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aluminum powder?

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I now mail-order chemicals from skylighter..


I don't know which of there aluminum chemicals is aluminum powder there aredozzens of aluminum atomized, and flake look here




which chemical is the one i need to make flash powder with? ( i am going with a pottatsiium percholerate to alumnium powder mixture)


1. This is against the rules and is very, very, bad.

2. your name makes it worse

3. Firecrackers take absolutely no talent to build and when you do have them they get old fast.


4. You would be much better off building an actual firework, like smoke bombs, bottle rockets, or fountains.

5. Although appealing, flash powder is a very bad thing to start out with.

6. This is really stupid in every way, i don't know why i even responded, this is going to get closed probably.


I know I'm new to this forum too, but I just looked over your threads and I want you to know I hope you get banned for this one.

Ok, you're banned for good.
Bombbuilder soon to be the next victim of natural selection!
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