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Crappy video, but here is my first starmine. The kids are not laughing at me now. Made with 20 grams of cut stars, 6 grams of commercial BP, tissue wad under and over stars, in an inch and a half mortar. Pretty lame for this site, but ones first success is ones first success!

The stars looks pretty good for firsts!
Thanks. I am now officially hooked. Just waiting for the wife to get home so I can run down to the shop and put another couple hundred grams in the ball mill for this weekends entertainment.

It's sooo eays to get hooked aye?



I don't think that's lame - it's pretty creditable.
Thanks Peret. The kids were calling my creamora fireballs lame. They really were lame, but fun. I milled up some more comp last night, today I'm going to DIY some star plates to get more consistency and press the stars tonight. I'm not sure if it's the hobby or the DIY aspect of it that attracts me. After I get the stars pressed it's time to make up some containers for some simple shells for the weekend. Can't wait for that.
Not too shabby. There was a good deal of punch in there.

Not too shabby. There was a good deal of punch in there.


Thanks NightHawkInLight. Most of the reason I've started into this hobby is your fault, lol. All those tutorials just make it look too easy. Keep up the excellent work.


I used 6 grams of commercial FFG to lift that one. Probably a bit much!!! There are enough stars left in the shop for 1 more, will cut the lift back to around 5 grams. The next stars I cut will be a little bit smaller than those. I'm just beginning to understand the variables involved in the effects. Star size, lift size, mortar size etc, etc, etc. The learning curve is long and really steep at the moment.


I'm not sure if it's the hobby or the DIY aspect of it that attracts me.


I am quite sure it is the DYI part that will keep you going but it is the smoke that pulls you in ;)


Dont worry about the kids, bring them along to PGI next year, Ill put them to work with the JPA and the will never call your fireworks "lame" again. :)

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