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I forgot where it was... And I also have a webhost that I've done nothing with. So I'd be happy to host it. It's been sitting there since February.


Its got monthly 300 GB of bandwidth and 20GB of disc space.


Oh thanks a lot. I forgot it. Well I'm just hoping if one of the admins will give me permission to host it.


It was definately one of my favorite sites to refer to.

Last I knew it was a jumble of broken links. Because of it already having the reupation I think it would be worth it to fill it up again with usefull information and good tutorials. Just a thought.

I can't give permission as it isn't my site. You'd have to talk to EP himself.


After we a nice collection of good tutorials we plan to open up a sister site with them on it, and a home page for the forum. We are still however working out bugs in the forum and such as it is though. Info pool is coming soon too I hope.

I don't understand this whole info pool thing? It has been refered to in different ways, so I'm kinda lost. Any help? Any yeah, KP was an awesome site. That would sweet to have it back, althought you can see the cached version, or archived version, both without pics.

Krimzon Pyro was always run by Rat Bastard, he just hosted my site. He dissapeared for a while and lost the domain name, then it just was dead for a while. Currently some asshole cybersquatter owns the domain. Rat showed up here and there a couple times a long time afterwards and I think got something running again, but I don't know what the current status is and doubt it is still up anyway. The above link somebody posted is a backup somebody made, but is very incomplete. If somebody wants to host whatever they can scrap together of my section, that is fine with me as long as they don't change anything. I once spent a ton of my free time working on the site, but these days I don't have that time or interest to fix it. As far as I'm concerned, it would need a major re-working and I don't have the ability to create enough content right now for it to be worth it. I had a good time making the site and was glad it became a big part of the scene, but others have picked up the torch now. As for Rat's section (and the others), you would have to talk to them, and I doubt you could get in touch with them, it has been a long time...


I would personally love to see the tutorial section of the forum expanded, I think it has great promise in centralizing things and keeping it connected with the forum.

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