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Chlorate ALONE will detonate? :blink:


Point me to the confirming data, please?

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Thats the biggest load of shit I have ever heard :)


Sure, mixed with a reducing agent it may but its 100% inert on its own.

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It's MSDS is listed as 3 for reactivity. 4 is rated as explosive in the chemicals current state and should be handled very carefully. KClO3 is rated as 3 only because it is an oxidizer though. It may decompose to other products that could be explosive much like how H2O2 can slowly decompose into explosive peroxides but KClO4 by itself is pretty storage stable.


Armstrongs mix which is (*NOT GOING TO BE POSTED HERE AGAIN*) is very dangerous and prone to detonation but not KClO3 by itself.

Edited by TheSidewinder
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Hmm... It may have been mixed with sulfur :D It still looked completely white though....


I have a viable excuse for giving out this BS information!



KClO3 + Sulfur is definitely hammer sensitive though :)



Edited by TheSidewinder
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Guys, let's not post detailed information that the uninformed DON'T need to know.


(And I know how easy it is to find. But they can find it ELSEWHERE if they feel like it.)


Thank you.

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Right, It's half time for the Poland/Austraia soccer match, Poland is leading 1-0, let's see il they can qualify for at least the quater finals :D


EDIT: Final score is 1-1, on a penalty in the last seconds of the match, this sould be in depression

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Holy hell... Is that a 5 lb bag of charcoal and 5 lb bag of dextrin? Or is that sulfur?


I can't believe Skylighter shipped of Al and Oxidizers in the same order... How many times have you ordered from them previously?

How many pounds of Al, KClO3, and KClO4? Looks like you'll be set for at least a few weeks :rolleyes:


Please give us a list :P


I'll take a picture of all my glassware once it gets here today\tomorrow...



On another note, beware squeamish...


Here's a picture of my back, where I got a mole that was inhibited by cancer (Melanoma) removed today.



sorry I hadnt seen part of your statement, skylight does not ship them in the same order. Nor do I order my AL or any metals from skylighter as I have found that skylighter has high prices. And I have a great source on metals. I order from a couple different sources. :P

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about 5 pounds of pot chlorate(kinda sits around... good for some comps and smoke mixes!!!)

Watch out with that... Chlorate can "detonate" by itself with friction... So don't go dropping it from too high, or hitting it with hammers... I know someone that was hammer testing (remotely) KClO3 + a sledge hammer in a guillotine-type machine... Just a few pounds of force and it'll "explode".

Ok now it is posts like these that make me wonder if you should even be allowed to look at chemcials if you beleave Potassium chlorate OR potassium perchlorate can be detonated or "EXPLODE" by themselves! <_< It is one of the most common oxidizors in use today(not just refering to pyro) But explodes.....come on now people this is pushin it a little I mean I could sit and bang on 2 pounds of KCLO3 all day and NOTHING would happen except make a mess!!!

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I just rolled my first stars!! :D My ghetto "Nascar" set up worked great. Colour change stars here I come!

I rolled a Ruby Red comp from passfire onto black pepper corns.

i've gotta say though it sure eats up the comp fast. I had only mixed 200g and it was gone pretty fast. I'll dry them and roll more on in a day or 2.

On another happy note, I finished crushing almost a Kg of pressed alder bp.Should do me for awhile I hope.

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Rolling stars always irritates the hell out of me. The ironic part is that the comps I have had the most success with are the high C content ones ( TT ) which are supposed to be the most difficult to roll. I use BP faster than I can make it. I had two kilos of meal then after blackmatch shell filler lift and tests its gone and I have been restocking over the past few days. :blink:
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Bonny: Nice! Rolling stars is great, so much more fun than cutting or pressing. Just be sure to step prime those ruby red, they can be a bitch when they're rolled. Or maybe test a few stars with different primes before you commit the whole batch.
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I've had mixed results with rolling, sometimes its great sometimes its a pain in the ass. I really want to build a nice roller sometime during the summer, the one I have now is really prone to get the stars stuck to the sides.
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I just rolled my first stars!! :D My ghetto "Nascar" set up worked great. Colour change stars here I come!

I rolled a Ruby Red comp from passfire onto black pepper corns.

i've gotta say though it sure eats up the comp fast. I had only mixed 200g and it was gone pretty fast. I'll dry them and roll more on in a day or 2.

On another happy note, I finished crushing almost a Kg of pressed alder bp.Should do me for awhile I hope.

Just wait Bonny 'cause soon you'll see a KG of comp go just as fast. :rolleyes:


And I bought a blender for 2 bucks at a thrift shop for charcoal. Just add the charcoal hit puree and dump it in a container for storage.

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I love rolling stars, but my ghetto bowl roller just doesn't cut it... I need to make a Nacsar roller attachment for my ball mill.


If your not good at rolling stars, I suggest trying it by hand in a bowl... It seems to really help a lot of people, though it doesn't make much sense.

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Bonny: Nice! Rolling stars is great, so much more fun than cutting or pressing. Just be sure to step prime those ruby red, they can be a bitch when they're rolled. Or maybe test a few stars with different primes before you commit the whole batch.

I have a some more rolling to go before the priming stage. But I guess I'd might as well step prime. Even if a BP prime might work it's good practice anyway. I think I'm going to save part of the batch for some colour changing stars, but we'll see.


@ Frogy: My roller is lawn tractor tire or something similar, that just goes into my ball mill. It wobbles around quite a bit but it works. I just tilt the mill a little so the tire runs against the roller at the end. I'll put up a pic later.

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I'm so happy. I received some usefull junk from the boss of the cybercafe, where I'm dong an internship for 3 weeks. He didn't need the hardware, so he told me to search all the bags of junk and take what I like. I got :


-4 AGP graphics cards (3 of they are working

-5 USB optic mouses

-1 Wi-fi router

-Many heatsinks and fans

-Some old games


-Usefull cables

-an old socket 370 Celeron CPU (Will make a keyholder from it) :D

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I'm so happy. I received some usefull junk from the boss of the cybercafe, where I'm dong an internship for 3 weeks. He didn't need the hardware, so he told me to search all the bags of junk and take what I like. I got :


-4 AGP graphics cards (3 of they are working

-5 USB optic mouses

-1 Wi-fi router

-Many heatsinks and fans

-Some old games


-Usefull cables

-an old socket 370 Celeron CPU (Will make a keyholder from it) :D

Nice!! I would be in heaven rippin through everyhing tryin to find any thing with a value for me!!! :)

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These things may be old, but they have value for me. It's bad to throw them. Well, I don't find a use for 4 AGP graphics cards, or 5 mouses, so I'll give them to someone, who can find them useful. But it's better than throwing them in the trash. For the fans and heatsinks, I'll use them :), also the router, I'll keep one graphic card for me. The old games... I kept them because of the CD key. My friend took the headphones.
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My very first homemade batch of black powder is out turning in the ball mill as we speak!!!! I am very excited I guess Ill just let it run straight through about 3 hours and then Im gunna pull it!!! I shouldnt need to wet it or anything I guess!! I made 200g I cant wait to see how it turns out!!! I feel like the mill is just gunna blow up Im bitin my nails.. :unsure:
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Wow... First batch of BP... Seems so long ago... It's actually pretty funny though. My first batch of BP is by far the fastest I've ever made. Somehow I cooked my Pine charcoal perfectly, and my agricultural sulfur pulled through :D I did mill for 6 hours or so though :) The powder was milled so long it turned grey instead of black.


I have about 30 old (fried) computer processors that were "donated" to me from random people on Overclock.net. All the processors have gold-plated pins and circuitry that I've been planning on dissolving in Nitric\HCl once I can get my hands on some Nitric.

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I have about 30 old (fried) computer processors that were "donated" to me from random people on Overclock.net. All the processors have gold-plated pins and circuitry that I've been planning on dissolving in Nitric\HCl once I can get my hands on some Nitric.

Thats weird I plan on doing the same thing. Im scrapping computers hopefully saving the processors, gold fingers, hard drives, DVD drives and power sources to sell harvest or use.


I've been to several computer repair shops but I only got 1 computer from my friend. Hopefully I can pick one up tomorrow.


If it goes well post your results in the precious metal thread.


BTW: For processors, pins and fingers your better off selling them if profit is what our after. If you want to refine yourself strip the foils with a HCL/H2O2 bath then dissolve in HCL/bleach solution and precipitate with sodium metabisulfite.

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The gold yields are poor, you would be lucky to break even at such a small scale.


They do it in China but with tens of tons of electronic crap, mind you the province where they do it is a non nuclear version of Chernobyl.

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My total glassware bill has nearly hit $300 :o


Got my first box of goodies a few days ago, got another box due along with a 30cm of teflon rod (for stoppers) and a glass receiver.



Still to get:

Buchner funnel

Vacuum flask

Vacuum pump



Retort stands


and a few other things

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I have pretty much everything I need minus the Buchner funnel, Vacuum flask\pump, some Pipettes, and a Distillation setup.


I have quite a few Bossheads now :P


I already hate Salt-Ice baths... I really need to get a refrigerator of my own so I can set the temperature...

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Forget a vacuum pump, chemistry will just destroy it... Get yourself a vacuum aspirator. If you need to do long distillations (and water isn't super cheap where you live) look for a pump to push water through it. I'd suggest finding a used spa/pool pump for cheap/free and using it. They'll generate plenty of pressure if restricted a bit (30-60PSI) to drive an aspirator. You need roughly 2x water pressure for the vacuum you want to pull.


Teflon rod is great for making adaptors and fittings... but a tad pricey.


Edit: My bit of happiness today, played with my welder some, was able to make serviceable welds on some bits of steel today. I am now the dubiously proud owner of a very unconventional piece of suspension component. My FIL had some junk bits he'd replaced in his car after an accident so I welded crap onto them.

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