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Posted (edited)

Ok so I bought about 50 tubes on the internet and they are kind of small for fountains. So I put two togather by glueing then and taping them like this- (see picture). Will this still work for fountains or anything for that matter? Or will it fall apart and break while burning? Thanks! and is there anyway to make them stick togather more?


post-9793-1250559844_thumb.jpg the two tubes glued and taped together.





the tube and the smaller one

Edited by Mario1
well what you cuold do it make 2 fountains seperatley and dont put a plug on the bottom of one and put a piece of black match in the bottom one than a turn of gumed tape around to hold them down. that way when one finishes its burn the second will automatically ignite. i know some methods of constructiong Roman candles use several tubes which are than glued together
thanks but that really doesnt answer my question. sorry.
Yes they will work, but its also depending on wall thickness, a thicker wall will hold up better than a thin one, if you glued them together ( hopfully with hotglue or epoxy) they should work.
No, you're right in assuming that the glue joint will not stand-up to the pressure generated by a choked (nozzled) fountain. Hot-glue would not be an appropriate adhesive. It's best to either roll your own convolute tubes or order them pre-made in the length you need.
Well I guess I should just test it out then.
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