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Potassium Chlorate Safety/Stability


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It looks like I'm dealing with a dumb decision I made back in grade 10 (1988).  I stole from the  chemistry lab a jar half full of potassium chlorate.  Half pound maybe.  The jar is plastic.  I just found it in an old desk and I'm afraid to touch the jar.  The lid looks like it's on tight.  Is this stuff stable as is?  Can I move the jar without setting it off?  I can see if I can get a picture of the label and post it. I have no idea how old this stuff was when I took it.  Could have been from the 70's for all I know.  I just want to get it out of the house.  If this stuff is stable as is, I might not worry about it.  Everything I've read online says that it can be explosive if mixed with other materials.  What about if it's just by itself?

I also have a jar of aluminum powder and calcium metal.  I've attached photos of those.  The aluminum powder had black electrical tape around the lid which fell off when lift the jar up.  These seemed less threatening.  Should I be concerned with these as well?


Thank you for the help.






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