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Occasional Happiness


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Well I am so happy I can't sleep! I am staring at a couple of 6" double petal ball shells I am almost done making and 15 3" shells. I think this is gonna be a fun weekend! I got some build pics of the 6"ers but I don't think I will be able to get video so that kinda sucks other wise I would post them in the competition. I also tried some color changing, a smilie, and 1 or 2 other weird things just to see. Someone is gonna wonder about some of these 3" shells so it'll be funny! If I can find the time I will make a bunch of 3" mines for extra star disposal so to speak other wise ther will be one busy campfire! OK I'm done rambling on now. By the way this is for the WPGA weekend shoot!
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I can never remember the link for downloading here so I still put stuff on Photo bucket again. These are the first set of 6" I've pasted(made ever) so anyone can let me know what they think. Thery are a little oblong I think but oh well.


6" double petal almost ready for mating---3" insert




new born babies




3" completed




6" last paste drying





Lastly to rub in some more goodies Monday I get a small truck load ofwillow branches from 2-6".

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Nice! It seems like you've only been in this hobby a few months and you are progressing extremely fast. I hope to see vids.
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Very nice ! They look so sweet... :D Remember to film the show. :)
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What do we all use as our main lighting devices? I used to use cheap cigarette lighters but after a while I decided to get a few of these after spending 10 minutes attempting to light a mine when it was a bit windy.




For the price they are excellent, only problem is that I keep loosing them (aside from that one that had a unfortunate dip in some nasty solvent and suffered a BLEVE)



I also got one of these and its also excellent, easily worth tripple the asking price.

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RE: The WPAG shoot, I hope the weather in Wausau is going to be better than what's forecast for us: rain, cold, and wind. :angry:


I won't be there for the shoot, but will make the June get-together.


I expect good video, Marks. :D


Oh, the file uploading link is:




NOTE: Users are welcome to take advantage of it, but you are not to put links to those files ANYWHERE but here unless you have express permission. (If I find anyone violating that rule, I'll be using the "vacation button" on them.)





As an aside, in Minnesota it's... The Fishing Opener (visualize that phrase accompanied by a fanfare of Golden Tumpets, for proper effect) this weekend, and is almost a religious holiday here. It also encompasses Mother's Day, and for years has been a point of contention among anglers and their Mothers and/or Wives. But our tourist revenue trumps sentiment, so it won't be changing weekends any time soon. The problem this year is that the northernmost lakes are still choked with ice, which hasn't happened since 1996.


Hmm.. guess that last bit should go in the Depression thread, eh? ;)

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I gotta 40 gig hd hd (high def hard drive) Sony vid. I will set it up for the wife. She can stand guard on the tripod and watch! AH she does not know that yet! :ph34r:


This will be the first shoot I record too, so good luck to me there too :rolleyes:

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As an aside, in Minnesota it's... The Fishing Opener (visualize that phrase accompanied by a fanfare of Golden Tumpets, for proper effect) this weekend, and is almost a religious holiday here. It also encompasses Mother's Day, and for years has been a point of contention among anglers and their Mothers and/or Wives. But our tourist revenue trumps sentiment, so it won't be changing weekends any time soon. The problem this year is that the northernmost lakes are still choked with ice, which hasn't happened since 1996.


Hmm.. guess that last bit should go in the Depression thread, eh? ;)

Most of the lakes here in Manitoba are still pretty iced up too. My nieghbor at the lake doesn't remember the ice being on our bay this late in 20 years.

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Most of the lakes here in Manitoba are still pretty iced up too. My nieghbor at the lake doesn't remember the ice being on our bay this late in 20 years.

Damned this global warming ;) . We still have snowbanks here on some of the more shaded roads; the latest I've ever seen them.

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I think it's funny we call it global warming. Sure, the icebergs are melting from warming, but it affects the rest of the world by climate change in general, not only heating.
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Its been anything but 'warmer' here :)


Last month we had the most rainy days for 70 years (for that month)

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YEah us too, I'm just praying that these clouds go away... I just want to fly.. But I guess that this should go to the depression thread...
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Got my motorcycle running finally :)

Carb cleaner to rebuild Carburetor - $5

lawnmower solenoid - $12

hours and hours of time invested - 5 cents

proving your dad and brother wrong that it will run again and doing 50 in a 30 to test 3rd gear - Priceless

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This is kind of a combo happiness/depression thing. I think some higher being was doing their best to twart my efforts of passing any class in college. First, a pyro shoot was sheduled the day before my two biggest/hardest exams of the year. Secondly, there were way too many cool shells to have to sit around and watch. Thirdly, I hadn't studied at all before or during the shoot.


Ok, so maybe the first 3 were my fault, but not the final.


I went to leave, and my car decided to be an even bigger piece of shit than usual. The heater was not working, which means no defrost. In a 100% humidity, cold, rainy environment, defrost is needed. I made it about 5 miles away, and had to turn around as I couldn't see anything. Cplmac however saved my life. He and his brother were gracious enough to give me a lift back home, where I got 4 hours of sleep, woke and and proceeded to dominate my exams. I then had to go back up today to get my car. That was an extra 6 hours of my day I would have been rather doing other things.


Turns out I blew the fuse to the fan. I replaced it, and it blew again. Hopefully it is something cheap to fix. On the plus side, if I use the outside air intake, it generates enough pressure to at least give me some air flow.


Despite building some amazing rockets cpl is a genuinely very nice guy.

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All the crap that I have gone through fixing my bike electrical was one of them. It sounds like you have grounding issue. I was blowing fuses and had to trace the problem back to a positive lead wire that was exposed and grounding to my handlebars.


Also you might try tracing the connections from the fuse backwards and checking them for any damage.

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Yeah I was thinking of a short somewhere... If it instantly pops one right after placing it in its a short... First thing I would do is throw a ohm tester on it and check it... you can figure out which side of the fuse block it is on that way... then trace the wire to find the broken/split short...
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If you dominated your exams I personally would call it a damn good year! ;)

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What do we all use as our main lighting devices? I used to use cheap cigarette lighters but after a while I decided to get a few of these after spending 10 minutes attempting to light a mine when it was a bit windy.




For the price they are excellent, only problem is that I keep loosing them (aside from that one that had a unfortunate dip in some nasty solvent and suffered a BLEVE)



I also got one of these and its also excellent, easily worth tripple the asking price.

Crack lighters, eh? I just picked up one of these: http://www.harborfreight.com/cpi/ctaf/disp...temnumber=42099 but otherwise I use a piezo start propane torch.

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I just bought a ball python today. I named him mittens.


There was a deal at a pet shop that was closing down for remodeling. It was aquarium, snake, stand, and everything to maintain it except food for $75.


Now lets see if the landlord lets me keep him.

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Huh.. I don't know where exactly to put this; Not exactly depression certanly not happyness and not madness, anyway here is my problem: My girlfriend want's me to stop chemistry (she dosen't know I do pyrotechnics... let's say thet I never mentionned it to her). She finds that it is too dangerous, she hasen't asked me to choose between her and pyro, but I have a feeling that it will come...If this ws an ordenary girl I would probably choose pyro, but we fell in love...Anyway, not planning on telling her that I do pyrotechnics.


I have to go and make/light something to decompress...

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Well from what I have learned in the past someone will love you for who you are... Not for what they want you to be... Forcing to making something work will only hamper the relationship and eventually cause it to fall apart... If pyro is something that you enjoy, then that is who you are... If she cannot see that she maybe needs to take a step back and look closer at the more developed picture... Instead of looking at the negatives... Just my two cents...


Advice is only a tool of the greater person to make rational decisions on their own circumstances...



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Frost, that is B.A. and hiliarous at the sametime. I hope you can keep him.


Oskar, like JCrew said people need to except people for who they are.

(Now my two cents.) No one can make you change and you should only change if you want to change. Don't let anyone make your decisions, you can choose for yourself and you can choose what you think is the most important. There are plenty of fish in the sea you just have to find the right one and just ask yourself how much longer do you see this relationship going on for? Pyro will never leave you, you may leave it but it will always be waiting.


And please no one be rude to me for making this comment, it may sound corny and lame but you still need to make your own decisions.

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I'm the new semi-proud owner of a beat up Jet 5'' X 6'' metal bandsaw, got it for $82, it's sans a blade, the motor switch is broken, and the hinge that connects the blade arm to the base is cracked, but I think I can get it runing without too much trouble.




I kind of agree with JCrew and mormanman, I think one should be willing to change some to make things work, but if it's major and both parties are firm in their beliefs they should consider looking elsewere.

My .02



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This is a dumb question, but what's the formula for this Euters blue that I've seen in a couple of threads?


I tried to search the forum but I couldn't get the search function to work, probably just me being stupid.



That is awesome! How do they do that?

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