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I forgot to take a pic-I was more into lighting them! I could build another if ya like!


crimson magnalium

1" ID tube 1/4" wall, from axle to end of tube is 11"


potassium perchlorate 60

red gum 4

parlon 12

magnalium -200 mesh 30

boric acid .5

dextrin 4

calcium carbonate 19.5




gold glitter with same set up


meal 65

sodium oxalate 8

chinnese needle 15

magnalium -200 mesh 10

charcoal airfloat 2


Very nice wheels! Loved the second comp. you used. Very beautiful, and professional looking. Great job!
I enjoy your wheels, specially the glitter. Like the green full saxon too you have recently added on YT.
Thanks I really appreciate the comments. This isn't easy-learn how to do pyro-learn how to "YT"-learn how to post-try to figure out what and the heck "kewls" stands for-oops I'm heading towards the venting thread! But the best part is to prove or disprove a theory, who doesn't live for that!
Yes, two very nice saxons. Keep at it!

Great saxons! I really like the smoke rings you see in the beginning at the red one. :D The glitter saxon is absolutely wonderful: the long delayed glitter flies everywhere around the saxon, great job!


My chinese needle antimonytrisulfide will arive soon, I'll try the same thing than. (D1 didn't work so well last time.)

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