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Powerful Golf Ball Cannon

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Well here's my golf ball cannon that I got for christmas. I used the money to buy a mauler valve which is a very powerful piston valve made by a guy from a potato gun website I know. It uses pvc and a golf ball barrel which is sleeved inside 2" sch 80 pvc. This thing is super powerful. It launches a golf ball clear outta sight at 30psi. I have yet to take it up to higher pressures because it would launch over the woods behind my house and hit these million dollar houses on a golf course. I want to shoot it at a washer or dryer or something to see how bad it would mess up the steel.


PS. Sorry the pictures are outdated. Some of them are not with it fully assembled but you get the idea.

Golf balls are not good projectiles for hitting anything solid...they will come right back at you with almost the same velocity. Paper molds filled with cast concrete or pea gravel are very effective however.
yeah I know but most stuff I shoot at they just go right through.
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