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any chance of an events forum?

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Posted (edited)

the topic says it all



Edited by moondogman
I agree, I think that be a great idea. We should also have individual club forums. wink2.gif

The WPAG forum would just kick all the other club forums' butts anyway. In all seriousness I'm not going to be adding dozens and dozens of sub forums. I don't think it looks very clean and orderly. Any individual club stuff should have their own lines of communication.


I'll get on the Event forum soon.


I think an events forum is a pretty nice idea. I agree that most clubs should use their own means of communication though. Sub forums for the various clubs would just get ridiculous and fragment things too much because there is no where near enough people who would post in each sub forum to make it worth it. I have seen the same thing implemented on some very large forums in such a way that each state has a sub forum, and it works for them, just barely since they have so many members. I think a thread per event is more realistic. IE PGI 2012, WWB ____, etc...


Might want to consider some sort of rule to limit it to club, society, organization, etc... events. IE interactive events mostly. To not include common firework shows, even though some are quite large. I guess exceptions can be made?


There are some events that don't strictly relate directly to fireworks, but are somewhat related for some people... For instance, many pyrotechnic enthusiasts are interested in chemistry, science, and making things in general (myself included)... Lots of us like guns, cannons... and by some coincidence of common utility, knives. Because hey, when your out in the field setting up some fireworks, what do you always have with you besides a source of fire? A knife. Gotta cut fuse, strip wire, cut twine, etc... Then there are other things which are just interesting or fun.


*National Fireworks Association Trade shows, expos, conferences, etc...

*American Pyrotechnics Association.

*American Chemical Society (ACS) National meeting is coming up near the end of this month in Denver, CO.

*MakerFaire events are happening occasionally in different cities around the USA and abroad.

*NFPA conferences.

*SHOT show. Guns, knives, gear, etc?

*American Homebrewers Association?

*Massive BBQ competitions?

*Massive spicy stuff celebrations?

*Burning man?!


So I guess I'm wondering where we will draw the line with what is acceptable. Many of these events may seem out of place in a pyro forum... But they could be pretty interesting to know about and discuss. I like to mark my calendar with such events when I can even if I don't intend to go since my plans may change and suddenly I may find myself with an abundance of free time and I may just happen to be nearby such an event. It could also be interesting to hear various members possible experience or thoughts with some non-pyro events. I think if kept to the mostly larger events there would be a manageable rate of thread creation/discussion... and hopefully for the most part everyone can stay mostly civil with their discussion.

All set up I do believe. Let me know if you see any problems.
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