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If I use arsenic oxide then what is the problem?????

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There are lots of topics posted by you with same title ,I ask everyone.

Instead or starting useless topics frequently you must make posts to already existing topics and stop posting useless posts.

whats the meaning of 'if i use arsenic oxide whats the problem,?

Where you want to use what type of composition you are trying to prepare is hidden in post.

Historically Realgar and Orphiment was in use but in modern pyrotechnics it is outdated.

You must read books and dont play with health hazardous chemicals.   

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Mercury and arsenic and their compounds have great toxicity and little purpose in pyro AVOID them.

ALSO what is the purpose of using a metal oxide? Oxides do not burn (oxidise) further so they just act as fillers which is space that could have been better used.

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It's toxic and not all that useful.

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