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I am sure we have all discovered a composition, that was interesting. I have invented a few, but discovered more. Here are a few i have discovered:

8 Potassium nitrate

2 Charcoal

With the charcoal I have, it burns an awesome pink internal flame, with orange outerflame. Very beautiful, but might not work with your charcoal. I use cowboy charcoal.


4 Potassium nitrate

6 zinc


Hard to light in a pile, but when pressed into a tube, makes VERY good smokes. I use a small red aluminum fueled star to ignite. Also, if you use a thin paper tube, or a CPVC tube, there is a rod of yellow shit left. It is very hard, and fragile. I am thinking it is zinc oxide or something.


75sodium/potassium or strontium nitrate

15 charcoal

10 sulfur

20-30 coarse magnesium "chips"


My magnesium is coarse enough to stay on a window screen, but has some smaller fines mixed in, like 40-60 mesh.

With sodium nitate, makes a very bright flare. Strontium nitrate,is a bit hard to light, even with a blowtorch!



Most people know this one, but I will post it because I like it a lot

5 KNO3/Sodium nitrate/Strontium Nitrate

3 Aluminum

2 Sulfur


I used kno3, amkes a nice white flare, sodium nitrate is extremely bright and easier to ignite for some reason, strontium nitrate is a pale yellow, not red. The aluminum probably fucks the red up.


2 Potassium nitrate

1 Sulfur


I have no idea how discovered this, but when in a small fountain(a peice of aluminum foil rolled up) this makes a forceful orangeish flame.


If I find the videos to these comps, I will post them.

The first one is just sulphurless BP. Nothing new there :rolleyes:
Why? Just post it in the compositions section, much better for people searching for compos too, as they are neatly sorted by threads.

Holx, post each individual composition?


Also, I know it is sulfurless BP, but most people wouldnt know that it burns pinkish.

Blackpowder burns pinkish also, just like most compositions with only K salts in it.
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