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Carbide cannons, part II

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I saw One Eyed Charlie's cannon, and it reminded me that ever since I was a kid, and saw the ads for "Big Bertha!" in the back of a comic book, I wanted one. Dad said "No way" which is why I went and made ground salutes with a death mix. Another story and a good reason why parents should encourage and supervise, rather than just say NO.


I have everything needed. Steel, machine tools, and calcium carbide. I've looked a bit, but haven't found a design that appeals to me. So I guess I'll have to wing it. I think a cool design would look more modern, rather than a civil war style.


Anyone have plans or links to plans for such a beast?


I'm also thinking that the presence of a carbide cannon could conceal other activities, like my too-frequent CATOs, if someone comes to investigate. So I'm wide open to any thoughts on carbide cannons, their design, etc.


Oh yes, a stoichiometric mix of oxygen and acetylene scares me far more than FP, because the chances of static ignition are much higher. And the power - I'd heard that the mafia would approach the house of a target, slide a giant garbage bag under the door, snuff a blue flame, and fill the bag. Fused, time to run, because the fuel-air mix is going to take the roof off with overpressure.

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I got one of the Big Bang cannons(needs a new spark plug) but i need to check out my local regulations for MA before i go and fire it off willy-nilly.




Back when I was playing with model jet engines, I made an igniter from a tiny 1/4" X 32 spark plug as used in piston engines, and to that I hooked a buzz box that uses a 555 timer to trigger a cascade of sparks. I'm thinking that will be my ignition. I need to create a combustion chamber, and some sort of fuel feed. But I really know little about them in general.


I found a couple of sites related to homemade cannons:

My linkhttp://mb045.k12.sd.us/Ideas/cannon1/cannon1.htm

My linkhttp://www.toycannons.ray-vin.com/bigguns/kelly.htm





The last link has a few other items of interest. Unfortunately, some of them deal with illegal items like M-80's, plus stuff like nitrocotton. Also, the plans are for-sale, rather than free.


Well, I can take pictures of the despenser on my cannon, as well as the body and such so you have a idea of waht your shooting for, also check out this site, you can get replacement parts from them:




breech block/ignitor:




spark plug:





To supply the acetylene simply have a small volume of water in your chamber, as well as a threaded breech plug. From the breech plug extend a rod and machine a shape that can hold some calcium carbide. Fill with calcium carbide. When the plug is screwed in the 'spoon' is rotated upside down and the calcium carbide is dropped into the water, making acetylene.


Without a projectile in particular you won't need high pressure requirements. You'll be pretty free on the design/materials (the original used glass).

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