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stinger cato's -fuel

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Been having some of my 3lb stingers cato or take off violently with NO spin up before launching. Using a granulated 60-30-10 fuel. With my homemade black willow charcoal and ball milled maybe ten hours or more. Could this be too hot. ???? I just don't see that fuse hole spin the sucker up?? Using a drill jig specifically made for this tooling (machined lines for swapping etc). So I shouldn't have to be adjusting nozzel thickness or fuse hole heights which kinda defeats the purpose of dropping the big bucks on expensive tooling?????????:angry:
Normally you can actually use standard 75:15:10, but it should be meal, not granulated, at least that's what I have used for stingers.

We use standard Benzoate whistle in stingers without CATO so i doubt the fuel is at fault. We use NEPT tubes, what are you using?



I've had rockets blow up on me, and I think it was the fuel that was at fault. Even when granulated with no binder, it has some pretty resilient little pieces that I think create faults in the fuel grain of the rocket.
Hobby horse nept ????

Hobby horse nept ????






It was a 75-15-10 mix, nozzleless. I ommitted the oil, so that may have had something to do with it.




My 6-3-1 mix compacts very nicely, so I think it is the extra KNO3 that is responsible for the tougher granules.

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