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hi all friends,

anyone answers these questions

1) Is it necessary to ball mill the lift charge...??

2) Is it okay to use quick mach fuse as a delay fuse in aerial shells...??

3)can we use rice puffs for burst charge in big shells...??


1. Yes***

2. No

3. Yes



*** - There are ways around using ball milled BP for lift, though they are primarily suited toward use in canister shells. If you look up Mike Swisher's instructions on making polverone, that will yield an acceptable product. You will need to use probably 50-100% more than with good ball milled lift. Alternatively, you could also contain the lift charge made by the instructions given by Mike Swisher in a maroon and be able to use an identical amount of powder as with quality lift. A sabot of paper of cloth and wooden disks may also be required. This method actually allows for a more economical usage of lift powder, but that requires much larger and heavier shells to see any real benefit.


for my second question..


youtube link- http://www.youtube.c...h?v=LNC2aS4xOOg


pls commet on delay in video.Is it not a bare quick match..??

I haven't got visco fuse but want a good delay agent....can paper tube filled with delay composition works..?? problem here is to ensure fire at exact center....and for paper tube we are gonna need to fill just about one inch delay composition....what about cavity upto center of shell...?? can you share picture or video..??


The blackmatch, and presumably granular BP, he places inside the tube is to pipe the fire from the time fuse or spolette into the center of the shell. As you mentioned, this is important for good symmetric breaks.


To get fire to the center of the shell, a thin paper tube or quickmatch is tied or placed over the top of the fuse. This can then be filled with blackmatch or granular BP. When the delay runs out, it will light this fuse or BP which burns instantly giving fire to the shell in the correct spot. The "paper tube filled with delay composition" you mention is called a spolette. This term should help in searching for more information.


As a safety note, one should never cut blackmatch or any fuse with sissors. The ones in this video seem especially dull on top of it. If comp gets between the blades, it can ignite from shearing. Anvil cutters or a razor blade are the way it should be cut.

Thanks broad mumble for answering these questions.....especially for safety note....
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