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Well, thats what experimenting is for. Meal burns at about 3 seconds an inch. Go from there.
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ya know...you guys having a hard time getting fuse could always just go ahead and make up a sticky match machine...


assuming everyone's heard of and can locate tape for sale all they need beyond that is some BP.


buy it in a can or make some.


bp stuck to one layer of tape will burn at "X" speed (x changes due to type and ammount of BP), whiel BP sandwiched between 2 layers of tape will be much faster if done right.


granted this doesn't help you in a visco specific situation...but you can do a ton of stuff with SM if you make it propperly.

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I made some bp fuse that burned at 9sec/in at the convention last year.
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  • 2 months later...

i have found blackmatch to be unreliable, i could never find NC laquer so my blackmatch burned at uneven speeds and was prone to getting wet....and my first fuse was the good old newspaper soaked in sodium chlorate (weedkiller).. possibly worst fuse ever.. but it kinda worked :blush:


i now use 1/8 visco which i have 700m of :P

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i have found blackmatch to be unreliable, i could never find NC laquer so my blackmatch burned at uneven speeds and was prone to getting wet....and my first fuse was the good old newspaper soaked in sodium chlorate (weedkiller).. possibly worst fuse ever.. but it kinda worked :blush:


i now use 1/8 visco which i have 700m of :P



Yes but apparently you are finished with pyro anyway, :rolleyes: so hopefully someone else gets to enjoy that fuse.

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yea its true.. ill sell it at a very reasonable price if anyone is interested
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Please refrain from discussing sales until Pyromaster makes an approved Agora post.


Pyromaster, this is not the forum to sell your items, as I pointed out in another thread you replied to. Please use The Agora. As long as you follow the rules within it, your post will most likely be approved.

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  • 3 weeks later...
What you just posted is a device used in blasting, this is a pyrotechnic forum so there is really no use for that here. And there is no one patent for manufacturing visco or time fuse. You should really read up before posting or continuing in pyro.
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LGM, this is also a Chemistry forum and has a HE section. Your right it doesn't have anything to do with pyro but it sounds like your flaming him. Some people including me have to be spoon fed once or twice and then they'll make there own sandwich. Metaphorically speaking.

I still think its kind of funny that he got TIME FUSE mixed with DET CORD.

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Guys, be nice. He's trying to do his research and is obviously putting his time into the reading. He was just sharing something he found. As you have pointed out, it wasn't quite what he intended, but at least a good faith effort was put forth.
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I saw some noobs the other day and they just had strings coated with gas.. It was the stupidest fucking thing ive ever seen... :rolleyes:


Its amazing some of the things you see people try . i have to admit when I see stupid shit like that i love to stand around and watch just to see if the dumb asses get burnt. and hope there not trying to light flash or something crazy with it.

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Anyone tried that new bumble bee fuse they have out .its suposed to be like flying fish on steroids i wasnt all that impressed .But I guess I need to make 2 =2inch shells and shoot them side by side full of flying fuse and the bumble bee fuse to really see if there is a differace.
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I think I have a substitute for BM. I don't know what it would or should be called and if its already been discussed. Its twine or cotton string and you unravel the threads but still holding them so you can twist it back together. Once unraveled you dip it in dry SF or maybe mill haven't tried mill yet. Then twist together and light. It burn similar to visco but can't be use as time fuse. I'm going to do some more test and see if dip the fuse in NC will make it more of a time fuse.
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What the hell is SF? Just taking the first two letters of a ceratin word doesn't guarantee that everybody will understand what you're talking about.
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Thats the impression I got. It's nothing new though. The flash is usually wet into a slurry from the other applications I've seen. Essentially how imitation thermalite works(the one with the wetting).
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Did you guys really not understand SF as Slow Flash? Its used all the time.
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For what it's worth, I have seen it used maybe 2 or 3 times. Since you give no context it makes it far more difficult.
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Did you guys really not understand SF as Slow Flash? Its used all the time.


No I don't. SF to me means SourceForge, or San Francisco, or Science Fiction.

Unless you use the term once in your message first, to give it context, best to

stick to really common abbreviations and acronyms. Do you use F for flash ?


But to stay on topic, flash based fuses are just poor man's thermalite, used

for cross-matching. I would NOT recommend it as a sub for black match in

normal fusing. It can throw enough sparks to accelerate it's burn, and

skip forward unpredictably, and erratically.

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Ok, I'll stick to what you said. And no I use FP for flash powder. Would you guys understand SFP?

I'm only using it linking or chaining stuff.

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Ok, I'll stick to what you said. And no I use FP for flash powder. Would you guys understand SFP?

I'm only using it linking or chaining stuff.


Oh come on, can't you just write down the whole word? You know, using acronyms doesn't make you smarter. Most pyros know the meaning of something like BP or FP (if used in context) but shortening every possible composition to a few letters is just confusing so write the whole damn word to avoid confusion.

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