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Black powder improvising.


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Today is the last day of the school holidays for me, so I decided to have some fun before school starts. So I got out my chemical bag (A bag with other bags containing various chemicals) And got all the oxidizers.

There were:

1. Ca(OCl)2

2. KIO3

3. K2Cr2O7


And then I got my other more plentiful chemical oxidizers, which were:


4. KNO3

5. KMnO4


So I mixed up 5 batches of black powder with each oxidizer, about 20g of each. 75% oxidizer, 15% C 10% S


I know some don't work well but I was just experimenting, some of the results were quite strange...


1. The calcium hypochlorite was a dissapointment, it burnt slow and was dangerous, it let of SO2 and Cl2.


2. The KIO3 wasn't the fastest, but let off iodine gas bright purple, It burnt blue. This was the coolest.


3. This was the worst, but still quite entertaining, it kind of smouldered, fast like incence does sort of, except it was extremely hot, and when it was does I put a toothpich through a clump of it and put it in water, it made a loud fizlle, dissolved and went green. This was the weirdest.


4. This is obvious, as KNO3 is most commonly used and you all have seen it before.


5. This as the fastest, kind of made a phumph sound as it lit, nothing special though, it burnt with a bright yellow flame strangely.


Does anyone else improvise with black powders.

Please don't say I'm being an idiot and being 'unsafe' I used small portions and kept away, I know what I am doing. :D

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If you are mixing some of those chemicals, I'd say it's safe to say you don't know what you're doing, and probably should do some more reading.
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I know some of them don't go together safely, like hypochlorite and sulfur, but I only mixed the bad ones at the last second and kept well away, I know incompatible chemicals and I have read lots of books, posts etc on stuff like that.
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Wasn't it you who posted the thread on making a "fairly useful gunpowder" out of hypochlorite and sulfur?


Edit: I meant posted in a thread (best flash powder thread) about the hypo and sulfur.


You can make a fairly usefull gunpowder fom Sulfur and HTH (calcium hypochlorite), it is dangerous as it can self combust.

I leart that the hard way 

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Me? I never made a thread about hypochlorite gunpowdeer, my friend did it once and it self ignited in his garage, I try to stay clear of it, and if I am foeced to use it I mix it at the last second.
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Oh :unsure: , sorry, I don't know why I posted that. I have changed from then (I hope.) It is stupid, I agree.
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