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Explosive license questions, specifically type 4 magazines

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I'm actively perusing my explosive license and would like to be approved for storage at the same time. I was planning on putting the magazine in the same outdoor shed as I will be using for my pryo work shop. I recently found out that the magazine needs to be 200ft away from the construction area. Is this true? Even if I keep the mag outside I don't have the property to maintain that distances between the mag and the shed without having it in my front yard. Did anyone else run into this situation? What did/ would you do for this situation?


The description and chart seem to state that the specification is 200 feet away for 0-100 pounds of display fireworks. however, sub-part #3 states, "3 This table does not apply to the separation distances between fireworks process buildings (see § 555.222) and between magazines (see §§ 555.218 and 555.224)." Even thought the title of the table is "Table of distance between firework process building and other specific areas". Areas being the magazine, which is listed below the table. So, the way I'm interpreting the information is contradicting. Is there someone that can clarify this?


Ive read 555.222, 555.218, & 555.224 and that does not clear it up for me. Thanks in advance for your much needed help.


One thing you can do is put a buffer between them that will shorten the distance.
In the attached image, subsection 4 states that the distances in the table apply with or without a barricade.
The way I read that statement "3 This table does not apply to the separation distances between fireworks process buildings (see § 555.222) and between magazines (see §§ 555.218 and 555.224)." is that these distances do not apply between 2 or more process buildings OR between 2 or more magazines. So you could have 2 sheds right next to each other where you a processing. Or 2 magazines side by side. But not a magazine next to a processing area.
ohh ok yes that's what it means. I didn't acknowledge the plurals after buildings and magazines until your comment. Thanks for your input!
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