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Easy Quickmatch pipe.

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There are many different ways to make quick match pipe. This is the method that I made up (I'm probably not the first person to do it, but I didn't get the idea from anyone else) that takes very little time to make.


Starting materials: Roll of light kraft paper (I use painting paper from home depot, its similar to newspaper), scissors, tape, and a 3/8" dowel. Other sizes could be used, this is just the one I use because it suits my purpose. Dowel length isn't very important which will become obvious later.



Cut a piece of paper that is a bit longer than what you want your finished pipe to be. I cut a piece that was 27" long. Now, to roll the pipe start at a corner and roll it at an angle, like so.


Try to place the dowel so that it will stick out of the end of the pipe. This makes it easier to remove it after the pipe is finished. You'll have to play around with which angle works the best.

As you continue rolling, the pipe will telescope off of the end of the dowel and may taper to a wider inner diameter. Don't worry about it because it can be tightened after the pipe is fully rolled.



Continue rolling until you get the the very end and tape down this little flap to the tube. Make sure before you tape it that you tighten down the tube first if it widened. The only way I can think of to explain this is to place your hands on both ends of the pipe and give it an Indian burn.






The finished pipe is about 28 inches in length after trimming off the ends. The pipe is thicker in the middle so that it can withstand the abuse of being pressed between a shell and a mortar without tearing and it is thinner at the ends which makes it easier to get it into the lift charge of a shell but that depends on your method of attaching shell leaders.

I do my matchpipe similar, except I use about a 4" wide strip of paper (sometimes even newspaper) then wind spirally along a 36" long 1/4" dowel.

Nice tutorial,


For heavier shells, I use re-enforced 2.5" gummed tape. I take a strip as long as I need for the QM leader, fold 1/3 over, tucking the BM or paper fuse into flap. Run a damp sponge down the exposed gummed surface, then fold that over.


The nice thing about using the re-enforced tape is that you can lift / lower the shells by passing the QM pipe through the lifting ring. Here's a pic of a 7.8lb. 8" shell with a QM pipe made in the above method:


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