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Please Post VIDEO'S if you got em .

h&k machineguns

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Well my core was about the same as yours (7/10), but my nozzle was a little long, and the core maybe a tad short (6.5/10), so all he additional top increments adding only the delay.... If this rocket was just 5" long, and flew to the 100 feet it did and exploded, it would be a decent (yet low) effect.


I'm thinking that I used to do 8/10 core for RCandy.

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Stick length is good at 4 times the motor+header length.  So if your motor is 5in long and with a small shell it comes to be about 7in long than make your stick about 21in long.

That is fairly ambiguous. Do you mean that if the motor and header is say 5" that the stick needs to be of length so as to make the total rocket 4 times the motor + header length. I.E. header + motor = 5" 5"x4=20" so the stick needs to be 15". Or is the stick supposed to be 4 times the length of the motor+header length? I.E. motor + header =5" 5"x4=20" so the stick needs to be 20"? I always thought it was the latter so did you have a typo and mean to say the stick should be 28" long?

Ya thats the latter, it was a typo. Although I wouldnt use a stick that long on a 4oz rocket. Maybe on a 1lb rocket. It matters how big the stick is in diameter.


Yah the mine looked great. The go-getters dont look to go-getty. And the hollow core looked like my first 4", kinda small. I think I dusted the stars on break though.

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Here's a 2-1/2" ball shell I did a couple of years ago, and just got around to finding and posting the video. It was a test of a violet star comp that didn't really pan out, but in this shell I mixed it with some tigertail cut stars, and the two together aren't too bad. The burn-time of the stars is good, but I didn't really acheive a very good color saturation. I was using BP without a booster for breaks back then, so it breaks pretty weak.


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  • 2 weeks later...

2lb whistle rocket with comet to report 76/23


I built a couple of identical rockets to compare the power of 70/30 whistle to 76/23 this was the 76/23. There was really no comparison, the 76/23 was MUCH more powerful with almost an identical burn rate.


And HST that was a nice shell, broke good and hard and seemed like most of the stars lit.

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18 mm Burdick blue rocket from tonight


Man that thing is funny sounding! And from what I see, I can conclude it does not actually strobe, just like everyone else confirms. The strobes that are visible on the video are just some branches getting in the field of view.


I remember an article saying that the ammonia-smelling GE silicone will not work, but I used glass silicone that smelt horrobly like ammonia!

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Pudi that was a good effort! I love the sound of strobe rockets whether they strobe or not. And yes the GE Silicone II formula sucks. Have never gotten it to work and have never seen anyone else get it to work. I haven't forgotten about that charcoal streamer comp, I've just been out of town the last couple of days.
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Here is a little 2" Red shell I shot tonight that I was pleased with.



As usual some random comments. The horses in their pen took off to the far side when they heard the lighter click. They have been pyro trained.

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cplmac are you talking the silcone doesnt work or the comp in general. Ive made it several times with success, not in a rocket though.


Oh love your comet rocket. I took the description as it had a comet to report header. Then I seen it and was kinda lost wondering if you had put charcoal in the whistle. <anyone every tryed that with good results?

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Steve LaDuke adds charcoal to his whistle from time to time for some of those hybrid rockets. IIRC there are two types. One with about 10% airfloat charcoal, and the other with BP.


If you're asking if you can add granular charcoal to whistle, I haven't an idea. Seams feasible at least, though something just tells me it won't work.

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It works it just doesn't whistle if there is a core. That particular rocket was just a two pound whistle motor with flash over delay and a 3" charcoal comet glued to the top. When the report went it blew the comet to pieces which is actually a pretty decent effect. I have made Silicone II successfully, just never had success with it in a rocket. I can't see a single remotely sensible reason to ever make it again. There are dozens of blue formulas that look the same and are less of a mess.
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3" comet drippy glitter medium Al


3" comet drippy glitter large Al


4" Gold column comet


4" matrix comet green twinkler


4" matrix comet white strobe


4" matrix comet dragon eggs


4" matrix comet C4 glitter


4" cylinder shell silver tailed reports


Girandola no header


Most successful night of testing in quite some time, really pleased after tonight. I'm going to double the eggs in the next dragon egg matrix comet, otherwise pretty happy with the 4" comets. The cylinder shell looked MUCH better in person, my brother forgot to set the focus after taking the video of the shell pre-fire so the focus was jacked for the shot.

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I think I just fell in love with your green twinkler, what's the formula?


I'd have to second that emotion. My youngest daughter said that it reminded her of Tinkerbell flying across the sky.


Cplmac's videos are always devastating to my self-esteem; just when I start to think I'm starting to develop some chops, he goes and posts another batch. Damn.

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If it's any consolation, Charlie, there's quite a few of us who feel the same way. :D



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I'll join the crowd...very nice stuff. Beautiful 'dola!


Is the Green Twinkler the Shimizu formula?...in other words did you have to Dichromate the Mg?...that's is the only thing keeping me from trying all of those strobes.


If you did, is it as nasty a process as it looks?

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The green twinkler stars were made by a friend of mine quite a while ago. I asked her today which formula it was and she said it was either Baechle or Bleser, but possibly Purrnington. I'm going to have to test them all out, I'll post my findings when they are ready.
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Alright got some new vids up of some recently made and tested rockets. I have to say I'm fairly pleased with my progress so far, a little slow but work does that... *shrugs*


The first one here is the oldest one, from two weeks ago or so, just a 1lb BP rocket using the same extremely hot BP mix I showed in my earlier post. This time I had a header, just a small 8g flash header but still... a header ;-)


This next one has a flying fish 2in easter egg shell, quickly slapped together by my buddy JAP, and set atop another 1lb Rocket with the same fast propellant. You'll notice it doesn't quite fly straight, this is probably due to the stick being bamboo. The Flying fish is not quite big enough in the 2in header for how high the rocket goes either, still looks alright though, at least it did in person.


Ok, this one is pretty much the best looking one I have so far, nice straight flight 2in tigertail shell looks great, still a little too small for the height, but not bad at all...


Now this, this is my all time favorite EVER! I did not make this rocket... my girlfriend did :-D Although it didn't fly, it was the most spectacular CATO I've witnessed, man was it loud. I coached her so it was still my fault ;-) I was just so happy that the girl of my dreams even makes rockets with me! HELLS YEA!!!

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Lokks nice ActionTek. Mind giving a few spec's on your tooling?

No problem, its just a standard 1lb tooling set from wolter I think, can't remember exactly where I got it. One of the popular tooling guys often talked about on this forum ;-) I'll get some measurements when I can and post em. As to the question of why the rocket blew up, I can pretty safely assume its because my gf doesn't have that big of an arm to ram a rocket so the grain probly had a crack in it, so when I get a press (a real damned press) she'll be pumpin them out just as good as me... probably better, you know women... ;-)

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I had some that should have been perfectly fine just all go south for the night I decided to launch them. Random as hell, tested and proven motors just blowing on ignition.
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Did you have a significant weather change within the 24 hours before shooting them off?


I know some WPAG members have had problems if things get real damp (from rain) a day or so before they're launched. CATO's left and right. Grain swelling/contracting probably.

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Allright, my first video post in this thread; Here is my 2" (supposed to be) D1 although, I don't know what happened to the D1 effect, it turned out to be red with a tail. I liked it, my parents liked it and a friend to witch I was teaching our wonderful hobby aswell :D .



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Did you have a significant weather change within the 24 hours before shooting them off?


I know some WPAG members have had problems if things get real damp (from rain) a day or so before they're launched. CATO's left and right. Grain swelling/contracting probably.

A few were stored just for one night. One was a cored motor that was made before with some others that worked ok, just didnt shoot this one. The other two were nozzle less that should have flown but it seems every time I store one it catos, might just be randomness, as they arent quite tuned yet.


I did have a weather problem at the PGI convention. Those crap craft tubes are prone to being effected by weather, NEPTs not so much. I just didnt have any.

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