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Zink 930 series rocket motor - does anybody have some dimensions?


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I cannot get my hands on them easily since they are class 4. The seem to use a rather large caliber endburning driver, >25mm

But I'm curious:

What caliber are they? Or at least, what's the outside diameter of the aluminum tube?

Do the use a short core, like many endburners do?

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They use a very short core, maybe arround 1cm high. Since they use a Aluminium tube there is no clay plug, so it is indeed like a very short core. 


Edited by Kalifireworks
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Every endburner needs a very short core to reach the average thrust right from the start. Judging from the pictures this seems to be the case here... with a little boost for liftoff maybe...


Also judging from the pictures the nozzle ist quite large. It looks like 1/3 ID or so, more like a fountain...


But does anyone know the diameter for a large 930 type motor?


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I may get my hands on some and I will dissect for reference. But this may not be before Autumn.

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