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Double posting madness!!


I'm excited because I've finished the ball mill. I was going to use those ball bearing rollers to keep the jar centered, but they were expensive and shitty quality, so I just picked up a couple of cheap ball bearings (6002-2RS I think) and mounted them as rollers. They were even cheaper than casters. Although in trial runs, the jar runs in the center all by itself.


So I'm wanting to make some comets, I was thinking about a silver flitter type. I remember seeing one a while back that was like a geyser of bright white sparks. Huge hang time - maybe I'll make one of those formulas that calls for Ti and Al. Any suggestions?


Also, my FIL has offered to let me run my mill over at his place. I'm excited.


Got my hands on a bit of brass, too. Maybe enough to charge a mill jar. I'll have to cut it up a lot since it's flat bars. If it works out, then I could use the SS for milling magnalium or something.

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Double posting madness!!


I'm excited because I've finished the ball mill. I was going to use those ball bearing rollers to keep the jar centered, but they were expensive and shitty quality, so I just picked up a couple of cheap ball bearings (6002-2RS I think) and mounted them as rollers. They were even cheaper than casters. Although in trial runs, the jar runs in the center all by itself.


So I'm wanting to make some comets, I was thinking about a silver flitter type. I remember seeing one a while back that was like a geyser of bright white sparks. Huge hang time - maybe I'll make one of those formulas that calls for Ti and Al. Any suggestions?


Also, my FIL has offered to let me run my mill over at his place. I'm excited.


Got my hands on a bit of brass, too. Maybe enough to charge a mill jar. I'll have to cut it up a lot since it's flat bars. If it works out, then I could use the SS for milling magnalium or something.

That's good news on the ball mill. I think the BP I'm milling for you is ready...I hope. I don't think I've ever seen a jar as overloaded with powder as that one. I'll probably run it again for a few more hours tonight JIC.


Is that the same as the brass at my place? Those chunks are scary to even look at, considering the amount of time it'll take me to braze and cut em up into useful sizes, even with a good bandsaw.

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Nah these are different.. a couple are like 1.5x1"x7" and the strips are like .5x3x16".


Did you check out my post in the pyro tools thread?

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Nah these are different.. a couple are like 1.5x1"x7" and the strips are like .5x3x16".


Did you check out my post in the pyro tools thread?

Sounds like you found some really nice brass. The comet pumps look great. Can't wait to try them out.


On another happy note, I've now made close to 100 ematches and a bunch of blackmatch, hopefully enough to last me quite awhile.

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About two weeks ago my ancient laptop died. Mostly I kept it around as the one I bring to work because I didn't give a damn what happened to it. But some of my documents were on it so as an early birthday present to myself I went on newegg and purchased some nice things for my other laptop.


Yesterday I got in the mail:


An external hard drive mount for my old laptop's hard drive so I could get my documents.


A 2gb stick of ram so I could upgrade to 4gb


a 200gb 7200 rpm sata 3gb/s hard drive so I could have a backup HD if one failed or was corrupted. Just pop the other one in and you're set.


Long story short everything worked exactly as it should and between the extra ram, upgrading to Vista Ultimate 64 bit (from vista premium 32, there were no drivers for xp), and the new hard drive I've noticed a 50% performance increase in some areas.


Pretty snazzy.


I also got invited to go to Wales with a friend for the month of October. But I doubt I'll be staying in Wales. I think I'll get a global eurail pass and go exploring.


But it's all up in the air. I might pick some place as my central hub of operations and just go from there. Maybe a flat in ireland because it's a eurail country?


This will be my first time in Europe but not my first time abroad. I spent from late 2004- mid 2007 living in southern Mexico so I speak Spanish fluently. I should probably brush up on my French though just in case.

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Heh, nice stuff, but are you sure about the 3gb/sec HDD? Cause I mean that isn't eaven acheivable with a solid state Hard Drive. I doubt that I will upgrade to Vista in the present future...


You want some help with that french learning? Honestly, I don't really recommend France as a place to visit, go to Spain... God did I like it down there on my exchange, hey, I'm 15 and had a great time, so you would have a exellent vacation...

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The connection is capable of 3 gigabits a second since it's SATA. It would probably only be able to read at that speed when reading from the 16mb cache.


France I have mixed feelings about. On one hand there's the architecture and the Louvre, on the other hand there's the French people. I've dealt with them before and had both good and bad experiences. Basically it boiled down to the women were nice and the guys were pricks. I may just hop over for a day then hop back while the experience is still positive.


Spain I'll probably spend a little more time in because I speak the language and frankly I look Spanish. It'll be nice to be able to blend. Hehe... maybe I'll just pretend to be Spanish while I'm in France. Everyone assumes I'm from there anyways.


Thanks oskar for the offer of help with my French, I'll probably do just fine though.


Now malta... I'm as big a Sam Spade fan as anyone so I may give it a look. (ten points if you get the reference.)

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Easiest ten points I ever won......


The Maltese Falcon. A true Classic, with quite a number of A-line stars.


I envy you, Apollo. Enjoy the vacation!



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Come to France if you only want to visit the special places (ex. Louvres). But living here is... **** :unsure: I don't recommend it, unless you live outside Paris in a house.


3 gbits/s is the speed for SATA2, yes. But Oscar thought you ment 3 gbites/s ^_^

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It'll be nice to get some traveling done before I settle down into my career. I'm currently on course to become an EMT-Basic and I should be done with that about a month before I leave. I figure it'll be a graduation present to myself, kinda like a last hurrah before I enter into a long term career.


Ok, I'm shutting up about my good luck. Someone else take the floor.



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Does anyone but me think that the best feeling in the world is when you open up that $200+ order from Skylighter?
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Are you going to be a fire fighter or paramedic?

My uncle is a Division Chief and my dad was/is a paramedic and my mom was a paramedic.

They all love(d) it.

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I'm going to become a fireEMT and either go on to become a paramedic or something else in the medical field.


I think the thing I like most about the fire department is the feeling of brotherhood between you and your co-workers. It's a good feeling and a rare one.


Division Two exams for the first responder course are tomorrow morning.


Oh and tomorrow is also my birthday. I was invited to a friend's house warming party and it'll be so fun. They're good people, very chill.


Nineteen here I come, I've got a wide assortment of tasty beverages and some premium cigars. Now i've just gotta pass my division two exams tomorrow morning.

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Does anyone but me think that the best feeling in the world is when you open up that $200+ order from Skylighter?

Only until you see your credit card statement.

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What is it you did/do/want to do? if you don't mind me asking.

Want to do=


1) Train race horses..I did this for a couple of years and lost my ass, but it was the best job you I could imagine. Have you ever heard the old adage, "Do what you're passionate about, and you can't help but succeed?" BULL-BLEEP! I worked 60 hours a week for an average of $2.41 an hour. When I win the lottery I'm buying a stable of horses again and I'll piss away every dollar having the time of my life.


2) Hunting guide. Imagine someone paying you to spend your day in the woods.


What I do=


Carpentry, mostly high-end kitchens.

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Does anyone but me think that the best feeling in the world is when you open up that $200+ order from Skylighter?

Only until you see your credit card statement.

The trick is not to think of how rich you are in terms of how much money you have in the bank, but in terms of how many chems you have in the lab :)


It's finally spring here!

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A friend failed one of his exams so I took him out to a nice restaurant and we had an awesome lunch. He seemed to be feeling much better by the end of it.


I also picked up a nice short Katana, not a Wakizashi but one of those short ninja swords. Neo traditionally forged and battle ready, I think I'll keep it for a long long time and pass it down to my kids along with their grandfather's sword.


Today was a good day, however tomorrow will be a day that resounds on a much more somber note.


Edit: the sword was a ninjatō.

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Umm..... do you perhaps have a funeral to attend? If so, and related to a previous post, my condolences.



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I got a Band Saw and Bench grinder yesterday. So much fun.

9" Ryboi Band Saw and 6" Ryboi Bench Grinder.


Also, the other day I got a 4 stoke Weed Eater (Troy-Bilt) with edger, hedge trimmer, blower, and of course the weed eater attachments.

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Well... I finally found the happiness today... Thankfully...


This weekend My parents got into a argument... I stepped in between them and things blew up and my dad and I rumbled on the ground a few minutes... So parents are thinking of divorce... same night my girl friend decides things are going too fast and decides to kill the relationship... Isnt life just grand?


And now that I have all of you wondering why I am posting here I will tell you :huh:


I went home from work to lunch and found a box sitting at the door... UPS delivery... My electric motor came in... I was delighted and hugged it...


After petting it for a few minutes I fixed myself to eat... As I was leaving to return to work the post man shows up with another box... I knew what it was and almost hugged the man... Poor guy... Anyways my skylighter order came in at the right time... When I needed something to cheer me up...


To some the bad might out-weigh the good... But I just looked at it as I can now make red, white, and blue lances to take my mind off things...


Just wanted to share... Be safe everyone...

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Yeah I usually am cheered up by pyro. If it was a bad day/week I'll spend my time in the shed until the wee hours of the morning. And if its been a downright shitty week its time to bust out some easter egg shells. :)
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Just found a supplier literally a minutes drive away that sells 50% H2O2 in 5L quantity's, no additives aside from water and its cheap.


Score :D

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My first ball shell was (somewhat) successful. It was a 3" tigertail shell. The burst looked great, only need some work on the lift and timefuse length. The shell was a little too sloppy in the mortar for starters so it didn't go very high and then blew on the way back down.


Also made my first (cut) strobe stars yesterday and they work. I made a small batch of Bleser White strobe and they even strobed when still damp.


Looks like the beginning of a great summer...

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