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With that press, you are limited on the working length. You'll need room for the longest motor you plan on pressing, plus extra for the rammers, a PtoF gauge (or tap the jack for one). A 6 ton jack may not be enough either, since it can be difficult to squeak the full force out of them without straining yourself. If there is room for the motors you want to press. Also keep in mind to plan for the largest size you want to build, then get one even bigger. You wouldn't want to buy a press that limits you to 1 pound motors and kick yourself after you just have to build a bigger one.
Posted (edited)

A lot of people use that press or a clone of it. Some have found the frame twists a bit with high pressure and add straps on the back to strengthen it. Dan Creagan's site is an excellent resource for tips. http://www.wichitabuggywhip.com/fireworks/rockets/presses.html


He also has instructions to add a gauge to the jack. http://www.wichitabuggywhip.com/fireworks/tapajack/tapajack.html

Edited by nater

Can I use a press without a gauge for pressing rockets?


Because I can't install a gauge without messing it up and when I buy a press with a gauge it costs >300€........



Some sort of gauge is very important for pressing rockets. The two most important things for a successful motor are consistent and small increments.

Ok thanks,

I for sure will mess up the press while installing the gause.....


What press are you useing?




Whats that thing between the jack and the tooling??




Whats that thing between the jack and the tooling??



There is a P2F gauge and some steell plates
So I don't have to modifie the jack?
Not if you buy or make a pressure to force gauge.
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