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I'm stoked, just ordered 20L of 30% nitric acid for $60 total. Not bad! I may add another 10L on at that price.
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I'm stoked, just ordered 20L of 30% nitric acid for $60 total. Not bad! I may add another 10L on at that price.

Not somewhere in the US i assume?

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Nope - but you could try some local places. It's sold in hydroponic stores as PH down - BC Technaflora brand. This local shop's wholesaler is clearing out their stock and so the price is pretty crazy low.
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Ya about that perc on passfire, not sure who to buy it from....I do need soem bad! Anyone got some that wont need grinding for about $4-5/pound? I only want 5lbs. come on make me hapy.
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Did you try emailing the guy selling the chunky perchlorate for $4.00lb at passfire marketplace?
Oops i never answered your question, no i didn't email him yet, i need some money, is the stuff you got from him good?
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Well i am college student and I didn't have a chance to go home this weekened. I cannot comment on the quality. According to the tracking he sent me I recieved the package on the 2nd. I will be going home this monday. I will hope to tell you about it then.


O yeah his shipping aint to bad either. I recommend gettin some because the price was very reasonable.

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just made a big order on firefox and skylighter so that should come soon also i got sulfuric acid and i made manganese heptaoxide i used denatured alcohol sulfur and cotton the sulfur was by ar the most powerful although its hard to see in the video its destroyed the glass slide it was sitting on and i could only find about 1/4 of it




also i made a stinger which i have yet to test and thanksgiving is nearing i cant wait to go to the desert and light all my stuff on thanksgiving.

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I'm stoked, just ordered 20L of 30% nitric acid for $60 total. Not bad! I may add another 10L on at that price.

Yes, you should..maybe even 10L more if you could deliver some down here next time you're in town. :D

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Yay I got a job! Better yet, a job at a company I ACTUALLY WANT to work for. They build "lab on a chip" (micro-sensor) devices, which is ACTUALLY cool (I've worked in this field before).


Hmm....on the down side this could really cut into my sitting around time, haha.

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Did you try emailing the guy selling the chunky perchlorate for $4.00lb at passfire marketplace?
Oops i never answered your question, no i didn't email him yet, i need some money, is the stuff you got from him good?

Well I burned an ascorbic acid K Perc mixture... The stuff burned so it is at least K Perc but I cannot comment on color production...

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FrankRizzo: I could try, should be able to tell the border guys you need it for winterizing your hot tub or something. I'll call the dude tommorow and see if he's ordered it yet or not.


Also, I saw a 5 gallon PYREX bottle (like one you'd ferment beer in) for $15 today - it's vintage, real borosilicate. I'm considering going back and buying it.

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Hmmm.. so A guy buys a building where a chemical compamy was that went bust, so the guy gets ALL of their products (he has absolutly no knowleg on chemistry) And he has 15 tonnes of it (more than 3000 different producte) And guess what he's selling them and some things are pretty sweet.. hes is selling evrything for 4Euros a kg EVRYTHING!!!!!
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oskarchem are you going to tell us a few more details or are u just going to leave us drooling here wondering how to order and what there is?
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Ah, well you guys can't really order... manly because he lives in Belgium and it could get a bit tricey to export some stuff, but he dosent have stuff like KClO3 KNO3 so nothing for pyrotechnics really, I could ask him if you could order but you would need to speak French.... He has stuff like: Fluorhydric Acid (I don't know if the name is right), Perchloric acid,Brome... I'm gonna send him a mail asking if he can ship to the US...
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I seem to (finally) be getting the hang of rolling / sizing stars... :) I've been using Acine de Pepe pasta as rolling cores and they seem to work pretty nice.


1/2" Reaper Silver rolled on 1/4" Emerald Green cores:



A whole pile of ~1/4" Flash Cores, and a bucket of 1/4" Ruby Red, and some 3/8" Green to Red:



The sizing screens I drilled from bread pans really help...now I just need to make some larger size screens, because I've got ~1kg of 3/4" Lancaster Yellow glitter in process for a 8in shell...Woo-hoo! :D

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Had a good night last knight, got to hand fire the cakes again for a display. Had one shell flower pot, not on me though. I didn’t even see it though I could feel it as it felt a lot sharper than when the 3”mortars where firing. Ah great fun
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those are some really nice stars where they hand rolled whenever i roll reaper silver my stars always spike how did you prevent it?

They were rolled in my bowl roller. I used ~75/25 percentage mix of water and denatured alcohol. The meal was 3hr. meal from the ball mill (made with +1.5% CMC), the Al is 20-30micron spherical, and the dextrin was home-made...it rolled like a dream. I started with 200g of sized 1/4" Emerald Green and rolled on 300g of silver. I didn't need to size any during the addition of the silver; they rolled that nice.


Do you use some alcohol to break the surface tension of the charcoal when rolling?

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yeah but i just hand roll them in a big bowl they all come out nice except my reeper silver i have a pretty good motor with variable speeds i should make a star roller since i never use the motor anyway....
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Well... this weekend was pretty good... no real homework to speak of...


I got some time to work on a few projects: (non-pyro)

  • Completed near-IR goggles
    Hope to get a clear snap-on lens for my 35mm camera and modify it to shoot in mostly infrared soon too... however i have no idea how that will end up turning out on normal film... its an experiment. And no, I'm not going to buy specialty IR film. As to how it feels looking through the goggles with 2-3 layers of filter gel: trippy. It was lightly overcast though... i have to try them again on a really clear sunny day.
  • Added vacuum gauge with splash protection to my home made water aspirator
    I also got a nice 12v marine pump from harbor freight tools, some hose from ace, and fittings... i just need to find an empty bucket... they seem to go fast in my household...
  • Started working on a dimmer control for controlling lights, motors, heating elements, fans, etc... then realized that heating element like the ones used in water heaters use a crap load of watts and my dimmer switch is only rated for 600w... it would work with some things... like my heating mantle... but i really need a control for more robust heating elements... I'm not sure about the motor... can't remember its rating... But yeah... id like to spend as little as possible... i have been told to look into "triacs."
  • Ordered a very very very robust 0-15v 0-30A 350w Peltier cooler/heater panel. Its 62x62mm you pass DC current through it and one side gets cold and the other side gets hot (+ more heat due to in-efficiency) and you have to remove the heat from the hot side so it doesn't damage the unit. Either with a heat sink and fan or liquid cooling like with over clocked processors. Its basically a solid-state heat pump. And it can work the other way... make a temperature difference between both sides and a current flows. This is used to power some equipment in various industry's. I have seen varietys using the heat from propane or natural gas and ones using focused sunlight. Its a very nice passive technology. Not terribly efficient though. Much smaller ones around 20-40w are used in those 12 in car coolers, USB powered drink chillers/warmers, etc. I'm going to use it in several projects... Seeing how low i can get it to go by placing it in my freezer, then using it. Its rated to working between -60 to 180C. I'm also going to try useing it to chill condenser coolant, use it in a minifridge for wine or beer, and ill probably try to use it for power generation when it gets colder using the temp difference between my skin and the ambient air. (this has already been done to power a watch apparently) (The main guy selling them on eBay has them for pretty good prices... email him and he'll send you a list with prices... you'll probably be able to get a better deal that way)
  • I merged 2 of my older exported Firefox links files with my current one and painstakingly deleted old crap that doesn't exist, added new crap, and organized all of it... I'm still missing a significant portion of links that must have been taken under with my last screwed up HDD... I have been working on all the links from about 11:30pm till 4:30am... that should be a testament to just how many i have...

And thats about it.

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I feel happy right about now... No idea why (see: the venting room), perhaps all those drugs I just took?


But yeah... What's to be happy about...


My TT stars are purty, I'm absoloutly loaded (I have now idea how it's possible - I don't work or do pretty much anything productive e.g. steal, deal drugs etc.), family guy season 6 is 88% downloaded, Jesus saves, apparantly and my armpits smell like popcorn (sweetened).

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WOO HOO just finished my star cutting board its real nice my nitrocellulose and nitrostarch caught fire while welding it that was kinda scary but whatever plus my chemicals should be arriving any day now. and im goin to the desert on thanksgiving



EDIT: ok here are the pictures of my starboard check out my mad welding skillz just kidding :D




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