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I took Mumbles' advice and made a thread dedicated to Fuse!


Post what kind of Fuse you use. If you don't use fuse, and use another alternative that's pretty close to fuse such as string or certain plastic fuses etc.. Post them!

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Spollettes for aerial timing, saettine type fusing for small display items, and blackmatch for anything else (QM and other fusing needs)


Wow, i'm independent of visco, feels nice.

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I tested powdered KNO3/sugar rammed into a rubber pipe yesterday. Worked like a charm, burnt very violently and long. And fully concealed. I am going to test it with a device today.
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I have a complete fetish for fuse! I have hundreds of feet of american in green and red, I find the american best for small shells, and inserts. The American never blows out in the air and needs only light priming. This is the most versatile fuse, and the most dependable, although the 1/8" chinese is RIGHT behind it.


The 1/16" chinese and 1/18" chinese is nice, The 1/8" chinese is good for small shells in my cakes and is actually a great fuse, I use it in my rockets as well. The 1/16" fuse is only good for one thing in my opinion, stargun shots. Maybe a few other limited uses, but it goes out if you make a ground device and throw it!


I have quick visco, which I use in my rockets to ignite the header when the motor burns out. I find its good for the fuse in a double voice cracker, as you can ram a 1/2" clay plug and the fuse will burn though it before it comes back to the ground. I may also use it on small shells as leaders.


Of course the 1/4" Japanese time fuse I use for shells, its a great fuse! I just prime it with a slurry and dip into 4fa powder, I do not crossmatch.


Making blackmatch and quickmatch is of course essential for shell leaders for me. I get the 4 ply cotton yarn and pull the threads apart and dip each one individually. This makes thin match which I can fit 3-4 into a QM pipe.


Ropefuse from cannonfuse that burns superslow is fun, although I don't see much use in it. I got it just to check it out.


I had some of the gold crackling fuse, but I burned it all up pretty fast! I would like to get more of that, in every color, as well as the falling leaves in every color, flying fish and paper fuses. I am sure they will look nice in a few small shells in a cake.


I have not yet tried any spollettes.

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I've been thinking forever on a way to make good reliable fuse. I don't have my materials and chems where I am now but maybe someone would like to try this out? Or maybe it has been done already?


A play off the Chinese paper fuses... Take a strip of tissue paper and fold it in half lengthwise to form a V. Now mix up some meal powder and Nitrocellulose Lacquer and paint this down the crease of the folded V tissue paper with a small hobby paint brush. A 1-2mm coating of the meal+NC mix would probably be good. Now twist this up like a fuse with your fingers from the ends and place weights on either ends of the fuse to keep it from unraveling. Let this dry and harden. Now hopefully this will burn in confinement and work like a great fuse. I'm not sure though because I have not tested this. If it works then maybe you could go even further and coat the fuse in NC lacquer to make it waterproof.


Tell me what you guys think!

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Well im an english bodger.


So i use home made black match, like in this picture:



I've never had a problem with it, except if the surface is wet, and your device falls over. :rolleyes:

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I used to make it the same way, but it is hassle to pull it through the hole because it clumps up etc...I use my fingers to wipe off the excess and it works just fine.
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Well i use Spollettes for devices which require accurate timing and for all the other devices i use sticky match,black match and sparklers.


Dont really have anything else to use as a fuse :(

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I can't remember the diameters, but i have the cheap chinese uncoated visco that is really flexible, normal chinese visco, american visco, and jap. time fuse, all from cannonfuse.com I should be getting some flying fish and/or falling leaves fuse from skylighter soon, yellow and green i think.


I think i remember reading something about "intermetallic fuse" a few months ago, i would think that it would be very thin almost threads of metals like Mg and Fe braided or spun together and binded, it would be hard to light, but it would burn very hot.

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hey is my first post !! I show my uncoated black match :


Sometime I use sparkler for ground effect :


or e-match :


for roman candle or such :


but for me the mest fuse is e-match.

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Well, I have handled both american and chinese fuse. American fuse I find to be a waste of money. Maybe if you wanted to do something underwater, or something that pushes the fuse a LOT, I suggest chinese 1/8" visco. It's cheap, lights easily, and is pretty flexible.


Another thing, if you light the american visco with a lighter, there is a good possibility that it will catch fire, which is really bothersome. And, the american viso also leaves a really hot glowing ember after it burns.

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I use regular visco and when I'm out of that I get little coffe straws and ram black powder in to there. Works like a charm and is really reliable also i use these straws as an extra space fillers in shells and you see them zip around in the air for quite awhile. But there are really nice. You guys should try it sometime.
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Improvised flying fish fuse, i like the idea, ill have to try it whenever i get my chemicals and have time...
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has any of you people tried KMmO4 +S silicon fuse?

I want to know how efficient it is befor i make it

or maby KClO3 + sugar fuse?

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No I havn't but always been interested in it. I got some syringes I could use I guess the only thing that has stopped me is the annoying staining nature of KMnO4.
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I'd be careful with chlotare/sugar. Not that it *explodes* on mixing like armstrongs, worst case it burns/flashes off if ground together (!) in a mortar. I would rather be afraid of the mix quickmatching if not perfectly compact, i.e. there being voids in it for flame propagation. It burns a little too fiercely for my taste as a delay comp, and combined with the high pressure exponent... maybe I am too careful here, but *one* quickmatching matchhead-cracker delay (internal cracks? Been moist?) was more than I needed in my life.


Try chlorate/starch with a little hot water. Takes drying time but sets rock hard, burning layer-wise only. Must be pressed in tubes (real straw) since it is brittle, but binding with a silicone (like above) or a 2-compound PU resin works well. This way it dries *inside* of air-tight devices (plastic straw), unlike silicone that needs air, and it only needs a day no matter how much is used. Think AP composite rockets! :)

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I saw some noobs the other day and they just had strings coated with gas.. It was the stupidest fucking thing ive ever seen... :rolleyes:
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hey hey i dont know about the string coated with gas :huh:

i absolutly dont know about it !!.for me personnaly i more love homemade visco fuse because is more easyest to make than

silicon fuse.so watch out with your language i am innocent :unsure:

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I used to use rubber bands bank in the day (not advisable) ;)


Now I have American 1/16", 1/8", Chinese 1/16", 1/8", 1/32", Japanese 1/4" timefuse, blackmatch, kraft quickmatch, slow PIC, E-matches, and finally, Wasag.


Just waiting for some lovely flying fishies to complement my collection..... Chaz? :rolleyes:

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I used to use rubber bands! they just used to cover whatever you were trying to light in molten rubber. Nowadays I use touch paper for fountains and other small devices where not much heat is needed, black match for smaller holes and rockets and E Matches for things where i dont want to be too close to the device!


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yeah :lol: string coated with fule this is so lame....


i read that text about silicon fuse on frogfots website but i wanted to know if sombody has some experience with this fuse


home made visco is not easy to make as silicon

because to make home made visco you need to build a machine and for silicon fuse you just need a injecto...

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I know Quest tried the KMnO4 based silicon fuse,ask him about it...


Anyway thats very cheap fuse...the silicon costs about 20 shekels,i think you should try it after you talk to Quest.

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