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magnalium/strobe pot HELP

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HELP i ordered 1 pound of magnalium from firefox for a strobe composition unfortunatly they had to send me half a pound of magnalium with half a pound of magnisium shreds mixed in. i was screening the mix with a windowe screen which got out all but a couple very small peices. a friend was worried that the small bits of magnisium would comprimise the reaction but i dont think so please help/advise thanx
Its just fine. Use it.
I had the same thing happen to me, and all of my strobe pots and stars work fine for me.
Magnesium has produced better strobes for me than Magnalium. Remember, the coarser the mesh, the slower it strobes, so you can tune your strobe speed with the mesh size. I like 100 mesh the best, cycles in red form at about 90 hz.
Do you mean 9 hz? I don't think the human eye could even discern 90hz. A hz is cycles per second, so perhaps you have it in cycles per minute or something.
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