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You are talking about PETN det cord which has no place in pyrotechnics.

I guess so thanks I just wanted to know what it was called.

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I think the easiest fuse to make is to roll some BP in a cigarette paper. :lol: It's cheap too. 100 fuses for 50 cents!
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Tere is this fuse I came across some time ago, and witch I use a lot because I dont have any acces to any chemicals, it goes like this:


1) Crush some matches, around ten should do(cheap, bad quality matches work best).

2) Add a few drops of watter, and stir until youget a paste.

3) Take a pice of paper of 1"x3" inches and fold it into a V legnth-wise.

4) Spread the paste on the paper evenly and fold completley.


This fuse is easy to make and works well, if covered with paper tape it is watter-proof, it doesent producea flame, but its good for linking other fuses and fireworks together.


I use this for under-watter firecrackers.

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Crushing matches? Not a good idea. Cut off some matchheads, pack them in tape and give it a whack with a hammer and you'll know what I'm talking about.

Btw paper won't make any waterproofness.

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On the contrary, it works well, and you dont smash the matches you simply crush them with a new pencil with no point.

Its better using visco but I have no acces at al to chemichals or fuse or anything of that sort.

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On the contrary, it works well, and you dont smash the matches you simply crush them with a new pencil with no point.

Its better using visco but I have no acces at al to chemichals or fuse or anything of that sort.

so what do you do? i doubt it beats visco.

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I cant get a hold onto black powder, at least not yet, but right now I only have acces to matches :(

I know how you feel it sucks and how come you can't

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I think there has been some misunderstandings.


Crazyboy: He didn't say it beats visco, but that he uses it because he can't get visco.


Crackerdan: Pudi wasn't asking if you whack them with a hammer, but showing you that matches are friction/impact sensitive and if you were to whack them with a hammer under the confinement of paper you'll get a report.

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I pretty mutch knew that but I use cheap matches or low quality because they are less friction sentitive, I made a match bomb the other day (look it up on you tube) and I hit it with a block of cement and nothing happened, had to shoot it with a pellet gun before it exploded.
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I just tested a "match fuse" witch i used a lot of matches on, and i allmost burnt my hand, i think the burning rate is determined by the ammount of match powder, the more you use the faster the fuse, so it's better to experement at first and not using so mutch match powder.


in other words its possibe to make slow burning fuse and really fast burning fuse with the formula above, by just altering the ammount of "match powder".

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The amount of *confinement* for the "match powder" is more a determining factor in whether it burns or explodes, than the amount used.


I suggest you read a LOT more on this forum to get an idea of what you're playing with.


Just FYI. We here at APC want you to be, and STAY, safe.


What you are doing is both VERY dangerous and, I believe, VERY illegal.


And I *KNOW* that a "match bomb" is illegal no matter where (in the US anyway) you live, unless you have a license to manufacture high explosives. Even then, it may be illegal. And the Feds have no sense of humor about that sort of thing.



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i agree also if you cant make anything other than match rockets you have no chemicals and your only fuse is from match heads what are you going to light with this fuse? just out of curiosity where do you live that you cant get anything?
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i live in mexico, and here you can only get illeagle fireworks or matterial, i hink even spakelors are illeagle here, darn it :angry: .


but still, at least i got somthing. ^_^

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Black match made from cotton tape (i.e. Flat cotton string :rolleyes: ). Picks up more BP, larger surface are so faster burning.


I'm basicly looking for something that would work VERY well in quickmatch, my normal quickmatch requiers a couple of inches to get going, this is not acceptable when making top fused shells.


Just looking for some opinions.



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Black match made from cotton tape (i.e. Flat cotton string :rolleyes: ). Picks up more BP, larger surface are so faster burning.


I'm basicly looking for something that would work VERY well in quickmatch, my normal quickmatch requiers a couple of inches to get going, this is not acceptable when making top fused shells.


Just looking for some opinions.



I use 2 sticks of black match in my quickmatch, never had any failures, and it "gets going" instantly. I have also tried cotton wick sold for making candles, it works well but is pretty expensive compared to regular cotton twine.

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I'd just like to say that this stuff (blackmatch made from cotton tape) is insanely fast, i was almost thrown on my ass ligting a 5cm piece. Self propelled, huge fire anvelope, excelent :)



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Crackerdan, I suggest you stop discussing match bombs and matchfuse and such. It's not real pyro, and is just plain stupid. Rule 10 may be of interest to you. I might emphasize the word intelligent. If you can't find chemicals in mexico, you arn't looking hard enough. Chances are, I'd say you're about 13 or 14 as well. Read around here, maybe you'll learn something and prevent yourself from being injured. From your posts, I cringed about 3 times.


If you insist on discussing match fuse, and specifically match bombs, I'm going to suspend your posting privelages so all you can do is read. It might do you some good.

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