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Hi i was reading up on the internet and came across 'yellow powder' they say that it is a powder that burns 8 times faster than comercial BP. It is made up of Kno3,potassium carbonate and sulfur. Is this a real powder or is it made up, if it is real has any one made it and how did it go? Thanks
It's real. I don't know about the 8x as fast as BP thing, but it is real. It is powerful stuff, but it produces very little light or flame.
in the best of afn 3 i read that you can us it as a dragon egg substitute since it detonates

I don't know if it would work to well, it seems it need to be under constant flame (to get molten?). I've tried it before and I couldn't get it to work (yellow powder) so I couldn't try it in anything.


Nice video pretty green flame, Is it yours or did you find it?


I found it on Gamekeepers pyro forum.

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