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Occasional Happiness


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The PTFE was $20 USD inc shipping for a 20x330mm rod. I should be able to make about 9 stoppers / fittings. I mainly want it so I can make a thermometer pocket, those were going for $25!


I was going to buy a fountain pump as they are fairly common, I'll have to track down a aspirator, that way I can put it in the same loop as the condenser.


I went with 19/26 gear, in hindsight I should have gotten 24/40 stuff as its a lot more common.


Frogy, If you can get a all 24/40 setup and don't get cheap boiling flasks. If you have the money get a graham condenser.

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I don't see how distilling things with a Graham would work well... Why wouldn't the liquid get stuck halfway through the coil? Or just anywhere at the dip of the coil.


SEoH sells a 400mm (24/40) Graham for $46.82, a 300mm (24/40) Graham for $42.73, and a 300mm Alihn for $35.25.


Here's a good page on homemade water aspirators:


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I 've finished my Ruby Red batch. They are more or less 3/8" stars. I step primed 1 layer 50/50 BP/comp and then a layer of BP type "universal prime" with Si and some Al, followed by a dusting with dry meal.

Here's a pic of my awesome star rolling machine.


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Bonny, you're a man after my heart. That rig brought a tear to my eye (note the singular tense). If I weren't a flaming hetero, I'd ask you to marry me.


Happy Father's Day y'all. Side note to the young crowd out there. Try to make the time to tell your old man that you appreciate him; and try to sound like you really mean it. My father bought the proverbial farm when I was 25. When you're young, you think things will never change, but ain't no guarantees in life.


Not meant to be a downer, just a bit of advice from a cat who's been around for a bit longer. Still not an old fart like Sidewinder and Hst45 though :D . Cheer up you two. I'm brewing up some Postum for you right now.

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Whippersnapper! ;)


As an aside... I'm fortunate that, at my age, both my parents are still alive and reasonably "with it". Few of my peers can say that, and a lot of them have neither one left. I'll be visiting Pop (and Mom) in a couple of hours. They're in a Nursing Home now but one which, fortunately, has an excellent reputation and a caring staff.


If you're a man but not yet a father, you likely will be someday.

So a Happy Father's Day to all of you!

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I don't see how distilling things with a Graham would work well... Why wouldn't the liquid get stuck halfway through the coil? Or just anywhere at the dip of the coil.


SEoH sells a 400mm (24/40) Graham for $46.82, a 300mm (24/40) Graham for $42.73, and a 300mm Alihn for $35.25.


Here's a good page on homemade water aspirators:


I think graham condensers are generally used in a verticel position - at least mine is. It was originally purposed for distilling ammonia but I use it for nitric mostly. Besides, with the vacuum aspirator on there things move along nicely if you keep the pre-condenser part of the rig from cooling at the top.

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Yes graham condensers are usually used vertically like so




But they don't present a huge advantage to the standard west or liebig style condenser in most cases. My guess for why it is used in NH3 distillation is that anhydrous ammonia melts at -77.73 °C and a very large surface area is needed to condense it.


Bottom line for most distillations a lieberg condenser is cheaper and easier to work with.

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Bought a lb. of Eckhart Dark Al and 2 lb. of 25 micron Al and 105 ft. of american visco fuse. It was around $70 but I got a job so its not as bad as it was before, now I can start making real shells before I go to my grandma's house. I'm still waiting for my KCLO4 from Tweetybird though <_<
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I am very happy today as I have just finished my first ever batch of stars!!! I chose the Lanchester Red to start things off ! :D everything went amazingly smoothly for being my first batch!! I couldnt have asked for any better!!! I got em nice and smothered up in meal powder, now just the long wait for them to dry then throw some more prime, then its off to gettin that BP corned so I can have a successfull lift!! :blink: I'll keeps ya peeps updated! ROCK ON!!!



(that damn screen I made came in use for something DRYING!! I finnaly got a fine SS screen!!)

I made them a little over ¼" but closer to ½" with meal and all that should be perfecto for a 3" er :rolleyes:


ps. 1lb Eckhart Dark Al , KCLO4, visco fuse, real shells hmmmmm..... :blink:

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Bought a lb. of Eckhart Dark Al and 2 lb. of 25 micron Al and 105 ft. of american visco fuse. It was around $70 but I got a job so its not as bad as it was before, now I can start making real shells before I go to my grandma's house. I'm still waiting for my KCLO4 from Tweetybird though  <_<

mormanman, do me a favor please. Be very, very careful with your new-found goodies. I know that you're working diligently on your pyro skills and advancing your knowledge, and that's great. With the newly added materials in your inventory you should work in SMALL batches. Reactive metals can be dangerous (duh, you knew that!) so I just want you to take an extra minute to check on incompatabilities, proper storage, etc before you proceed. Read a lot, and if you're not sure ask, you have lots of people here to help.


Enjoy, and stay safe.

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Bought a lb. of Eckhart Dark Al and 2 lb. of 25 micron Al and 105 ft. of american visco fuse. It was around $70 but I got a job so its not as bad as it was before, now I can start making real shells before I go to my grandma's house. I'm still waiting for my KCLO4 from Tweetybird though  <_<

Heh, I see that you'r not giving up pyro eavn after court... :).




BLAST> You do know that to crn BP you need to have a hydraulic press? Maybe you have one, if you do I didn't say anything. You may be confinding "Corning" with "Granulating" ;)

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oskarchem, no way would I give up pyro.

hst45, I know how dangerous flash is. On the pyrotechs.org (I think is what its called) has the Flash Safety thread and it says that 50g of flash can make a report un-contained and it take 500 lbs of BP to do that. Its dangerous and I will be extremely careful.


On Saturday the 28th I get to help step up a PRO pyro display. PRO!!!! A semi truck full of devices. I don't know if they will be commercial or not. Guess who invite me to do this. The fire marshal of Arlington. I will be taking pictures.


BTW, oskar, you don't need a hydro press it just helps. You can ram them like comets and let them dry like comet but break them.

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BTW, oskar, you don't need a hydro press it just helps. You can ram them like comets and let them dry like comet but break them.

That would result in pretty weak grains compared to pressing, as well as be very difficult to maintian consistency.

When I press mine, I pump the jack, then allow the press to dwell for about 10 minutes, then re-pump, wait 10 minutes and repeat one more time. ramming would not consolidate nearly as well as the BP would be spongy and puff back.

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oskarchem, no way would I give up pyro.

hst45, I know how dangerous flash is. On the pyrotechs.org (I think is what its called) has the Flash Safety thread and it says that 50g of flash can make a report un-contained and it take 500 lbs of BP to do that. Its dangerous and I will be extremely careful.


On Saturday the 28th I get to help step up a PRO pyro display. PRO!!!! A semi truck full of devices. I don't know if they will be commercial or not. Guess who invite me to do this. The fire marshal of Arlington. I will be taking pictures.


BTW, oskar, you don't need a hydro press it just helps. You can ram them like comets and let them dry like comet but break them.

lol 50 grams of flash unconfined try like 10 grams unconfined going off will not only make a report it will blow every finger you got off!!! but any how thanks oskarhcem I was getting those confused I guess but is what I was told to get my quality lift powder is take the milled bp and wet it and press through a fine screen and then presto!!! :) But I did want to make corned BP I wasnt aware you need and special tooling or equiptment but then again I havnt really looked into that!

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Today I made my second star comp (dont have much time to get all my stars ready before the 4th!! :P ) which was an organic ofca yellow!! I also am getting all my shell halves fused and ready!!!







MOD EDIT: This belongs in the Random Thread, not a seperate topic. Merged. Please continue it here.


BLAST420 RESPONSE: I made its own topic because I didnt want it here!! "occasional happieness" and "Occasional today I made.." are two different topics to me. :angry:




1) What you think, and what the Staff thinks, are two different things.


2) If you wish to argue the point further, I can give you a LONG vacation to cool off first. And it will be a hell of a lot longer than your first one. You are a guest in this house, and one who is treading on thin ice.


3) You now have a warning for publicly arguing with a member of the Staff.

Edited by TheSidewinder
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It came today, my fuse and Al came. I'm so happy. :D
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Got a fairly large order from a member here today... Thanks to a certain Jason out there :)


3 lb. KClO3

3 lb. Al (30 µm atomized I believe :))

2 lb. MgAl (50:50) 200-325

1 lb. each Sr(NO3)2, BaNO3, PVC, Red Gun, Na\K Benzoate


Just got home from work a little while ago... My god Conkling Blue is bright as hell for an organic composition.

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Just recieved my order of screens at work, along with 2 "sample" pcs.

12" x 12" 20 mesh SS

12" x 12" 10 mesh SS

nice to be the purchaser and work where we need screens...

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I'm going to work as an apprentice on my first professional show tomorrow!! I might also get to work on another MUCH larger one on Sunday. Should be a great weekend. :D
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Got the last of my lab glassware and my 10L drum of sulphuric acid and copper carbonate ships soon.


Bit annoyed that I had to sign some document stating that I wasn't using my items to synth drugs. I felt a little insulted when they made me fill it out. Also had to send a copy of my ID which I don't like doing.


Not to worried though, I'm not a k3wl and I wont be breaking any laws.

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drunk aguin another bittle of bourbin


U ,kiive all yopu americans with youer whiskey or buurbib LD

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Hey, TS the guys depressed, he stopped pyro.. :D . I guess he needs a drink. I could do with one to btw...
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Haha... I've never seen someone ramble like that when drunk... Well at least not on a forum :D "bob saget"


I think it's hilarious that they ID you for Conc H2SO4, when it's one of the easiest chemicals to buy... Anyways, how many drug synthesizers (synthesist?) use pure\chemical grade chemicals to make drugs... It seems the biggest problem today is not the drugs, it is the impurities in the synthesis or what people are trying to pawn off as "drug abc".


On topic with alcohol, quite frankly I believe Moonshine wouldn't be looked down upon so much if people were to distill it correctly... So much contamination from lead\dead animals in the fermentation\distillation process is one of the biggest reasons why it is illegal. Well and the fact that Uncle Sam can't rape it of its profit.


I ferment and distill sugar ethanol for chemistry use. Which oddly enough, is probably looked down on more than pyrotechnics, though I'm not selling the alcohol or anything... I have even went the distance of denaturing it a few times (pretty stupid if you ask me).

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