nose up in the air- I'm putting a beef brisket on the smoker in a while for an estimated 14 hour spa treatment :{) Leaving Sat. tho for out of town reunion. Might hear from me Sunday eve however! Man bummer on the test, but as you say, yer not done yet!

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Ash is supposed to make ridiculously fast (but not the best lift) BP. Good score! It does make more-than-decent BP.


I had some guys come in to the scrap yard the other night, had some aluminum... short story is, I bought like 20' of 1/2" 6061-T6 rod (in 2'+ lengths) and 4' of 3/4", and 8' of 1" for $23. I should make some tooling, or something.

Talking about me getting a nice score you got a real nice one.

My wood two teacher also does reloads on munitions and I gave him so brass. He loves to do it, plus I get some and I'm casting it into a rod in Metal 2. So free ash, and brass rods and ammo at a discounted price. I love school.

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Now hey, this is getting unfair :D . You guy's in the US get easy acces to chems/hemis and all of that, plus you get wood/metal working classes at school (So you know how to make rocket tooling, star plates, etc... ). We would have to leave school for that... One of the better things that we have is... Hummm.. Better economy at the moment :D Edited by oskarchem
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Oskar its not in all schools. I'm lucky I'm in Texas. South Carolina would never stand for "Warning: Sharp Knives spinning at high speeds" or "Caution: Where Eye Google when operating this machine" LOL.
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Keep yer nose up in the air- I'm putting a beef brisket on the smoker in a while for an estimated 14 hour spa treatment :{) Leaving Sat. tho for out of town reunion. Might hear from me Sunday eve however! Man bummer on the test, but as you say, yer not done yet!


I asked the professor about it over email...and apparently I misread the problem. I tend to do that when I get nervous. Like on my modern physics test a year ago - where I thought it said "proton" but was actually "photon!" I know it's entirely my fault, but I'm still very frustrated because I should have done good on that test - I knew the material. I put off a lot of other homework in my other classes (and even skipped some of them) so I could have basically a full week of studying for that particular test.


Well, back to pyrotechnics...I finally swept and washed down the floor in my workshop in the garage. I guess for a little while I won't be tracking black footprints around everywhere!


Edit: Did you light something off at about 8:51? I thought I heard a repeater or something when I went outside to test some new stars!

Edited by flying fish
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I asked the professor about it over email...and apparently I misread the problem. I tend to do that when I get nervous. Like on my modern physics test a year ago - where I thought it said "proton" but was actually "photon!" I know it's entirely my fault, but I'm still very frustrated because I should have done good on that test - I knew the material. I put off a lot of other homework in my other classes (and even skipped some of them) so I could have basically a full week of studying for that particular test.


Well, back to pyrotechnics...I finally swept and washed down the floor in my workshop in the garage. I guess for a little while I won't be tracking black footprints around everywhere!


Edit: Did you light something off at about 8:51? I thought I heard a repeater or something when I went outside to test some new stars!

Nope, was not me... so maybe there IS another of "us" around..LOL! I was getting the brisket sliced and chilled for today's trip. Enjoy the time off, guy... you earned it.

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Well, I am MORE than happy this moring.


As I write this, my Maine Coon girl Luna is still drying off her SIX new kittens. All seem very healthy, and are mouthy and squirming for a spot at the Milk Bar. Mom is exhausted, and so am I. She woke me up at about 2:30 am, yowling with each contraction. The first tiny furball arrived at 4:30 am and the last one about 2 hours ago.


I also start a 3-month contract job tomorrow, which should help to pay for the extra food the little freeloaders will be eating all too soon. ;)


Pics to follow in a few days. I'll make a Gallery here for them.





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Well, I am MORE than happy this moring.


As I write this, my Maine Coon girl Luna is still drying off her SIX new kittens. All seem very healthy, and are mouthy and squirming for a spot at the Milk Bar. Mom is exhausted, and so am I. She woke me up at about 2:30 am, yowling with each contraction. The first tiny furball arrived at 4:30 am and the last one about 2 hours ago.

I know EXACTLY how you feel. Our Brittany whelped ELEVEN puppies in the middle of the night in March. Why do they always do it at night? I remember, by about the sixth or seventh puppy, thinking "There CAN'T be any more." Eight, Nine, Ten, Eleven. Wow! We helped her with 10 of the 11, the 11th she did solo. I expected her to lay in her nest and pump them out, but noooo. She had to run all over the house and drop them wherever, even outside in the cold backyard. I've never seen more gore outside a slasher movie. I had to follow her around with a mop and bucket, and a garbage bag for leftover ookies. It was pretty cool to see instinct kicked in when she would clean them up and then gather them all up into her nest. Pretty amazing stuff.


We had her spayed a few weeks later.

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Well, I am MORE than happy this moring.


As I write this, my Maine Coon girl Luna is still drying off her SIX new kittens.



I KNEW there must be SOMETHING we disagree on. Cats?!? LOL!


Glad to hear all went well..and they are several hundred miles away ;{)

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Finished building a patio today. It is also a place to make charcoal. There it a fire pit and a willow tree in the back. Took a week to make.


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I KNEW there must be SOMETHING we disagree on. Cats?!? LOL!


Glad to hear all went well..and they are several hundred miles away ;{)




And for those of you with GOOD taste, here's a picture of the little furballs at 12 hours old.



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Are those kittens (not a cougar/jaguar/tiger crossbreed hybrid of your own concoction?) They yours? I vaguely remember you saying you bred some kind of animal.
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And for those of you with GOOD taste, here's a picture of the little furballs at 12 hours old.



Dude..you sure that ain't the rare "Long Haired Skunk" you got there?? ;{)

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Oh mama! I think I just tasted manna from heaven. Richtee, I just pulled the Lakers from the smoker. Jesus, Joseph, and Mary; I just had a culinary rapture! I brined those greasers with a kosher salt/brown sugar mix, and smoked with the Alder + threw in a bit of Cherry at the end. BOING! An epicurean chubby.


Shot about 18 film cannister shells over the big lake for funsies. Loads O fun. Used some scavenged Dragon Eggs, made a few salutes, dinked around with a couple naphthalene charges.


Just tried a tiny batch of the homemade MgAl mixed with an oxidizer, piled unconfined, and touched off. Times like this that I'm glad I can turn a blind eye to such things. Wanted to yell "Cheese".

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Oh mama! I think I just tasted manna from heaven. Richtee, I just pulled the Lakers from the smoker. Jesus, Joseph, and Mary; I just had a culinary rapture! I brined those greasers with a kosher salt/brown sugar mix, and smoked with the Alder + threw in a bit of Cherry at the end. BOING! An epicurean chubby.


Just tried a tiny batch of the homemade MgAl mixed with an oxidizer, piled unconfined, and touched off. Times like this that I'm glad I can turn a blind eye to such things. Wanted to yell "Cheese".

Simple is usually good, man. Only suggestion I would make a is a bit of powdered onion in yer brine. Yummm!


Heh... bright stuff eh? I tried that with some of the Skylighter stuff. A deaf ear would have been more appropriate. 5g went BLOOIE! But it IS a very intense light for sure!

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Yepeeeeee! Just got back from flying, and guess what: I had my first solo flight!! :D . Anyway, we land get to the hangar, and my flight instructor openes the door, gets out and says: Good flight! Nobody gave me any warning, just do it! It's amazing how much different the flight is when your alone. So I land get out of the plane, and my instructor throwes a bucket of water at me, and takes a photo at the same time..


Well anyway, I'm just sooooooo happy, and my theoretical exam in 8 october.

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What Team do you play for?




My team :)


I recieved a letter from a junior hockey team asking me to go try out for them. They are a state over, and it would require me to live there, and I was away when the tryouts took place, but I still think thats pretty wicked cool.


At the risk of being egotistical, most of the players are 18-21 or so, and I am 15 at the moment. It was only junior B, but if I get an offer for junior A later on, I will take it up. This would allow me to go to UW madison or some other D1 hockey school potentially later in life.


Hard work pays off, I guess.


Oh, and I came home to a dewar full of liquid nitrogen... really doesn't get any better. :)

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