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tube launched rockets


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And this actually flies straight? i have to try this now.

This way i wont need to attatch long sticks which tend to break in my bag.

Thanks for sharing the idea! :D

BTW you happen to have a video of it in action do you?

Yes it flies just as straight as a single long stick. I don't know why no one has discussed it here before.

I don't have a video,sorry.


Just grab a rocket D motor or smaller and superglue 3 large drinking straws evenly on the sides of the rocket. If the rocket doesn't balance on the ground than you can always snip a little off of a straw with sissors,or pile up a little more sand,rock.... around it to get it to stay.


I've never done this with any motor bigger than a D motor or 1 pound core burner before,so there could be a boarder of what size rocket this works with.


I also have never tried this idea in a tube before,but I'm 99% sure it would work.

I always thought shooting big rockets out of tubes was manditory. We had a TON of 5' rocket this past 4th that my friend who works for AB-Salute And J+J pyro made some rockets for me. They were very loud, even though they went up about 800ft. Had a 4" Heavy Ti report shell in there ( it was made of aluminum LOL) . We shot it out of a 4" ID 10ft long HDPE tube, that was secured to a huge steak in the ground.



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I think you might have mistaken somthing, the tube launched rockets talked about in this thread are ones where the wholerocket is inside the tube and launched, not just the tail stick thats in he tube.... if that made sense.


BTW did you mean that the actual casing of the shell was aluminium?! wouldnt that be a *bit* dangerous? :blink:

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I think you might have mistaken somthing, the tube launched rockets talked about in this thread are ones where the wholerocket is inside the tube and launched, not just the tail stick thats in he tube.... if that made sense.


BTW did you mean that the actual casing of the shell was aluminium?! wouldnt that be a *bit* dangerous? :blink:

Well, not really, if its going 1000ft in the air, i dont see how you would be harmed.

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I think you might have mistaken somthing, the tube launched rockets talked about in this thread are ones where the wholerocket is inside the tube and launched, not just the tail stick thats in he tube.... if that made sense.


BTW did you mean that the actual casing of the shell was aluminium?!  wouldnt that be a *bit* dangerous? :blink:

Well, not really, if its going 1000ft in the air, i dont see how you would be harmed.

His point was, what if it doesn't go 1k ft in the air... if it were to *god forbid* CATO, then an aluminum casing would suddenly become quite dangerous. Just imagine a shard of aluminum flying at you close to the speed of a bullet....

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I think you might have mistaken somthing, the tube launched rockets talked about in this thread are ones where the wholerocket is inside the tube and launched, not just the tail stick thats in he tube.... if that made sense.


BTW did you mean that the actual casing of the shell was aluminium?!  wouldnt that be a *bit* dangerous? :blink:

Well, not really, if its going 1000ft in the air, i dont see how you would be harmed.

His point was, what if it doesn't go 1k ft in the air... if it were to *god forbid* CATO, then an aluminum casing would suddenly become quite dangerous. Just imagine a shard of aluminum flying at you close to the speed of a bullet....

Well, we already had that in perspective. They were shot 500ft from us out of a 1" thick HDPE tube, 10' tall.

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i could see how it could prob have its uses in a pro show where all risks are assessed etc, and im sure if a metal casing is used then the sound would be rather loud without having to use much weight in a paper pasted casing.... though for some reason i just get this random image of a "cob" on a rocket into my head.

how thick is the casing of the aluminium shell?

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You not only have to worry about it on the pad...what goes up must eventually come down. That's why paper, paste, and string have been mainstays of manufacture for many years. Aluminum casings are completely unacceptable.
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i could see how it could prob have its uses in a pro show where all risks are assessed etc, and im sure if a metal casing is used then the sound would be rather loud without having to use much weight in a paper pasted casing.... though for some reason i just get this random image of a "cob" on a rocket into my head.

how thick is the casing of the aluminium shell?

the casing was 1/8" wall. These are perfectly safe when launched correctly.

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No way is that even close to safe.

Well, our on site BATF agent said it was ok. :D We had to follow a shitload of orders from him before we had the ok to launch these babies, all i can say is DAMN! they made my ears ring from 1000ft in the air!

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I didn't say it was illegal. I said it wasn't safe. The falling of aluminum, shreds probably wouldn't be the bad part. I would be more concerned of the sharp metal fragments on the ground afterward. If for some reason the tube split down the side, and the casing fell in it's entirety, it may be dangerous as well.
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I didn't say it was illegal. I said it wasn't safe. The falling of aluminum, shreds probably wouldn't be the bad part. I would be more concerned of the sharp metal fragments on the ground afterward. If for some reason the tube split down the side, and the casing fell in it's entirety, it may be dangerous as well.

I would do test first with a spare piece of pipe you plan on using for your project, maybe filling a rocket motor tubing intirely with flash and having it go off in the type of tube you plan on using your launcher for. If it doesn't blow the tube up than your probably going to be okay with anything else. I'm still new to all this,so please take my advice lightly.


If the sides were thick enough and the front of the launcher barrel was open,and the back had maybe a few holes I don't see why this would be a big safety issue. Make sure of course no one is in the back or front of the launcher.


My launcher is for 4 oz rockets only,and don't pose a threat to my barrel one bit even when set off in the middle of the barrel with FP. I used 1/4 " thick side walls (Aluminum pipe). I have 4 barrels and the shroud for all 4 barrels is 4" ID that houses all them. The shroud is also 1/4 inch thick. I totaly over did it with mine as far as safety goes,but you can never be to safe. I also was picturing someday puting headers on the end of my rockets and figured this would be a good idea.

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Actually his rocket salute casing he claims was made from aluminum, not the launching tube. They were launched from HDPE pipe he said.
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