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Where to get Mg Powder?

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I'll get straight to the point;


I live in England, and I need to get some Magnesium Powder (off the internet) for KNO3/Mg Flash Powder. I can only use PayPal as my payment method/


Does anyone know where to get Magnesium Powder from a site that delivers to the UK, and accepts PayPal?



Thanks a lot,


Yea, no one is going to tell you, as you just joined, want to know where to get mg for flash, i think your going to get some pretty negative posts.
I stick to Magnalium even though I'm not big on flash, and if you have to ask where to get it, then you probably shouldn't be.
If yoy pesist and look hard enough (ie do a little research) you will be able to find mg for free. Ive made several kilos of mgal for nothing. It is excellent for stars. As well as flash, which you should stay away from. I also think you should take a quick squiz at my sig to help you make some decisions
Some auto repair car shops have MgAl shavings because some flash cars have Magnesium alloy parts. I'm fairly sure they just chuck it out so you should be able to get it for free even. ;)
Yeah. As far as i know, most of those alloys have a high Al percentage and only a little mg, which makes for rather unreactive mgal. 50/50 is the way to go :)

I'm 19 (so yes, over 18) by the way.


Also, i've looked at your signature. My great uncle blow off his left hand with flash powder, so yeah. I've thought about this a lot.

You havn't thought about it alot if your having to ask for sources.

Yeah I have. (I ment about the consequences).


Seriously, I looked a hell of a lot before I posted this. The best that I could find was KNO3.com, but that doesn't except PayPal.

Is someone gonna let the cat out of the box so this thread ends?
If all you can find is kno3.com, it's plainly obvious that you're not looking hard enough. By the way, I wouldn't recommend anyone use that website. You're very likely to receive an early morning visit from the authorities if you do so.
I've been to KNO3.com, I didn't buy anything because it didn't look too safe, but it's also very expensive. Like 12 pounds for 500g of KNO3.
I think KNO3.com was being investigated recently by the police. Also i have heard from numerous people that the police visited them, enquiring about there orders.
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