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Entry (4 x 4" shells)


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Here are some of my 4" shells from last NYE. I figured I post them here in the competition. All, except 4" TT to White nr. 2 come both in MPG and wmv format. The mpg's are really large and heavy files, and might not work smooth with everyone. I hope you have the codecs for wmv.


The rising tails are D1 comets, except on the Win39 to blue, which has a win39 comet on top.


4" Tigetail to white




4" Winokur39 to blue




4" Tigertail to white

Only MPG


4" Golden polyp w/ red pistil. Golden tail




Thanks for watching!


EDIT: Obviously 4 shells, not 3 like the title suggests!

Edited by Chris
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Some very very nice shells there, good breaks too. Paper or plastic, how much pasting, flash booster? What was the white formula?


Keep up the good work, look forward to seeing more from you.

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Some very very nice shells there, good breaks too. Paper or plastic, how much pasting, flash booster? What was the white formula?


Keep up the good work, look forward to seeing more from you.


Thank you! All paper except win39 to blue. For four-inchers I use typically 12 layers of 60-70 lbs kraft.


Burst charges:

Polyp and TT to white nr. 1 - KP break

TT to white nr. 2 - BP or RH w/ flash

Win39 to blue - BR on RH w/ flash

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Beautiful! I'll have to try the win39 some day, I understand it rolls easily.

Couple questions, do you rice the TT type comp, dry it, and then remill it before rolling it? I have trouble rolling the high charcoal comps like TT on cut cores. And what size stars were you using in the first 3 shells? I've grown to love the effect of a larger number of small slower burning stars, more so than a lower number of larger, more energetic stars.

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Beautiful! I'll have to try the win39 some day, I understand it rolls easily.

Couple questions, do you rice the TT type comp, dry it, and then remill it before rolling it? I have trouble rolling the high charcoal comps like TT on cut cores. And what size stars were you using in the first 3 shells? I've grown to love the effect of a larger number of small slower burning stars, more so than a lower number of larger, more energetic stars.


39 is pretty easy to work with. However, stars with Antimony Trisulfide seem to spike somewhat easily, so you need to sprinkle the comp evenly. I don't prepare the TT any special way, because it seems to roll nicely for me as is. I think the key is that I use heavy cores and I roll large batches at time. Usually 2 kg or so. Large batches allow me to use more cores. The more cores you have in the drum, the better any comp will roll. The TT starts were about 3/8". 39's were a little larger because the comp is a fast burner.

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