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thanks the ID was a little small about 3-1/2" and the burst was meal coated rice hulls with a little more then a tablespoon of whistle booster.

Well... looks like I have a cold and light fever. I'll have to watch the color of what I cough up to make sure it isn't a bacterial infection.


I have a rough design planned out for a variable speed variable milling jar size ball mill / star roller. It should be able to roll 2 15lb Thumler containers at the same time. Also I can change the distance of the rollers hence variable milling jar size so I can roll anything from about 4" OD to 15"+ OD. So long as a 1/4HP motor doesn't have problems with it. I'm still thinking about it and ways in which I could make it also be a pottery wheel. The obvious way would be to just switch the star rolling bucket for a flat surface with mounts for a clay "bat" and just turn it verticle. The speed control would be via variac unless I somehow rigged up a gear shifting system like on a mountain bike. Cooling for the motor is also a potential problem as the fan doesn't work properly at reduced voltage via variac. So I might have to just have a separate squirl cage blower or something pumping air into the motor. Still thinking.


I start the next semester in around 12 days. Fun fun. At least I won't be very bored. I think I ended up getting into the 2nd best chem II class :(. Not fair. Hopefully someone will drop and I can transfer.


Considering getting some fine copper or silicon off eBay with gift certificate I got for xmas.

Hey I was just thinking whilst reading your post asilentbob I can have a 1HP motor, you guys think it would be a little too strong for a ball mill or a star roller?
crazyboy what red did you use in the last video?
Ok thanks. oskarchem that motor should be fine, there really isn't such a thing as too powerfull (within reason).
Before I forget. Mumbles, I PMed you a few days ago about the annual APC video compilation thread idea. I don't know if you received that PM or not.
Ok, thanks anyone would know how many lbs a 1HP motor would be able to turn?
A 1HP motor will be able to turn a big enough mill to make more BP than you could ever use. A 1/2 HP motor would easily turn my fully loaded franken-mill. If it is ever completed(with a few modifications), the charge would be over 130lbs.
will Magnesium, granular 200-325 mesh work for comps that contain magnesium or is this to coarse/fine?
Ah, ok thanks Mumbles. So I should ptobably go to the scrap yard and buy a 1/4HP...

Get whatever is cheapest. 1/4HP should be able to turn a standard jar with 1 kilo of BP/comp. If you find a good deal on a 1 HP, there is no reason it can't be used of course.


As far as the Mg, it depends on the comp in question.


This was shown to me by a friend. About half way through we start talking about lampares. You have got to read it. It will give you a taste of the Mumbles of yesteryear. I'm even laughing at myself. I never did get around to making any of them by the way.


Old form posts


Well, I also fired some stuff for NYE. A lot of stars didn't ignite and several colorchanges didn't as well :( but, it wasn't too bad, you don't remark really, if you don't know what should happen :D Emerald Green and ruby red mgal didnt work properly, willow didn't either.


I fired 5x 120mm Shells, 3x 75mm Shells and several mines. And a final-salute, 75g of KClO4/Dark Al in a 1,5cm strong papertube. This bang wasn't bad, blastwaves allways feel nice :D


So here's my stuff:


Tigertail with silverpistil, 120mm

There was still a color change to green, that didn't work, just 3 green stars ignited. The silver stars were just mixed in the break charge




Silver to red, 120mm

There would be a red ring of ruby red mgal, that didn't ignite. 2 times the same on this video, filmed with 2 cams.




Silver to green, 120mm

The red ring here didn't ignite as well and the green isn't as strong on the video as in real.




Tigertail to Willow, 120mm. Willow didn't ignite, but the height of the shell's nice :D




D1, 120mm

D1 to red Stars + red ring+ some willow stars... just the D1 ignited... crap




Mine: Tigertail to willow and blue micros

Finally willow ignited once




And this is a video of all the stuff together plus some other devices(2 75mm shells, 1 60mm mine and a nice salute)


I look forward for some critics :)


Greetz Spider


Those are nice shells.


Hey, I have a question, How do you pump stars? I took a tube and a rammer rammed some comp in the tube tried to push it out but it fell apart. So if anyone could help me because I am thinking of making some comets... Thanks

If the rammer is too small (diameter), or there are jagged edges on the pipe that can happen. Also, you will probably have to compress it more than just by hand. Get a hammer and give it a few good blows to get it to compact. The comets will be pretty fragile until they are dry as well, so be careful with them.

those are nice shells keep up the good work



too bad about those stars not igniting looks like i was right about needing to use a thick hot prime on ruby red and emerlad green huh? oh well better luck next time



what was that silver comp you used? it was very nice.


Ok, thnx Mumbles the pipe is jagged that is my problem, and I do ram it.


So just one more question befor I can start to make a few comets: is this H3 powder fas burning enough to send one up? I think it is but since my chems are limited I don't want to waste them.

The powder was not granulated


7g H3: http://fr.youtube.com/watch?v=uQU_0yDJ71Q

Difficult to tell as it isn't granulated. However, if my BP burnt at that speed, it'd be no where near good enough to lift it. You'd pop the comet out of the tube, and that would be about it.
Depending on the burn time of the comet. My pecan bp is about that speed but a little fast and it sends them flying

Mumbles, I am closer now (post count-wise), I must be catching up! I am now ~1/10 of you, at that time I believe I was 1/40


For new years I did a couple nice bangs and some nice light, nothing spectacular.


Ahhh yes, another year where I still have all my fingers, It was a very good year, considering. To counteract the 10 fingers, I probably lost a few braincells smelling home synthed CS gas and random sulfur oxides and nitrogen oxides. :thumbs up smiley: B)


On a different note, using D-salts I have shrunk the size of my blasting caps from a standard drinking straw to a mini coffee straw (1/16 inch or what ever) and they still function great! (directed mostly @ mumbles for motivating me to synth D-salts.)


Nice pics/vids spider, I think you had more fun on NYE than me.



The comp i used was homegrown:

77 Greenmix or more or less slow Meal

12 Al 63µ

6 Al 50-315µ

1.5 MgAl 63µ

1.5 Dark Al

5 Dextrin


I once did a series of tests:


Al-Stars of a acquaintance of mine

56 KNO3

17 S

13 Charcoal

9 Al 63µ

5 Dextrin




Al-Stars of a acquaintance of mine

45 KNO3

30 Dark Al

10 Al <150µ

10 S

5 Meal

5 Dextrin




Al-Stars of two friends of mine

57 KNO3

13 Al 63µ

8 Dark Al

10 S

6 Kohle

5 Dextrin




Al-Stars by me

77 Greenmix or more or less slow Meal

12 Al 63µ

6 Al 50-315µ

5 Dextrin




Al-Stars by me

77 Greenmix or more or less slow Meal

12 Al 63µ

5 Dextrin



All comps were primed with beech-meal, which is absolutely enough.

The video:

Click me


My aim was to see the mixtures, so the mines and stars weren't constructed/rolled very exactly :P



Right, So I tryed the comet with my H3 and yep it did work of corse when somthing works I don't have my camera, it was a good eavning, I sent my first comet (actually tonight I sent my first pyro "thing up")
Right, So I tryed the comet with my H3 and yep it did work of corse when somthing works I don't have my camera, it was a good eavning, I sent my first comet (actually tonight I sent my first pyro "thing up")

Fantastic, I love comets but I need a new scale for some D1 comets b/c they don't really burn to well.

Well, actually I used some slow green mix I had left over, but I think the comet crumbeled apart because of the lift, the sparks started flying as soon as it left the mortar.
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