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I just learned about free online university courses over at MIT - gonna check out their chemistry classes. ocw.mit.edu


You don't get graded, but you can take exams, presumably multiple choice / fill in the blank or some such.

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Need I remind you of the last time the two said teams met in the superbowl?  I believe it went something like this:

So if I understand you correctly, you're offering me odds? Being the magnanimous individual that I am I'm willing to take you on heads-up. How about a case of Molson to who ever goes farther in the playoffs, with a litre of Crown Royal to the victor if the two said teams meet in the Superbowl? Unless of course you're not too confident..........

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I just learned about free online university courses over at MIT - gonna check out their chemistry classes. ocw.mit.edu


You don't get graded, but you can take exams, presumably multiple choice / fill in the blank or some such.

That is amazing...I browsed the Organic Chemistry course; the sample worksheets and lecture handouts are nice. Awesome find...thanks for sharing.

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Need I remind you of the last time the two said teams met in the superbowl?  I believe it went something like this:

So if I understand you correctly, you're offering me odds? Being the magnanimous individual that I am I'm willing to take you on heads-up. How about a case of Molson to who ever goes farther in the playoffs, with a litre of Crown Royal to the victor if the two said teams meet in the Superbowl? Unless of course you're not too confident..........

Oh, this should be good.....

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Oh my goodness my 4 and 3 inch shells were so cool. I had one were it had a unknown (me goofing around) comp Ti star as a comet tail and it was sick. I had my C of M to D1 which I called Lisa in honor of my aunt and some comets. You guys remember my 9 shot cake to fountain right? Yeah it didn't work in a nut shell. It shot itself to a large boom and no one was hurt and some liked it :rolleyes: . Also I did get to make a couple ground salutes and did those safely. I just haven't heard a M-60 in so I made something like it maybe a little more powerful. BTW, there were no cops or fires which is always good. So it went great.
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YEPEEEEEE, have to open some champeigne... I just made some H3 from pine coal, and it was the fastest burning powder I made without a ball mill!!! I burned my hand pretty badly but I don't really care... :D
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I don't know about that hst. It's quite illegal to ship alcoholic beverages. You wouldn't want to get in trouble, now would you? Added to the shipping illegality, you'd also be shipping to a minor. Tsk, tsk.
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i'm quite happy that most of my stuff for NYE worked fine, quite a lot of stars didn't ignite but, i had enough other effects in the shells, so that it isn't too obvious :D


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I don't know about that hst.  It's quite illegal to ship alcoholic beverages.  You wouldn't want to get in trouble, now would you?  Added to the shipping illegality, you'd also be shipping to a minor.  Tsk, tsk.

Not a problem actually, you could just send me the cash.......


Now that we've worked out the particulars, may I assume that we have a wager?

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Well -


I fianally got my 120g shell up in the air ! Lift was 25g granulated BP.


Very sorry to say that I didn't record the in flight time. Kinda sucks but man was it up there for a long time LOL -- Actaully looked around my yard before it came back to earth!


Bought some Atomized Al 30 micron on Friday -Hope to make some break for the 3" shells of mine


To bad Monday is tomorrow :(

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Bought some Atomized Al 30 mesh friday -Hope to make some break for the 3" shells of mine

30 mesh or 30 micron b/c there is a huge difference and I'm not flaming you I'm sure everyone has gotten mesh and micron confused at least once in the Pyro lifetime. But anyways 30 mesh is huge. Here this might/will help. LINK

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30 micron

Thats what I thought. And did you edit your post.


BTW, I got my HDPE mortar today and last night I got a drill press and jig saw for under $100 at Big Lots.

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Look at what my wife brought home today!


Man I love her! :o)


Only thing is - my powder die is to big to fit in the pressing area. Still thinking on how I want to address this issue. Anyone else has this type of press?


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This reminds me, if anyone wants to pick up an arbor press or other sorts of tools, and don't have a harbor freight nearby, now is the time.


There is another similar supplier named Enco (www.use-enco.com), and they are offering free shipping on UPS items for January. Unfortunatly, the arbor press I want (3 ton) is a truck shipment item. Gotta spend $50, but I'm sure you could find a few other items that you need.


The code is: WBJ8P


They have a tool similar to the one bmarley got, but it is a bit pricier(~140), though does qualify for free shipping.

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Look at what my wife brought home today!


Man I love her! :o)


Only thing is - my powder die is to big to fit in the pressing area. Still thinking on how I want to address this issue. Anyone else has this type of press?

Looks like a nice press. Depending on what equipment or maybe machine/welding shop connections you have available, here are a few possible solutions.

1) smaller powder die (assuming it is too tall)

2) drill new holes and raise lower guide bar

3)replace bottom frame cross member supports with stronger material and press directly against that, or even block them from underneath to stop them from bending.

4) See if adjustable bottom bar will fit bottom cross member holes and replace (using bolts rather than the pins to keep frame rigid). This may also lead to some modifications being needed to the feet though, maybe only longer bolts and washers or shims to move them out a bit from the frame.

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I have been thinkin more along the line of #3 and #4. Taking out the adjustable bar and making a wood/metal bridge over the bottom cross member, for it to press on.


I really dont wnat to make another die, as then I would have to do the figuring to get to 1.7 density...and hmm *I'm not that good at that kinda math* :o)


I really dont want to have to take it back as the wifey didnt HAVE to get it in the first place...



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If you want to go through the trouble of making a new die, I will do the math for you. Also, I can imagine you could probably unload the old one here for a nice little profit.
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Thanks for the offer Mumbles. I will keep that in mind ;)


Well after a few minor mods and some cutting of scrap metal plates I successfully made my first puck! And to tell you the truth, I really dont know that I put it to 1.7(x) or less.


Just some specs on the die: I only use one piston.


piston is : 2 3/8"

and the sleeves : 3 1/8"


When I pressed the piston was fully into the sleeve. Decided to use a nice size diameter socket to ram atad more...


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Winter may be cold, but leaves lots of time for making things. I've fused and glued ends into over 60 1" cylinder shells and will have many more ready for warmer weather when I start making the goodies to fill 'em.

I'm working on my first electric firing board,switches and such should be arriving soon, and my ignition tests with nichrome have been good.

I've now made over 50 sets of 3" hemis and many more on the way.

And, I just received 1lb of dark Al today, with another lb of Ti from Bob on the way... Stockpiles of chems and suppiles are looking like it will be a good summer.

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Yepee... My ball mill arrived today aswell as some plastic hemis from Pyrocreations.Just a shame that they don't have any paper hemis...
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Oh my goodness. I saw the most bad ass car ever a '49 Cadillac la Salle with a V8 and a single barrel Weeber carb. It was so sick.
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