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Book about killing vampires with bright lights


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im a writer, not a good one, but a writer nontheless.


my current short story is about a post apocalyptic world after an alien invasion of what appears to be vampires from antiquity. turns out the few vamps seen back then were just an initial exploratory force that represented a much greater empire of entities that feed on the blood of other sentient life.

they have a weakness though... VERY bright lights

so i am trying to make a device that any idiot could slap together, i am thinking sugar and potassium chlorate? i want it to be usable with a pull tab that relies solely on mechanical energy because these things emit EMPs that disable electronics so an electric ignition won't work. it has to either be a kinetic or pull tab type. i don't wanna use a 'fuse' because i think it would look cooler in a grenade form because this might actually end up being optioned by netflix if i end up pitching it to them later next year.]


if anyone can come up with how i can do it? i'd like to make one of these myself to test how bright they are and actually see it in action so whatta i do? you will get credited in the book and the show if it actually ends up being picked up!

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Obviously there are a lot of liberties that can be taken in fiction. For it to be somewhat realistic, something described as having a very bright light would almost certainly contain metal powders of some sort.  Mg can be obtained from water heaters as the sacrificial anode, camping fire starters, certain racing tire rims, among other sources. Aluminum can be obtained most anywhere (foil, fences, soda cans, support beams, etc). Any of those things can be melted down or ground down in the literary sense. It's not as easy as it sounds in practice. Add oxidizer of choice. Invent pull ignition system. Done.

I will say that most of these are going to be on the more sensitive side of compositions for you to experiment with and I wouldn't really recommend it. They will be plenty bright and give off plenty of UV, you can trust us on that. It's the basis of a lot of military flares to give you a frame of reference.

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chat gpt suggests potassium chlorate mixed with sugar and can be set off with a drop of sulfuric acid. i was thinking something like that but am lost as to how to actually DO it

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Most chlorate mixes are dangerous in real life. AN absence of production detail could be more appropriate. Invent a device for your purpose and assume that after a vague description that your reader knows and understands, without the full technical detail. A good fiction needn't contain pages of science and technology, but does need to involve the imagination. It's not what you read but how you read it, and how it makes you feel. A good non-fiction (text book style) needs to have full and complete information, but you are writing fiction.

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