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not sure if this belongs in the HE section, if so please move


am i right in thinking most concussion compositions for use in a concussion mortar are based on


magnesium /strontium nitrate ?


or is 70/30 also used ?............is this more "explosive / noisy" than the above magnesium comp?


any reason the following comp could not be used as it is based on a reformulated military simulator mix ?


strontium nitrate 53.5

aluminium 40

sulphur 5 reduces ignition temp.

boric acid 1 counters potential nitrate aluminium reaction

cabosil 0.5


these compositions are design for noise not light.


i am aware that each manufacturer marries their composition for use in their own mortar for safety reasons


on a seperate note maybe the forum needs another section specifically for theatrical/stage /spfx pyro ?




I use a lot of "Le maitre" and "NextFx" concussion type flash powder.I am pretty sure they use the 70:30 we all know, using potassium perchlorate and aluminium flake or magnalium.

The composition you just show content sulphur... this is not really good if you are doing a show in a theater and it start smeling SO2 after each concussion.

They generally come as 2 part mixes. I'd imagine shipping would be a pain otherwise. They're generally formulated so that they can be mixed by volume. I also believe they're a bit more tame than straight 70:30 with black Al, but that might just come from fillers/blends of materials needed to get equal volume compositions.

using 0.5g of each :-


std 70/30 gives a small thud unconfined




strontium nitrate 53.5

aluminium 40

sulphur 5 reduces ignition temp.

boric acid 1 counters potential nitrate aluminium reaction

cabosil 0.5 flow agent


is fast but gives no "thud" when unconfined, quite a "soft" flash.

larger amounts and confined, is of course another matter, i am sure it would perform as it were.



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