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Please Post VIDEO'S if you got em .

h&k machineguns

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That was cool! Can't wait to try whistle!


Though I have a ways to go.....


I hope this video is not sideways but if it is forgive me :blush: . My timing was WAY off as the shell broke late(break wasnt great either but that was expected) which made the reports late but close examination does show all 15 reports going off(though most were on the ground :blush: ). This was for my kids 15th birthday ergo the 15 salutes. There was "one to grow on" but camera person quit filming before it went off. No making fun of my rockets........ they make me happy :D . And yes I do see the truck precariously close to where the reports landed but be aware "bessie" is fully insured!


Just a video, not an entry. Those will be next week.



Edited by guntoteninfadel
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That was cool! Can't wait to try whistle!


Though I have a ways to go.....


I hope this video is not sideways but if it is forgive me :blush: . My timing was WAY off as the shell broke late(break wasnt great either but that was expected) which made the reports late but close examination does show all 15 reports going off(though most were on the ground :blush: ). This was for my kids 15th birthday ergo the 15 salutes. There was "one to grow on" but camera person quit filming before it went off. No making fun of my rockets........ they make me happy :D . And yes I do see the truck precariously close to where the reports landed but be aware "bessie" is fully insured!


Just a video, not an entry. Those will be next week.




my nexk is stuck but great rocket with a full tail,great job HB

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  • 2 weeks later...

Being back in business, so much things changed!

Better tools, more equipment and precised work , thats the way I really enjoy this hobby.

So here you go guys, I stuck to Na Sally for my whistle rockets, using the good old iron oxide as the catalyst:


1lb Extreme performance whistle rocket with 3" ball shell header






3 Stage rocket KBenz to Sally




Hybrid rocket ( Whistle / Blackpowder fuel ) with salute header :




Red rising tails were ruby red comets with 15% Ti added.


Thats it, heading for the next pyro meeting with friends





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Red rising tails were ruby red comets with 15% Ti added.




explain to me how you got that tail! that was cool! or point me toward an appropriate thread.

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First decent break! Stars were too big and break was too small but for 2" shells I was happy considering my previous attempts.


OK SO its sideways..... again, I promise to get a new videographer next time :blush:

Edited by guntoteninfadel
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First decent break! Stars were too big and break was too small but for 2" shells I was happy considering my previous attempts.


OK SO its sideways..... again, I promise to get a new videographer next time :blush:


nice one mate

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Flight test of the 12.7mm id x 85mm motor from Dag`s thread. (Building from scratch; 7/16" ID bottle rockets). The header was just 1g of loose bp with 25% ti-sponge dumped in above the delay for a visual on the height.

I`ll use a slower burning delay next time around as it didnt appear to make it to apogee before the header burst..


Small motor flight test


The 3/4" id version used the same fuel (75/15/10), more delay and had an 80g dump header attached, the total weight was 207g. I never doubted it would fly. :D


3/4" version

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Nice job Col!!


Back up a little with the camera so we can see the whole flight, gotta love the WHOOSH!


Here are few of mine, some older ones and two from last month.











Edited by dagabu
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Nice rockets. The last one was my favourite of the bunch but they`re all top notch.

I`ll make a note of standing further away in future, it might help me keep the camera trained on the rocket. :)

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Not sure if you want this but here it is, Bp 75/15/10 ball milled and processed with water screened dried and pressed at 5250 lbs. its about the size of an Estes e-9 with delay and ejection charge. It took me a long time to perfect it, but alas here it is. Thanks for viewing. All of the equipment is hand made, the flight box, the flight stand, igniter, rocket, and motor, mostly everything.






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