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Finally received.the call from the local office interview Friday morning.


Time is moving slowly tick..............tock.

Edited by Dean411

Don't sweat it too much, just be honest. You'll get a number of questions just trying to figure out your intent. After that the investigator will go down a checklist making sure you understand the laws that apply to the license or permit you're applying for. Take the opportunity to get some questions of your own answered if you're foggy on anything.


Feel privileged to get to wait until Friday, I received my call on a Monday morning saying that the interview had to be scheduled between then and Wednesday during working hours.


Finally received.the call from the local office interview Friday morning.


Time is moving slowly tick..............tock.


I remember this event very well. My interview was friendly once we got past the first 15 minutes or so. I was trying and fighting for a mfg lic, but without the city business license they were not going to give it to me, so I settled on the users. By the way, most folks (even them) will tell you there are no numbers now such as type 20, type 54, etc yet when you receive your document it will have right on it 54-user of fireworks. That is unless you are trying for mfg and have all the proper excuses (reasons etc).


My interview lasted exactly from noon till 3:30 pm, and neither of us got up from the table once. Once he left I took a much needed nap.


The license came exactly one week later.


Hope it all goes smooth as silk for you. It's a big step that many won't undertake, but you will feel better once it's over and you have it.



Good Luck to ya:)
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