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how do you dry overly wet parlon stars

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rolled 2 batches of parlon stars


1st batch i only used my mist bottle to spray & sprinkle & these stars burn quickly, ~2secs


2nd batch i got lazy & after using 1/2 the comp i started pouring acetone in my roller


seemed like a harmless idea at the time but now those stars burn very slowly, 5-6secs.


will they ever dry out or is the moisture locked in


is there anything i can do to encourage faster drying




It sounds like you might have done too thick of a layer. Particularly with acetone bound stars, the outside of the star can dry solid and leave the core still wet if there is enough difference between the inside of the new layer and the outside.


yep sounds like the moisture is locked in. just keep waiting or use a drying box the excess moisture will dry up eventually. might take a week or two.

Stars like that I would set aside and forget about them for a few weeks. They do dry out but not quickly.

Moisture being "locked in" can happen easily with stars where water is used for the solvent (various charcoal formulas really come to mind), although I have never heard of it happening to stars where acetone is used (acetone evaporates so fast!), I guess it's possible. Either way, it's already been said; leave them sit out in the open for a good long while. You can test them out by breaking one open and checking for wetness or the strong smell of acetone.


The acetone will evaporate over a week or so.


I've never really heard of acetone bound stars being driven in the same way as water. Certain binder combos with acetone can definitely skin over though and slow the evaporation considerably. Shellac is probably the worst binder I've experienced for this.

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